
Reborn : Naruto

Adam Sanders is a 17 year old boy that have a normal life until he gets hit by a car. Adam Sanders gets transportet into a new world slowly regaining some of hes memorys

Jater_Black · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 3 Before The Academy

Eleven month passes by. It is now 1 month before Hirose will start the academy. Hirose now have mastered the transformation jutsu, body replacement jutsu, waterwalking, tree walking and also become better at throwing shuriken and kunais. The only thing that hirose needs to train right now is hand to hand combat but he can't find an opponent because everyone in the uchiha clan hates him for being an orhpan. He then goes to the library again to study some more when he sees a book that he haven't seen before. The books name was chakra natures. Hirose looks at the book and wonders what the book is about. The first thing that is written in the book is

(skip this part if you already know about chakra natures)

" The five chakra natures represent the five elements. Fire, wind, lightning, earth and water. Each individual have at least 1 chakra nature. It is rare that 1 person have more than 1 chakra natures. You can learn other chakra natures even if you don't have that chakra nature. It is just that it is harde to learn it. To know what chakra nature you have you pour your chakra into a chakra paper. If you have the ligtning affinity the paper will scramble. If you have wind your paper will be teared apart. If you have fire your paper will burn. If you have water your paper will get wet. If you have rock your paper will crumble. "

Hirose gets curius of what chakra nature he have so he goes out of the library and runs to a weapon shop. He asks for a chakra paper from the man that works there.

"It will cost you 50¥" The man says.

"Okay here" Hirose says paying the man much of hes yen.

Hirose runs to hes home as fast as he can to see what chakra nature he have.

He opens the door and jumps on top off hes bed. Hirose pours some chakra in the paper and the paper scrambles and gets wet. Does that mean that I have 2 affinitys? Hirose thought to himself that that was the truth. Hirose started to do some reseach about the chakra natures that he had. First he started to do some research about the water chakra nature. Hirose started looking for different jutsus that he probobly would be able to do at hes level when he sees a D rank jutsu. The jutsu is Hiding in the mist. Hirose looks up what hand seals that he needs to do. He goes to the forest to start training. He starts doing the hand seals and a mist comes out. Hirose is suprised that he could do the jutsu at the first try. The mist that he created is not thick and it costs a lot off chakra. Hirose understands that it will take quite a while for him to master this jutsu. After some more tries he gets out of chakra. He decides to call it a day and try again tomorrow.

When Hirose was on the way home something popped up on hes mind. Why haven't he trained with hes sharingan. Hirose was thinking so much about new jutsus that he can learn that he forgot about the sharingan. Hirose decided to train with hes sharingan and he decided to study the sharingan at the same time. Hirose will still train with hes mist but hes sharingan would be hes number one priority.

the next day

Hirose wakes up early in the morning and the first thing he does when he woke up was to go to the library. Hirose finds a book about the sharingan and started to pour chakra into hes eyes. With hes sharingan activated he reads much faster and learns the sharingans abilitys. When he was done with the book he was thinking that he had pretty good check about the sharingans abilitys. He then goes home to eat and train with hes mist jutsu.

On the way home Hirose was thinking about if he would get another last name because he have never really been an uchiha. Hirose have saved money that he got from the hokage every month and the clan has always seen him as an outcast and Hirose always thought that he wasn't like any uchiha.

Hirose gets home and start eating some breakfest. He was still considerintmg the choice to gain a new identidy. He saw more better things gaining a new identity then not doing it. If he wanted to switch hes identity he needed to switch more than just the name. He will get a new outfit and a new personality. It was mean't so no one would know about him. Hirose finnished hes breakfest and went out to train hes mist technique.

Hirose trained for about 3 hours and then was out of chakra. The next thing he does is to go a barber.

"Can you make my hair permanent white?"

"Why would you want to do that at a young age. Doesn't your parents think that it is a bad idea?"

"I don't have parents. This works as a I pay you and you do what I say." Hirose said it with cold tone.

"Sure" the barber said a little creeped out.

About 30 minutes later Hirose walks out with a hair color the same as Kakashi.

He then goes to the hokages office to get a new surname. He gets there and gets a time to meet the hokage. Hirose casually waits outside the hokages office until the times comes and he goes to change hes name.

"Hello there my child" the hokage says to Hirose

"Hi" Hirose says it a little bit irritated. " I am here to chang my surname."

"Why would you want to do that?"

"Personal reasons" Hirose says " I want to change from Utchiha to Kikuyu"

"Alright then you will need to sign some papers first"

Hirose reads the papers very carefully to not miss anything inportant and then signs it.

"Now your official name is Hirose Kikuyu"

"Thank you" Hirose says it and then goes outside.

Hirose starts a walk in some shopping centers and buy some new clothes that he could wear. He chooses black pants with red stripes on them, a white t-shirt and a black jacket that he have ontop off the t-shirt.

Hirose then feels ready to start the academy.