
Reborn in the DC/Marvel

dont be to hard on me I am not a pro

Omni404_Sans · Movies
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torture started(school)

" So professor how the ride back there also bat old me, this will be a vacation, not some kind of hostage missions aint you guys some of those heroes that roam around here and there the man he came to your house full of people and just yoink you isn't this little sad."

Charles: "maybe itis sad but what is done it is done we can't do anything much"

When we came back to the mansion I put Charles down as soon as I got back to my normal form Raven hugged me.

Raven: "Didn't I tell you to not leave me behind"

"You didn't"

Raven: "well now I did so you cant leave me ok"

"I was just roasting some old dude nothing dangerous"

X-Man listening to this almost cough blood that man almost killed them and a kid is talking like it was a walk on beech it was hard for them to listen to this conversation.

"We still have time lets get some ice cream before it is dark"

Raven: "Great idea"

Charles: "But how will you hide you rl..."

we cast illusion and now we look like normal people Charles's jaw almost hit the ground comically.

Charles: "Wha what did you two do how can you turn back to human?"

I looked at him and blankly said"Ilusion magic"

Charles: "what magic?"

"Yea like fireballs and so on you know classic stuff"

Charles: "Magic is real?"

Raven: "Old man you do realize that you can literally control people with your mind and white princes ower their lightning"

Charles: "Good point but can you still use your powers?"

"Yea now let's go the store will close soon"

Raven: "Coming"

she hugged me again I don't know why does she love hugging me so much that we teleported to the store to get ice cream we spend some time walking around the town and the whole time Raven and I held hands she wouldn't let go of me then we returned back to the mansion and get to our beds.

In the morning I felt someone hugging me from my back when I turned around I saw Raven hugging me she then woke up.

"Uncomfortable bed"

She looked at me and said

Raven: "Yap plus you are warm"

"Ok so we should get ready we will have classes today"

Raven: "Do I really have to go?"

"If I must suffer you must with me"

Raven: "You are evil"

"Well I am a demon after all haha"

we laughed a bit then she teleported back to her room but I noticed a sad expression when she let go of me probably because she lost her heater AKA me well time for tort* cough* classes. Raven and I entered the class at the same time all the classmates looked at us and the chocolate queen was our teacher I said my name first.

"Hello, there my name is Astral Trinity I will be here with you for some time one more thing whoever tries to harm Rachel will be turned to ash that is all from me."

The classroom was quiet and all the boys that showed lust stopped after my little speech Rachel only smiled.

Rachel: "Hello I am Rachel nice to meet you all"

And that is how our torture started we will be tortured every morning from 6 all the way to 15 this is hell but I lowed the face Logan made when I trowed him like a sack of potatoes it was hilarious I threw him into the lake and he came out with some algs on his head Rachel and I laughed so hard that some students looked at us and started to laugh themselves when they saw logan he was in bad mood the whole day and was basically bullying other students.

Rachel and I got really close she still keeps sneaking into my bed and hugging me whenever she can.

(Rachel/Raven POV)

"from the start when we came here all the girls looked Astral all the time and showed a lot of lust I got some kind of danger fealing from them so I decided to be close to him I also noticed that he only spoke openly with me and ignored other girls sewen so some of them are much prettier than me this made me happy for some reason when he left me to go save professor it made me sad because he didn't bring me with him.

Whan, he returned my body mowed on his own and I hugged him he was warm and it felt good when I hugged him knowing that other girls showed killing intent towards me I didn't care. Tonight I decided to see how it is to sleep beside someone so I sneaked inside his bed and hugged him from the back and he was really warm as soon as I hugged him I started falling asleep I newer fell asleep so fast and I felt safe being beside him.

In the morning I woke up he was looking at me I am so embarrassed what will he think of me now but his question confused me somehow he asked me if my bed was uncomfortable I decided to transfer with yes but what escaped my mouth was that I said that he was warm and I didn't let go of him all this time I just noticed he just said ok and said that we must get ready for our first class when I teleported I felt sad for losing the warm I felt.

In the classroom, we started introducing ourselves he started first and I felt a lot of lust from males and females too it was strange but when he told me that whoever hurt me will be turned to dust his ora was scary but everyone was silent and all the lust disappeared.

It was pretty funny when he threw Logan into the lake and he came out with some seagrass was it that I didn't know but it was pretty hilarious

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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