
Reborn In MHA With PSI

A man is reborn in the world of My Hero Academia and forced to bear the burdens of his predecessors. Thankfully he has a solid quirk and an enchanted gift to see him through. Watch as he nukes the world timeline down the shitter and dominates his hero academia. MaybeHarem.MaybeNot.Whoknows. edit, 28 july, 2021 : the fic is completed. though i may rewrite the alst couple of chapters later to make them better. please give this fic a try if you feel like it! :-)

GoldFinger · Anime & Comics
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123 Chs

Wholesome 100

In the aftermath of the attack, I was shifted to a local hospital and treated by recovery girl.

After another scolding and three day suspension, the independent hero work program ended, we returned to UA.

Finally, with some free time on my hands, I decided to do what I hadn't in the past 8 months.

Be a good boyfriend for once.

And to that end, I was taking Himiko and the kids to MHA's equivalent of Disneyworld.

Which was also conveniently called Disneyworld.

The only difference was the superpower themed fairy tale movie instead of the usual magical ones.

The wicked witch didn't use a poison apple, she used a poison quirk.

The big bad wolf had a mutant quirk, and the prince charming was an All Might-esque superhero, complete with the annoying smile.

And boy was this place obnoxious.

I mean the kids loved it, with Eri even sporting a rare full smile.

And I guess that made it worth it.

It was high time this depressed little baby got some smiles in her.

"Papa! Papa! Lets go on the roller coaster!" Haruto chirped, pulling on my sleeve.

"Yes, hold on. Let me get a ticket first." I said, turning to the guy at the counter.

"Four tickets please, two adults, two kids."

"What do you want to ride first Eri-chan?" Himiko asked.

"Pinwheel!" Eri replied, looking around madly, taking in every bit of the experience.

"You mean the ferris wheel?" Himiko corrected.

"Umu!" Eri nodded.

This was her first time in any place like this.

Overhaul had kept her under tight lock and key, so her only escape was through the television in her room.

And with the prevalence of ferris wheels in the precure and magical girl anime she liked to watch, it had become the focus of her park experience.

Well, that and the merry go round.

I handed the cashier the money as she gave me four armbands.

"Here, put them on. And don't lose them please. You'll have to pay an extra reissuance fee." The cashier said.

"You heard the man. Come here, Haruto." I said, putting the armband on him, before using Awase's Weld quirk to attach it to him.

No way in hell I'm paying that reissuance fee.

The bloody tickets already cost an arm and a leg.

And sure, I was a multimillionaire, but still! Money doesn't grow on tre- hold on a minute.

Oh no! No no no!

Penny pinching, this no shit attitude, my growing penchant for puns.

I have become my dad!


Guess that meme about dad jokes is true after all!

Seeing my expression Himiko figured out what I was thinking, and let out a small, cute chuckle.

Oh boy, that made me wanna kiss her right then and there.

No. Must resist the cute!

I stood up and gave Himiko a peck on her forehead before picking up Haruto in my arms and welded Eri's band to her one piece lily patterned frock.

"You wanna take Eri to the ferris wheel first? I'll take Haruto for a spin on the coaster." I suggested.

"No." Himiko said, and Eri crossed her arms in protest.

"We are not separating. It's very easy to get lost here. Have you seen the crowds? Besides, if I let you out of my site, you'll probably fly off to save someone or capture a villain again.

Not today, mister." Himiko pouted, linking her arm with mine.

"Today, you're not going anywhere."

"Yes! No running off!" Eri repeated.

Argh! So cute! I'm going to get diabetes at this rate!

I patted Eri's head, as she squeed cutely, as we walked over to the roller coaster, only to be greeted by the biggest game of choo choo train I'd ever seen.

Nope with a capital N.

That line's too long. Too damn long.

I can already see Haruto chewing my head off with 'when will we get there?'s.

"Ferris wheel it is!" I said, turning us right around.

The ferris wheel, thankfully wasn't as crowded.

We entered the chamber, as the wheel slowly turned, a soft jingle playing in the back ground.

Eri remained glued to the windows, watching the street become more and more distant.

"Papa, everyone looks so small from here!" Haruto said.

"Like dolls!" Eri added, giggling.

The view was truly breathtaking though. I mean I'd seen it while flying over the city but it's a whole different ballgame when you don't have to focus on not falling to your death.

The cityscape stretching out beneath us, the insectoid looking cars scuttling across the city, like bloodin it's veins, the shiny skyscrapers reaching for the clouds, now like stalactites..... it was beautiful.

Himiko clutched my hand, and transmitted an image of the city, a complex soup of emotions churning within her.

But most of all, I felt her love.

Love for the children, for her life, for this experience. And all through it, pervasive like smog in China, her overwhelming puppy love for me.

I couldn't help but reciprocate her affection, causing Himiko to jerk all of a sudden, tears of joy welling up in her eyes, as she jumped into my arms, grabbing me tight in a hug, kissing me on the lips.

It was then that I realised.

All the mental defenses and plans that preoccupied my mind had prevented me from noticing the obvious.

And it made sense now, all of it.

Her concern for my wellbeing, her constant worry, her lack of trust in my feelings for her, even as I proposed to her.

It was because in all the telepathic chat session we had had, I'd never shown her the tiniest bit of love, even while she practically bombed me with hers.

My telepathic signature was always cold, calculated and almost computerized, filtered through the over 500 mental protection trance programs I used as the bastion for my thoughts.

And in all that, I failed to consider what the recipients of my telepathy would feel like recieving it.

Fuck! I've really been a shit boyfriend, haven't I?!

I looked Himiko right in her big beautiful, watery eyes, so lizard like and full of life.

I was almost mesmerized, as if I was seeing Himiko for the first time again.

And boy oh boy, when that feeling of first love hit again, I was almost swept away with passion.

Almost, I say, because Gamer's Mind came in clutch, buzzing an alarm and dissipating all that emotion, putting the fire extinguisher to my blazing passion.

And there we go again.

Back to ground zero.

Fuck! Fucking fuckwad! Fuck all of it!

I was almost there. I WAS ALMOST-.

No. No. I'm still gonna do it.

I looked back at Himiko, noticing the small smile lines on her cheek, the tiny little curve of her lips, that one cute canine popping out in her smile.

"I'm so fucking sorry Himiko!" I said, cupping her face in my hands.

"I'm sorry I failed to reciprocate that love. I just didn't notice it till now, like the idiot I am.

But no more. I promise, Himiko, I'll- mmhmm!"

Himiko pulled me into another tearful kiss, as the salty taste of her tears laced my lips.

"You better, you idiot! Do you know how worried I was all this time. I thought you didn't love me at all.

That deep, dark cold side in you, it's scary, you know that!?" Himiko said, pounding my chest with her fist, before resting her head on it, as I caressed her, playing with her hair, no longer in those bunched up buns, but rather, in a more fuller straighter hime cut.

"You changed your hairstyle?" I asked.

Himiko looked up at me, aghast.

"You asshole! You just noticed that? I've had it changed for the past four months!" Himiko replied, slapping my shoulder.

"Hey! In my defense, they've been a busy four months. I've had stuff to deal with, y'know?" I protested.

"Yeah, I know. You do come home to me everyday after all.

I've seen what you've been through. And...it's okay. I forgive you. But only if you start to pay attention from now on. Relationships are two ways streets. Okay?" Himiko said.

"Yeah. Definitely." I said, pulling out a handkerchief and wiped her tears.

Thankfully, she didn't wear makeup, or else this would have turned her into a mascara monster.

Soon, we came full circle as the wheel descended, and we got off.

"Roller coaster time!" Haruto cheered, as he jumped out of the small cabin car, running off into the distance, towards the roller coaster.

"Haruto!" I shouted.

Instantly, he seized and teleported over.

"Yes Papa?" He asked.

Oh, you're such a good obedient boy!

I pinched his cheeks.

"Stick together. Don't wanna get lost, do ya?" I said.

"Uhun?" He replied, taking my hand and dragging me along.

Getting to the roller coaster, somehow, the line was even longer now than ot was before.

Damnit people, there are other attractioms here that are not the roller coaster.

For fuck's sake, I'm not waiting anymore.

I poured out massive amounts of Psi, so much so that Eri noticed it when it blotted out her quirk's stockpiling.

Transforming it into trance, I sent hundreds of invisible trance jacks into the crowds heads, giving them the impression that Captain Celebrity was in the park.

As they slowly began to disperse, I powerwalked my family right to the front and asked the confused looking park employee to let us in.

"What happened, is the ride broken or something?" I said, pointing to the departing crowd.

"It's something alright. Maybe there's some celebrity out there or some such. I heard some people shout Captain Celebrity's name, so maybe he's here for a special event?" The park employee answered.

"Well, all the better for us, eh? We get the ride all to ourselves!" I said, picking up Haruto as we walked onto the platform.

All in all, it was a great day, with a full 100% wholesome family time.

Of course, the non wholesome and extremely kinky bits happened afterwards in a separate hotel room, once the kids were fast asleep.

Even with the baby bump, Himiko was the best lay I'd ever had, the perfect mix of cute and sexy, especially in reverse cowgirl, if you know what I mean.

But then again, Himiko was the only one I'd done it with so it wasn't like I had another frame of reference here.

Though, that might change in the near future.



thanks for reading!

and give me them powerstones, and let's get to top ten.

its the last few chapters guys, id really like to get this fic in the top ten this time please!

come on!

we can do it!

also whatever happened to SagaLF11?

haven't seen him around in a while.

also the story's getting stale or something? how do i improve. tell me in the comments!


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