
Reborn as Yuno in Black Clover

A 18 year old boy suddenly appear in a dark space as time passed and nothing to quell the boy's boredom he felt a sudden force that pushed him forward a the light appear seeing this he tried to reach it "Just push a little more Queen Ceil" "ARGGGG" As he left the dark space the light attacked his eyes making him close them "Congratulation it a boy my queen" "haa haa let me see him" Extending her hand to she take him. As his eyes adjusted to the light he could now see and the first thing he saw and the first thing he saw was a beautiful woman that had flowing black hair and a crown on her head. ************************** The cover art does not belong to me and i am a new writer so i would like to hear some of the flaws in my writing if anyone found anything

Kingjp1 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Pause on the Crusading

Taking off his necklace Yuno observe its familiar features. It had an oval shape and was made of a gold-colored chain and had a blue color, which has a gold-colored cross and four-pointed stars at each corner.

'I have waited 10 years since I found out that I was black clover to use this '

Raising his necklace to the sky he looked through it and saw only blue and gold.

'You are the reason why I have been training my mana control and mana sensing skills. Without the required skills I would not be able to use you properly. Yes, I have been training for the past ten years so that I could use this magic stone!'

'This is not just any ordinary magic stone but a stone that is capable of amplifying my magic power but it requires me to have a high level of mana control to use it safely. This stone is also connected to the underworld and humans who use them risk incurring the curse, Weg, and losing their humanity that is why I needed high level of mana control to use it safely'

Walking toward the boulder that was in the center of his base, Yuno jump on top of it and sat down.

'But due to this stone being connected to the underworld it is able to draw upon negative mana. This type of mana can boost the power and capabilities of magic but carries the risk of corrupting my body, souls, and magic.'

'But enough with the info dump it is time to test it out, that's the reason why I even came here today'

Closing his eyes Yuno focused on the stone in his hand. As Yuno slowly put his mana into the stone it began to glow as this continue Yuno started to feel the negative mana the stone was drawing from the underworld, using his mana sensing skill he could see what the negative mana that was surrounding him looked like, they looked like dark floating particles. Feeling it sinister quality, Yuno had a cold sweet on his neck but was happy knowing that it was working.

'Alright that should be enough I don't want to be wegged so this amount should do. Next up is to combine the negative mana with my magic and see its effects.'

But as Yuno combined his magic with the negative mana in his body something clicked in his subconsciousness. His mind went completely blank as if he was in a trance, he could not feel the wind across his skin, he could not hear the twerping of the bird the only thing he was able to do was see the blue sky and the clouds passing by above him. This lasted for 10 minutes but as Yuno snapped out of it the first thing he felt was his wet clothes, his shirt was completely soaked in his sweat. [A/N: after reading over this I realize this is pretty much is like post nut clarity but without the regret hahaha]

'What the hell just happen it was as if I could not control my body and its senses. Is this what the buddhas mean to be enlighten, but I don't feel smarter and I have not gain any wisdom. Was it because of the negative mana, it is highly possible but...'

Touching his head to see if anything had appeared on it Yuno released a sigh of relief. *sigh*

'...I guess it is alright since I don't have a horn that means I have not been Wegged. Thank goodness at least now I don't have to explain why I have horn to father Orsi and sister Lily but their reaction would be funny'

Chuckling to himself Yuno got up and was about to start walking but forgot that he was on a boulder and fell face plant on the ground.

'Ouch, I forgot I was even on a boulder since my senses are just coming back. Oh, right I almost forgot I should still have a little bit of negative mana in me so let's see how it affects my magic'

Getting up off the ground Yuno stretched out his hand and generated wind using the negative mana he had. But unlike usually A dark sinister green accompanied the cold wind. [A/N: should I show you guys the color?]

'The color of the wind seems to have change due to the negative mana, alright next is to test what its' effect that it has on my spells'

Turning to the side and looking at the area that has the moving targets. Yuno started to condense the rest of the negative mana he had into his spell, slicing the air in front of him with his right hand Yuno cast his spell.

"[Wind Magic: Crescent Wind]"

A long dark crescent wind blade appeared and surged towards the moving targets. It cut through all of the moving targets, as it continued forward it even cut down a few trees in its path.

"Amazing not only does it boost my magic and spells but it also gives them a sinister trait. The best thing about this is that I can now use negative mana even though it might be little, but with it I can create powerful spells without the need of a grimoire the downside is if I use to much negative mana, I might get Weg or lose my humanity" [A/N: this is completely canon you guys can look it up, heck it even explains why devils are able to cast powerful spells without a grimoire]

"Alright then I will take a ten-minute break before using negative mana again just to be safe, but the next thing I should test out is negative mana effect that it has on my [Reinforcement Magic] and my other FORMs of magic"

Saying this, for the rest of the day Yuno experiment on negative mana and its effect.

[3 POV]

But as night came and the full moon was raised everyone was asleep, except for the creatures that lurked in the dark and used the shadows as its hunting grounds. In the forest to the west of the village many shadows could be seen running pass the trees. What was strange was that all these shadows were going in a single which was deeper into the forest. As these shadows quickly approach their destination they lost speed, allowing moonlight to shine upon them through the tree leaves, which'd revealed their identity.

They were a pack of Shade Wolfs, there was around 30 to 40 wolves and more was coming. They all stopped as they reached their destination, they surrounded a black rock that had a rigid shape and was exuding a weird aura. But their attention was not on the weird black rock but the thing laying on top of it.

It was their pack leader, that had their full attention. Unlike the rest of the shade wolf the pack leader's appearance was different, although his fur was black like the others it fluttered without the wind similar to it dark mist state, unlike the rest of his kin his eyes were red but what was most eye catching was the two horn that was protruded from his head.

Sitting up properly on the black stone the pack leader howled at the full moon which signal the rest of the pack to quickly arrive.


As the pack lead exudes a regal presence in his surroundings all then wolves bowed. Walking past the other a single wolf approach the leader carrying a cloth in its mouth. Placing it in front of the pack leader the wolf step back, jumping down from the rock the pack leader was not in front of the blood stain cloth. Smelling the blood off the cloth he knew it was from a human feeling enrage the pack leader eyes started to glow, the he slapped his paw on the ground causing it to crack a few of the wolf saw this and stepped back.

The pack leader wasn't so pitiful to take revenge on someone just because they killed his kin, he personally knew the rules of survival 'the weak die while the strong lives' and he did not want anyone weak in his pack. So why was he enraged by the news of his kin being killed it was because the wolf that died was his only son. Killing intent flooded the area and you could hear the whimper of a few wolves, but just as it came it disappeared the next moment.

Regaining back his deminer the pack leader already decided on himself and his pack next action. He will get his revenge on the one that killed his son. Smelling the cloth once more to remember the scent of the human that killed his son, he then jumped back on the black rock and continue to howl at the moon and was followed by the other shade wolves.




That night the forest was filled with the howls of the wolves grieving over the loss of the pack leader child

[A/N: 11OK! Views I did not think I would reach this far since I am a new author but after seeing so many people read my fanfic, I am happy and I have not gotten any negative reviews of the story only a few who say they will try it and the rest are positive reviews. Also, if you guys have ideas tell me I might get inspired by them will see you guys' next week also if you see any miss spelling tell me bye]

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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