
Reborn : Naruto

Adam Sanders is a 17 year old boy that have a normal life until he gets hit by a car. Adam Sanders gets transportet into a new world slowly regaining some of hes memorys

Jater_Black · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 4 The Academy

Hirose starts hes day normally. He wakes up, eat some breakfest and changes to hes clothes and gets ready for the day.

Hirose starts packing stuff that he would need at the academy, kunais and shurikens, and starts to get moving to the academy.

Nothing happens on there. Hirose gets to the academy and sees a sign that says


Hirose follows the sign and finds a group of people at hes age and he sees the hokage getting ready to make a speech. Many people have come to see the new konoha 11 students. Hirose casually walks to the group of people at hes age.

"Then all of the Konoha 11 students gave arrived here today and we are going to have a roll call. Is Sakura Haruno here?"

"Yes I am" Hirose hears a girl with pink hair raising her hand.

"Ino Yamanaka?"

"Im here" Hirose sees a blond girl to the right of the pink haired one.

This goes on for a while until the hokage says:

"Sasuke Uchiha?"

This gets Hirose's mind because he remembered the uchiha from the main family staring at him while Fugaku was kicking Hirose.

"I'm here" Sasuke said

"And finally Hirose Kikuyu"

"Whatever" Hirose said without caring

"Then I will introduce your new teacher Iruka"

"Hello everyone" Iruka said with a smile on hes face. "I will now lead you to your new classroom if you follow me here"

Iruka leads us to an empty classroom.

"Alright take your seats and we will begin your first lesson"

Hirose sat alone atbone of the seats in the back.

(I will skip very much about the academy because there is not really much that happens here.)


2 years later

Another boring lesson Hirose thought to himself. He started walking home as usuall. He ran to hes house to get some kunais and shuriken so he could start training. Hirose have started to train the manipulated shuriken jutsu which is that he puts strings on hes shuriken and controlls them Hirose. He trains for some hours with hes shurikens and after that Hirose started to train hes mist technique and he was actually very close to mastering it. Hirose almost don't use any chakra at all.

It was getting dark outside so Hirose decides to go home. Hirose gets home and when he takes the first step entering hes house Hirose fells uncounscius.

Hirose wakes up in another home. He recognizes the home and then someone walks to sits next to a computer. He watch the weird anime called "Naruto". Why would he want to watch someone that isn't so strong? In the series they where talking about the uchiha massacre. Uchiha massacre? What was that, why would they be massacred. The uchiha was a strong clan. It was so many questions going throught hes head when he noticed that the boy watching searched something on hes computer. It was "when was the uchiha massacre?". It was supposed to be tomorrow? How would he survive that. It must be someone very strong. Hirose must flee konoha. That would be hes only chance of survival. Everything went black for Hirose. A couple of hours later Hirose woke up at the floor in hes own house this time.

Hirose will now pack stuff that he will need and that is shuriken, kunais, food, water and clothes. He will after that go north to some smaller nation and stay there for as some time to train. After that one year he will return to konoha and start the academy to graduate as a genin.

Hirose starts executing hes plan by going north. He starts running fast into the woods with all hes stuff until Hirose finds a cave. He decides to stay the night there.

The morning comes and Hirose wakes up. He is a little sleepy but he must proceed and get as far away from the leaf village as possible. Hirose packs hes stuff and are already off. Hirose goes at hes full speed to get to a village that he can stay in.

Hirose runs the hole day until he sees a village. Hirose walks in the village to see that the village is very poor. They where many street children and adults, the houses was broken and it would probobly mean that it is a crime city. Hirose understands that he will need to steal to survive. With Hiroses Hiding in the mist technique he can take money and flee at the same time. Hirose enters the village and some people start starring at him. It isn't many people oitside right now and most of them lives on the streets. This was kind of a good village for hirose because it wouldn't be many people that recognizes the sharingan, if it where another village people would know more about the sharingan and that could make him at a disadvantage. Hirose will not be able to sleep in this village because he dont have money to afford any rooms at hotels and sleeping in the streets is dangerous for a child. He will need to find another cave or something but he can't think about that now.