
Reborn in DC & Marvel world as supreme saiyan

A kind soul who lost everything in his life gets reincarnated into an apocalyptic dc & Marvel world with the body of the legendary saiyan and Gamer system......a world were darkside and Thanos had conquered everything and the remaining heroes are trying to resist them......can this new legendary saiyan be able to become their new hope? or will he become their greatest nightmare? warning ⚠️ there will be lot of mature themes in this novel including Gore and sex scenes also this a 'HAREM' novel so be warned.

The_Neo_force · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 3 : Birth of a 'Supreme Saiyan'

Inside the tower Kyle was on his knees his right leg had be cut off along with his right arm blood was oozing from the wounds


A number of goblins surrounded him and laughed at their prey but Kyle wasn't scared he took out a pouch of bull urine and poured it on his head the goblins smelling the sent wet crazy and rushed towards him in group they mindlessly swarmed him and started eating his flesh

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" Kyle screamed as he was being eaten alive but he still had a devilish grin on his face then


His body exploded killing all the goblins eating his body

[ Death count : 91, Tower floor : 2 ]

A few meters away from the goblins Kyle respawned this was his 91th time dying inside the dungeon, it's already been 6 months since he entered the tower the first floor didn't have any monsters instead it was filled with various traps he nearly died 30 times in that floor itself but it's not completely useless he got lot of benefits which will help him clear the 2nd floor which is a goblin liar

In those six months he figured if he wants to climb higher in the tower he needs to think like a hunter rather than a fighter after dying few times against the goblins he started analysing their behaviour and weakness Goblins have low iq but they aren't completely mindless so he planned strategies accordingly some successful others failed leading to his death he used one such strategy just now to kill a bunch of Goblins he found out just like how humans like seasoned meat over raw meat the Goblin see meat dipped in bull piss as a delicacy they would mindlessly rush towards their prey as such he used the gunpowder bomb he found in the first floor to destroy them at once.... i have been struck here too long now it's time to clear this floor

He collected his thoughts and looked around he found a goblin corps nearby he used his knife to cut them and collect their blood then he applied it all over his body it's a similar but different strategy from before when goblins smell their own kind's blood stain on other creatures they completely loose themselves in anger and rush to kill that said creature no matter what

He climbed over a high plane and shouted

"oi ugly dick heads look doesn't the blood look familiar hahaha come get me if you can!"

While the goblins had no idea what he said they clearly recognised their kin's blood on his body all of them enraged rushed towards Kyle "yes, yes that's it you idiots follow me to your death!"

Kyle started running towards the place he made his arrangements the flock of Goblin rushed behind him and suddenly Kyle's movement became somewhat akward soon he tripped and fell down seeing this the goblins excited rushed towards him even faster unfortunately they never noticed the grin on his face and

Grab* grab* grab*

The dozens of gin traps he previously setup all fired at once almost all goblins had their feet struck between the iron jaws some of them were completely cut off




The entire area was filled with goblin screams but it wasn't over a barrel that was suspended above their heads using ropes fall..... crashed on to them and getting destroyed inside the barrel was oil that splashed across all their bodies that are currently immobilized by the gin traps

The goblins now realised that they fell in to the hunter's trap and was too late to escape, Kyle took the flame torch he place there before hand and thrown it towards the Goblins as they were unable to move and was covered in oil all of them had no choice but to be burned alive these traps were his Trump cards he took from the first floor

After setting them on fire Kyle walked away without looking back he didn't feel a shred of guilt it's a kill or be killed world the only thing he can do is try his best to survive in his eyes these Goblins are just monsters

[ You have cleared the 2nd floor of the tower]

After taking anything useful from this floor kyle need to go for the third floor, he took some minerals he found in the second floor which seems to be highly flammable if turned into powder he also took some goblin blood too I case it might be useful in the upper floors he also refilled his other necessities like water and meat and went towards the next floor

dying over 90 times had already started to put a toll on his mind he needs to finish this test soon else he might actually get his mind broken

Unfortunately for him he severely underestimated the god's tower each floor was much more tougher than the previous ones and the same strategy don't apply twice the third floor was a orc kingdom they were way more stronger and smarter than the orcs he had to come up with new strategies to defeat them

[ You have cleared 3rd floor of the tower]

[ Death count : 180 ]

He died 90 more times in 3rd floor alone and it took another 6 months to clear it there was no way he was able to defeat them in physical combat so kidnapped old orc and did research on them he used them as gunney pigs for testing poison he secreted poison from the venomous insects and snakes from the forest it took him several months to perfect the poison needed to kill the orc in an instant

Other than poison making he learned to use long range weapons like bows and bowguns with poison needles....yes gorilla warfare is what he used against the orcs that's why it took so long but Kyle can feel his instincts are getting sharper he's becoming more and more of a true predator

[ 4th floor cleared ]

[ 5th floor cleared ]

[ 6th floor cleared ]





He continued his path the floors continued to become harder and harder he lost count of how many times he died it was possibly over thousands of even ten thousand times he had experienced all forms of death, he was burned to death, died from disease, death by being ripped off, death from getting pierced, death from drowning if he remembered correctly he didn't even know how to swim in his previous life but now he's fighting sea monsters in the ocean Kyle can now confidently say he had broken all deep sea records made by divers

He also learned lot of other skills all kinds of survival skills same goes with his strategies after all he had been continuously fighting for several years or maybe even decades.....but even with all his skills he's still human an extremely powerful and dangerous one but...still a human, above floor 30 there were beings that can use magic or highly advanced species his strategies rarely worked against them his death count had also increased drastically even worse he was almost sealed at times these intelligent species was able to find a way to counter his respawn luckily Kyle killed himself before they could seal him else he migh be struck in here for ever...

That said in order to defeat these beings he had to do nasty things to win he kidnapped their children even babies and forced the adults to surrender before killing them there are lot of times he had to even kill young ones...these are things he would be disgusted to do in his previous life unlike the time when he easily killed goblins and orcs without any guilt this time his shoulders became heavy but instead of getting panicked kyle was glad this is a proof that there's atleast some humanity left in him he wanted to desperately hold on to it as ignoring it means completely dismissing his mother and daughter's existence which he would never do

Unfortunately his mind which was barely able to keep up with the physical pain completely broke when mental pain was added to it even someone as strong willed as Kyle lost it....

'why am I going so far? Isn't better to just give up and rest? I lost everything for what do I wish to move on....' his mind was filled with negative emotions he was about to be devoured by the dungeon and become a part of it forever.

but a sudden imagine flashed it was a little girl crying..... it's been so many decades he forgot everyones face his wife, uncle, aunt, friends he didn't remember anyone even his mother's face was blurry, but this girl's face was vivid...

"Papa? When will you come?"

He couldn't say he'll never come to this child

' i always complain about everyone ungreatfully turning their back to be but..... didn't I do the same for my own child? '

In that harsh world without a mother and father she'll suffer growing up....the same girl who wanted to hug him even when he went to kill her... it's all my fault i....want to see her again.... atleast one last time

He looked at the little girl even though he knew she's fake he still smiled gently and Said

"Soon my little pie....papa will be there.."


His broken will started to forcefully reform not because of his strong will power it's because of more primal emotion - fear

His fear of being unable to see his daughter ever again he wasn't greedy enough to ask to raise her he wasn't qualified to do that....also it's already been few decades he didn't even know if she was even alive now if only he could see her once.....and apologize for turning his back at her...that would be enough

He forced his broken body to stand up " for that I need to finish this damn tower "

He no longer hesitated 'no matter how disgusting acts I need to do how many people he need to kill I'll move forward '

his will became stronger than ever he looked up at the tower and shouted arrogantly "you wanted to consume me right? Do you think I'm that easy! Remember i'm the real predator here and I shall break free from you!"


Outside the tower the three boundless beings were still arguing for them a few decades means less than a second, they were still arguing about choosing Kyle

" Look I know you are interested in that kid but do you seriously beleive a kid with no abilities or powers can clear even 20 floors? "

" So TOAA tell me how many floors do you think he can clear? " The god asked

"No more than 20 if he was lucky 25 but that's the limit "

"Hmm what about you presence.....how many floors do you think Kyle can clear? "

" Although that child do have some potential...he's still only a human and I don't think this child has the same iq or will power of Batman to creat miracles like he does.....so at best 35 floors that's his limit"

The god smirked at their responses " it's funny to see even omniscient beings can make mistakes hahaha"

"That's because he's a fateless one our omniscient don't work on him.....that Said how many floors do you think he'll reach?"

"Atleast 50 if he got enlightenment then it will be much higher "

Hearing god's ridiculous statement both of them were about to make fun of him but suddenly the tower shook a crack started to form on a small part of the tower


"Oh that was faster than i expected ~ it's about time he gets out"


A small hole was created at the top of the tower a human with critical injuries all over his body.....no in fact he was completely burned with little to no features to identify him can be see coming out of that hole....it felt like he had no consciousness and moving purely out of instinct he fell off the hole

The god stopped him mid air and slowly levetated Kyle close to them on seeing his miserable state sighed his body was only few minutes away from disintegrating even his soul was damaged but Kyle was still trying to stand up

[ Death count : 12,700 Duration: 50 years ]

"This guy had lost his mind multiple times but it seems to have forcefully brought back together by a feeling stronger than his will power but he's currently only in a vegetative state...poor child"

" Such focus....even after loosing consiousness he's forcing himself to move forward with just his instincts, This guy is tougher than i thought.....may be your selection was right "

The god smirked " told you so and I also won the bet.....this guy reached 70th floor before leaving the tower by destroying it "

" 70 floors!? If I'm not wrong that's the highest record in the past million years by any human right? " TOAA was pleasantly surprised

The god nodded he waved his hands and kyle's body completely disintegrated he then took his soul and healed it

After few minutes Kyle woke up he could see god standing infront of him unknown to him both TOAA and the presence both hid their existence from Kyle since they didn't want to show themselves to him yet

"So how was the experience?" The god asked

"Terrible....i should have guessed your wierd taste for testing someone. Anyways how much points do I have?"

"That's rude but since you have achieved beyond my expectations inside the tower i'll let it slide, as for your points? see for yourself choose your powers wisely and we can proceed with your reincarnation"

A hologram once again appeared infront of him

[Current points : 3500]

"So even after going through 70th floor it's only 3500 points huh?" He was slightly disappointed but he didn't mind too much he already planned out what powers to choose based on his frictional knowledge

"First of all I'll select a physique with extremely high potential it should be also highly durable and near infinite stamina "

Normal saiyans won't make the cut even though they have infinite potential with transformations their stamina and durability are relatively low compared to kryptonians also things like not being able to breath in space and lack of regeneration is a big problem fortunately there's a simple solution

"Alright first i want the physique of majin buu"

[ Majin buu physique - 900 ]

[ Purchase completed starting transformation ]

As soon as the notification came he was covered in a purple cocoon his physical body started to be created

After breaking out of the cocoon he looked exactly like the Majin buu in canon, looking at his fat pink body he sighed

"I really do look ugly huh.... nevermind this body will become the foundation to create the strongest saiyan in existence"

The god, TOAA, presence all looked at him with intrest waiting to see his plan

"Now I need a clone of the legendary super Saiyan broly the clone should have no self awareness or free will "

[ Broly clone - 800 points ]

[Purchase completed ]

Immediately a 7 ft tall muscular man with a tail appeared infront of Kyle he looked at the clone with greedy eyes, in his opinion broly has the highest potential of all characters in dragon ball verse even higher than freeza, Gohan or Goku after all he went from someone getting trashed by base Vegeta to fight evenly against ssj blue gogeta in just 30 min this level of growth rate surpassed - cosmic fear gaaro, hulk or even Saitama

If i combined buu's ridiculous healing ability, limitless stamina, moluclear manipulation and absorbtion ability with the legendary super Saiyan's infinite potential...the mere thought sent shivers down his spine even the three omnipotent beings were looking at him excitedly Even though this level of power is just a childs play in their eyes...

of course the current broly clone is only comparable to the base broly before he fought against Vegeta and evolved but that's not a problem there will be tons of fight in the world he's going to appear into

Without wasting any time he absorbed broly and started to transform his fat body transformed into tall muscular one he could feel the infinite potential he's holding if only he hadn't felt the god's power near him Kyle would have even though he's the strongest existence in the universe luckily because of his presence Kyle didn't became arrogant but there's one problem.....

he still had his head tentacle and pink colour which he didn't like he immediately looked towards God who aske with annoyance

"What? you want absolutely power on top of good looks? Sigh....fine this is the last time I'm doing you any favour" saying so he transformed Kyle's looks in to one more identical of the broly clone without him loosing any of buu's abilities

"Now happy! Your plan is good but aren't you forgetting something?since you absorbed broly you have very high chance of loosing control and become a mindless killing machine if that happens i might have to destroy you myself "

Kyle was satisfied with his new looks as he said " don't worry I have already planned a way to counter it "

He looked at his remaining points and choose his next ability he certainly has the physical stats with 'potential' to far surpass superman or thor but there is a support system that could infinitely increase his future growth and stop him from loosing his mind - ofcourse I'm talking about the gamer's system!!

With the 'gamer mind' skill i get from the gamer system I can counter broly's problem of loosing control

"Oh gamer's mind huh i see it's a brilliant idea this skill forcefully keeps the user's mind calm and collected stopping them from loosing their minds...buu's abilities+ broly's potential+ gamer system support what a good combination " even the god was little impressive by Kyle's combination

[Gamer system - 1200 points ]

[ Purchase completed activation system]

[Installation 1%...12%...37%....59%...80%... 100%]

[Gamer system activated]

He immediately saw status of ever object appearing infront of his eyes first he looked at the tower he came out of

[ Tower of God (replica) ]

'good I can see the information.....what if I see the god with it ' curiously Kyle looked at the god and.....

[ Error! Error! Error! ]

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Kyle's brain instantly started to feel intense pain

"Idiot do you think a mere gamer system could look into me? I stand at the pinnacle of reality itself even if you obtain all the abilities in the list you'll still be an ant to me know your place!"

Kyle's pain subsidiesd he realised even with all these abilities there are beings he couldn't provoke...yet!

Shaking his head he saw the other skills he still has 600 points left with gamer's system he could in theory learn almost all ability in the future except few he want to select hax abilities that increases his chances of survival exponentially.....there is only one ability to do that

[ Almighty - 600 points ]

That's it I'm using all my remaining points on almighty the strongest ability in bleach franchise, the ability to see all potential futures and change it

[ Purchase completed host will now obtain all mighty eyes ]

Wow! he could definitely feel the changes the feeling of being a pseudo omniscient being

He wanted to immediately test it but...

"Don't bother, we are in the overmonitor space your ability won't work here don't think too highly of yourself you're nowhere near becoming a 'true omnisient' being also it's time for you to go to to your new world things are not looking great there right now "

" I see...but before I go I want to ask you something "

" it's about your daughter right?"

Kyle nodded







In an alternative multiverse

Earth was in chaos screams of people in the streets can be heared everywhere was burning in flames an army of parademons were hunting down humans

The female superhero with wings and halk like mask was trying to hold off the parademons with her spiked club but she was clearly being over welmed one of the parademons went behind her and ripped off her wings

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" Forcing her to fall down screaming she could hear the screams of the people she tried to protect but ultimately failed these monsters took away everything from her her lover halk man was killed her friends were either dead or captured by the darkside forces and turned into puppet slaves

"It's over even superman was brainwashed and became their Ally are we destined to be crushed like insects here..." All she could do was cry and wait for her imminent death as the parademons rushed towards her

At that time a tall muscular man with a monkey like tail and long black hair appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the streets infront of the hawkgirl. He easily crushed the closest parademon that rushed towards them with his single hand the hawkgirl looked at his back in shock

"What do we have here now" looking around kyle can see hundreds of flying parademons of Apokolips surrounding him "hehe so it's the flies of that darkside guy huh.....well you can atleast serve as a good apitizer for me " Kyle had a devilish grin on his face

since I wanted to reincarnate Kyle in 3 chapter this one is very large hopefully I won't be writing such big chapters in the future give me your thoughts in the comments

The_Neo_forcecreators' thoughts