
Reborn : Naruto

Adam Sanders is a 17 year old boy that have a normal life until he gets hit by a car. Adam Sanders gets transportet into a new world slowly regaining some of hes memorys

Jater_Black · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 5 Back To The Leaf Village

*meanwhile at the academy*

Narutos POV

After having a good nights sleep Naruto goes to school. He gets there and sits on the bench were he always sits.

"Did you know? The entire Uchiha clan was massacred"

"Yeah, I know I know"

"It looks like he is the only surviver"

Naruto was listening to their conversation. Naruto was feeling that he had something in common with someone for the first time in a long time. Naruto goes back to hes bench and realized that Hirose was gone. No one was questions that and everyone is focused on the Uchiha massacre.

"Iruka sensei, where is Hirose?"

Everyone started to look were Hirose usually sits. They see no one.

"Uhmm. Hirose isn't here today because that he have moved away from here." Iruka sensei was sweating right now "Anyways let's start the class"

Sasukes POV

So much was going throught hes head right now. Hes hole clan had been slaughtered and hes parents have been murdured right in front of hes eyes and on top of that one of hes classmates had dissapeared. Sasuke knew that it had been something about the uchiha massacre that made hes classmates dissapear. But why. Hirose wasn't a uchiha was he?. He can't be but why did he disappear the day after the uchiha massacre.

Sasuke dad have always told sasuke to not go to the east outskirts of the uchiha clans territory. Sasuke wondered if it had something to do with that. He decided to investigate the hole east side of the village when the class has ended.

A couple of hours later Sasuke walks to the east of the uchihas territorium. Hes plan was to check out some houses to both get something to eat and look for things that could lead to Hiroses



A couple of months later

Hiroses POV

Hirose have been living in poverty for a long time and he have decided to go back to the hidden leaf village. He doesn't have many stuff becuse most of them have been either stolen or consumed. The only different from Hirose from then and Hirose now is that Hirose now is better at using kunais and shuriken. He is also much stronger physically beacause he have been needing to defend himself from others and can now use a two tomoe sharingan at will.

The next day Hirose starts to head over to the hidden leaf village. It isn't any border controll at the hidden sound village so he just runs outside. The time to get to the hidden leaf village is around 2 hours. Nothing much happens on the way there and he gets to the hidden leafs entrance.

"What are your business here kid" A male said

Hirose knew that it was the border control.

"I have business with the hokage." Hirose said that and started to show hes sharingan.

"I understand." the same man said "Take care of the border control while I show this kid to the hokages place. Come here child. Follow me."

Hirose followed the leaf ninja to the hokages place. They entered throught the door to the hokages place and gets to the hokages office.

"So what do we have here?"

"I am Hirose Kikuyu. One of the last uchihas alive if I am not wrong."

The hokages eyes widen.


"The night before the slaughter I fled the village to the hidden sound. I have been living in poverty this hole time and I have decided to return for the village."

"You are totally welcome to the village but may I ask a question" the hokage have recovered from the shock "Why did you decide to come back to the village"

"I came back because I knew that after this long time everything have stabilized and now would be a good time to return because it is the safest time"

"I understands" the hokage thinks of the situation "you are totally welcome back to the village. I would want you to keep a low profile until tomorrow when we will introduce you to your old classmates again. You can return to your old home again were you can feel home again."


Hirose gets out of the hokages office and starts to head to hes old home again. Living in hes house will probobly feel the same because he was always living alone. He enters the uchiha territory to meet someone that he recognizes.

"Who are you and what are your business here."

It was someone from hes age.

"None of your business. Please let me pass here."

"Not until you say your business." The kid looks very irritated

"Fine then." Hirose dont want to argue because he feels tired. "I am Hirose Kikuyu and I'm going home. Now let me pass"

"Stop lying to me Hirose is gone. Start telling the truth or I will make you."

"Please tell me your name kid" Hirose is getting irritated by argue with this kid

"I am sasuke Uchiha and I am the last uchiha alive."

"Ahh Sasuke I rerember you now. You want one tip? Your one of the last uchihas alive. Keep your identity a secret. If people knew they would come for you, or rather your eyes."

After Hirose says that he starts walking to hes house. Sasuke doesn't say a word but he follows Hirose.

Hirose notices this and says:

"It kind of feels good not being the last one alive" Hirose says this trying to get sasukes attention "I have been living by myself in another village this hole time. Many things have happened there. You don't need to hide from me. We have gone trought almost the same thing except that you were closer to the clan than i have been"

Sasuke comes out.

"How did you know that would happen"

"I cant say it outside. It is too risky. I'll say when we get to my house."

They walk for a while until they comes to a house on the outskirts of the uchiha territory.

They enter the house and Hirose starts walking to hes bed.

"The night before the slaughter I was training. Before I tell you this I need to say something to you. You need to promise me to not tell anyone about this. Promise on the uchihas name."

"I promise" Sasuke was starting to get a sweat a little

"I was walking home from training and when I stepped in my house I fainted. When I was unconscius I started to dream about another world. Another reality. It was one boy that was looking at a series. I don't know the series name but in the series they were looking at a world exactly like our, they said taht a tradigy would happen and kill all uchihas. I dont know why it would happen but I knew that it was true for some reason."

Sasuke was speachless.

"I think it is time for you to go home. We will see eachother in the academy tomorrow. "


Sasuke left and Hirose starts cleaning hes house. When he was done he went to sleep.

Hirose wakes up with a lot of energi and he starts to get ready for the academy. He puts on some of hes old clothes because he doesn't have any new and good ones.

When he gets there he gets to the academy

"Hello" It was hes old teacher "I am Iruka sensei. I hope you understands me. I will lead you to class now"

Without saying a word he goes to the class.

"Hello everyone" Iruka says with a smile "Today we are having a student coming back to our class. Say hi Hirose."

"Hi" Hirose says it as nonchalant as he can.

He takes a seat at the back of the class as he normally did in the classes before. Everyone starts starring at Hirose and starts to whisper. He can't hear what they are whispering about but he knew that they would start spreading rumors. When they get a break from the class some people goes to Hirose. They startet to ask questions like. Where have you been, why did you leave and does your leave have anything to do with the uchiha massacre.

"I dont need to tell you anything." It was short and easy enought that people went back to their seats. They glares didn't stop because of that. On the other hand they started to stare and whisper about him even more. But he could hear some girls talk about him. How irritating.

After the class Hirose went to a training ground when he notices some girls following him. He doesn't have time to take the trash out and he knew that they would not leave even if he told them to do so. Hirose started to do shuriken training by training with wirers on the shuriken and trying to controll them so much as he can. After about an hour Hirose uses hes hidden in the mist jutsu and leaves the girls by running to the library. He needs to study to learn what he have missed during this monthes. After thirty minutes the fangirls come and Hirose leaves to go home.

Hirose meets sasuke on the way home.

"How can you stand being with so many fangirls. They are everywhere"

"Haha you get used to them after a while"

"I really hope so" Hirose was a little happy having someone to talk to.


One and a half year later

Everyone have passed the test shadow clone to become a genin except Naruto. He have failed 2 times already and can't fail the last attempt.

Hirose knows this and knows about this kid. He is just like him. An orhpan. He decides to write a note to naruto. on the note it says "Meet me at training ground 7 now ". Naruto just looks at Hirose but he keeps walking away. Hirose knows that Naruto will go after him to the training ground. From the academy it isn't a long way to the training ground. Hirose sees Naruto coming. Finally.

"Why did you want to meet me?" Naruto asks

"I am going to teach you how to do the shadow clone jutsu."

"Really?" Narutos face lightens up

After around 30 minutes Naruto is able to do 5 shadow clones.

"Thank you so much Hirose" Naruto says

"Don't tell anyone that I trained you. I only did it because you are an orphan like me. Now leave before someone comes"

Naruto nods and does as Hirose says. Hirose doesn't have anything to do so he goes home and call it a day.

The next day Hirose is sitting at class when Naruto is going to show hes shadow clone jutsu for Iruka and Mitsuki. Naruto was able to do 5 clones and he passes the test.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. I kind of have no ideas to write about and that is why this chapter took so long to make. I also wonder how much of the original story I will change and what I will retain. I am very sorry about not uploading much but it is much that comes in the way like school and I will try to update the story as much as I can. I hope you understands

Jater_Blackcreators' thoughts