
Reborn As Sirzechs Gremory

I Became The Strongest Devil Sirzechs Gremory. I'm writing this just for fun as I have too much inspiration and am bored. Updates stability aren't confirmed. Number of words per chapter unsure. Will there be smut/lemons bcs it's a Dxd character? If I build the courage to write it... And an op mc as writing weak too strong is quite difficult. He is strong, but will grow stronger. Main powers is obviously Sirzechs Power Of Destruction and flight.

Daoist764038 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

UA Staff Meeting!

Floating high above the sky's of UA Academy was Sirzechs Gremory with the r-rated hero Midnight, otherwise known as Nemuri Kayama held on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. But though he was used to flying at extremely high heights, Midnight was not. She screamed and flailed around on his shoulder as Sirzechs spoke.

Sirzechs: "Calm yourself down woman. Are you forgetting that were quite high up in the air, and that means that if you do manage to break free, you'd quite literally fall to your death. Not to mention, considering how thin and easily torn the material of your outfit is trying to save you by your clothes would quite literally cause it to just rip apart causing you to fall to your death naked."

Sirzechs word's caused Midnight to freeze in realisation as she stopped struggling.

Sirzechs: "Now that you've stopped freaking out, I'll entrust you with showing me which building is the dormitory, and my room."

Midnight: "Ah sure. It's that large twin building. It was originally supposed to hold the name of the class that will be staying there, but since your not a student, there won't be any class name. Is that alright with you?" 

Sirzechs: "I'm completely fine with that. Also, hold on tight."

Midnight: "Wha-" 

With a flap of his wing's, he shot the two of them towards the dormitory building arriving instantly before placing midnight onto the ground. Her steps were wobbly, and her hair was completely disheveled.

Sirzechs: "Is the dormitory already furnished?"

Sirzechs word's brought the woman to her senses as she shook her head and replied. 

Midnight: "No. We planned it for the students to bring their own furniture's, that way they have free reign over how they wish to design their room."

Sirzechs nodded in understanding and entered the building. As they roamed the halls, Midnight spoke. 

Midnight: "Excuse me Young Sirzechs. May I ask you a question?" 

Sirzechs continued exploring the dorms and answered. 

Sirzechs: "As long as its within my ability to answer, and is something I'm willing to divulge."

Midnight: "What happend to you twelve years ago? I know that your quirk went berserk, and that a billion people died, but then what? You went missing for twelve years with not a single sign of your existence. It's like you vanished from the face of the earth."

Sirzechs looks at her bewildered and strangely as he spoke. 

Sirzechs: "Did you truly think I'd answer that question? Are you truly alright in the head? Is your age catching up to you already?" 

Sirzechs words caused a vein to throb on midnights forehead as she spoke. 

Midnight: "Oi! I'll have you know I'm just thirty years old!" 

Sirzechs: "I think the word your looking for is thirty years too old."

Sirzechs words just made Midnight sigh as she muttered. 

Midnight: "If you don't want to answer the question just say so. No need to be so cruel about it."

Sirzechs ignored her words and continued exploring the dorms for a little while longer before he approached the living room and took off his armour leaving him in a noble looking attire that was definetly eye catching especially since Midnight was checking out his outfit. 

Midnight: "Where on earth did you get this kind of clothing?" 

Sirzechs: "I made them myself."

Midnight froze at Sirzechs words as a light chuckle unintentionally came out as she spoke. 

Midnight: "Ahahahahaha. That's got to be a joke right? You don't look like the type to learn sowing." 

Sirzechs simply gave her a small smile as he replied. 

Sirzechs: "Never judge a book by its cover madam."

Midnight's eyes twitched in annoyance, but she was rather curious about his armour as she approached the couch where his armour laid and try to pick it up. She was surprised how easy and light it felt as she questioned. 

Midnight: "How does such a heavy looking armour feel so light? I'm not even using any strength, and I can lift it. It's as light as a feather!" 

Sirzechs: "Heavy armour's are a pain to anyone wearing them. So I made mine using some special kinds of metal allowing me to keep an increadibly high-level of durability, and keep the armour's weight extremely light."

Midnight: "So your telling me that your not just really good at sowing, but at forging as well?" 

Sirzechs: "I'm good at alot of thing's. I'm pretty much a jack of all trade's, except instead of being a master of none, I'm a master of all."

Midnight saw an opportunity to tease the boy, so she immediately capitalised on his words and spoke teasingly. 

Midnight: "Does that mean that your also good in bed?~ If so, maybe one day I'll come to you for a little fun what do you think?~" 

Midnight had imagined the young boys reaction would be to turn red and stutter. However, what she didn't expect was to suddenly be pinned to the wall by Sirzechs. His face mere inches from hers causing her to blush and begin squirming as she looked away from him only to have his free hand turn her face gently forcing her to gaze into his beautiful blue-green eye's that hid so many secrets. Her face turned the same colour as Sirzechs hair as an amused and predatory glint appeared in Sirzechs eyes as he unbottened his shirt and threw it on the couch as Midnight felt something poking her stomach causing her to blush and squirm as Sirzechs spoke. 

Sirzechs: "Indeed I am extremely confident in pleasing a woman in bed. But do be careful, I have button's that shouldn't be pushed. Because if you do, you might end up utterly destroyed and defeated by the end."

Midnight blushed even harder in embarrassment at being manhandled so easily by the young boy. His eye's were mesmerising, his upper body was to put it simply, (Devilishly Attractive). Not to mention he must be very large in his pants as she felt his erection still poking at her stomach. That's not even getting into the sheer confidence je has in his skill's is an attractive trait, and he excludes an air of regality, nobility, authority and strength. She just nodded her head meekly at his word's wondering if their going to go all the way. That was until she felt herself falling, and a finger flicking her forehead.

Midnight: "Ouch! Hey!" 

Sirzechs: "Be more aware and careful when around teenager's Midnight-San. You never know how your body could affect hormone crazed teenagers." 

Midnight pouted before she sighed and spoke.

Midnight: "Finally admitting that I'm gorgeous? Will you take back all your mean comments about my age and height?"

Sirzechs: "There's no need to."

Midnight: "Why not?"

Sirzechs: "Because I admitted you were a beautiful person."

There was complete confidence in his voice causing Midnight to blush once more.

Midnight: "I'll take my leave now. And please put on a shirt."

Sirzechs: "I was gonna go for a quick shower. Don't worry about it."

Midnight: "Then I'll see you later I guess..."

Midnights words sounded slightly disappointed. Sure she's proud he admits she's beautiful, but the fact that he wasn't embarrassed or drolling when he was so intimately close to her, and instead of him getting shy and embarrassed, it was her who got shy and embarrassed! Just as she left, Sirzechs sighed and muttered.

Sirzechs: "Being a teenager high on their own hormones suck. Not to mention the twelve whole years of tortures training with no way to relieve myself. But, I'm glad to know that Nemuri-San isn't some kind of legitimate prostitute. She's simply acting the part of her 'fetishes' I guess?"

And so Sirzechs went on to take a hot bath and returned to the alternative space to train and eat whilst the entire UA Staff gathered together for an important meeting.

-(Scene Break!)-

Within the confines of one of UA's conference room, every single teacher gathered together as the principal of UA Highschool spoke. 

P.Nezu: "Good evening all of you. I believe you should all understand the reason for why were holding this meeting."

Aizawa was the one who answered the principals words.

Aizawa: "Sirzechs Gremory is alive, and he's grown far stronger than he was twelve years ago."

Everyone nodded their head's in agreement as Nezu spoke.

P.Nezu: "I've tried asking him to become a student here at UA, but he refused sadly." 

Aizawa spoke up after a bit. 

Aizawa: "I still have no idea why'd you wish to make him a student. Do you have any idea just how much unnecessary drama and controversy would come by making him a student?"

Nezu: "It's because he's powerful that having him become a student will benefit us greatly. Do not forget, that at just the age of five he was already powerful enough to erase an entire continent off the face of the earth. Now twelve years later, he's obviously grown alot more stronger. That's why having him become a student of UA could guarentee the safety of the students. Especially since what happened twelve years ago seemed to suggest that All For One is still alive."

At the mention of All For One possibly still being alive caused All Might to clench his fists in anger. If he had guarenteed that All For One had died during their battle, back when he was in his prime, what happend to the Gremory Family wouldn't have occurred. 

This time a different teacher spoke. It was Thirteen the space hero. 

Thirteen: "But Principal Nezu, isn't it still to big of a risk? UA Highschool would face major backlash from not just a majority of Japan's citizens and Government, but also from the other remaining countries."

P.Nezu: "Do not worry thirteen. Just as there are alot of people who hate the young boy, there's just as many people who are understanding enough to know that he was a victim of his own quirk losing control. They understand that running home only to see your father being crippled, and your mother being raped by a bunch of villains and being guarded by monsters is something that could trigger a person's quirk to evolve and awaken to unprecedented levels of power. Besides, at the end of the day, power grants respect. The stronger someone is the more feared and respected they become."

Another one of the teacher's President Mic frowned as he spoke. 

President Mic: "Are you suggesting that we show the world that the boy from twelve years ago has grown to be even stronger than before in the hopes it'll earn the respect of the people? I don't think it'll work out. Worst case scenario, the people fear him even more than they once did. "

Everyone agreed with President Mic's words as Aizawa spoke. 

Aizawa: "And say we do make him a student, will he be starting off from the first year, or will he automatically enter the third year. Because depending on what we do, it could be seen as favouritism, or as us not taking the level of danger he could possibly bring seriously."

All Might spoke up after Aizawa finished. 

All Might: "And then there's the fact rather or not he even wishes to be a hero or not. If he does decide to walk the path of a hero, I'm absolutely sure he would make it without any problems. However, the public and the rest of the world in general might fear him and shun him even if he tries being a hero. Afterall, we're talking about a child who af the age of five lost control of his quirk, and killed a billion people as well as erasing an entire continent from the face of the earth.

And if it was just the case that his quirk was the only danger to him that would've lowered his threat level by alot. But, he's physically strong as well. He stopped my punch with a single finger after all. Even if I wasn't using my full strength, I fear that in terms of physical ability, I can no longer claim myself the superior one."

All Mights words shocked everyone. But before the teachers could get rowdy, a single glare from Aizawa brought them back to reality as Snipe decided to share his opinion as well. 

Snipe: "Not to mention, what will we do if he ends up wanting to take revenge on All For One for the death of his family? He's a teenager with godly powers that no one in the world can hope to match. And we don't even know how responsible he is. Do you think that just because we offered him shelter and food he'd obey us? He broke into UA High, and none of us would've been aware of it if not for Principal Nezu sounding the alarm for us to rush to his office."

P.Nezu: "All your worries are completely sound and justifiable. But I believe that the boy is actually far more responsible than you'd give him credit for. After twelve years of training in secret, the first thing he did when he returned was to find shelter at a place that wouldn't cause him too much inconvenience. He was aware of the fact that I still owed his family a favour for helping UA prosper, and even when I said no to helping him out, the he only used intimidation tactics instead of threatening me with death, or using the student's lives to get what he wants. He most certainly doesn't have a God Complex even with the power he wields. That should prove he is a very responsible person. Even if I must be blunt with him about my intentions I will. Because it's more safer for us to be his allies then his enemies."

Aizawa: "And what of the off chance he'd decide he prefers the role of teaching other's instead of being taught?"

P.Nezu: "Then he'll undergo a test to see if he has the qualifications to become a teacher at UA. Anymore question's?"

Aizawa raised his hand as he looked at Nezu seriously. 

Aizawa: "Principal Nezu. May I ask why did you decide having Nemuri showing him to the dorms is safe for her in anyway? He may look old, but don't forget that he's still a teenager. It means he's prone to possibly losing his self control due to lust. Did you send her with him for your schemes?"

Aizawa's words were deadly serious as he gazed at the principal who just nodded his head and answered.

P.Nezu: "That's right. I used miss Midnight as bait. Would he lose himself to lust and force himself on her or will he show that he has self control. If he does end up forcing himself on Nemuri-San, I'll bear the responsibility and the consequences of my action's. Not to mention we'd then have good blackmail material. If it was a quick burst of lust that made him assault Midnight, he'd obviously feel guilty about it allowing us better control over him. But, I doubt he'd force himself onto Midnight anyways. Someone with that much power who still shows enough respect to other's and not gain a God Complex is obviously one who has great self control and a strong willpower."

Nezu's words cause everyone to frown at his scheme of using Midnight to try and gain blackmail material on the young boy. This time, Cementos questioned Nezu.

Cementos: "That is by the off chance he is actually capable of feeling guilt, and actually willing to allow us to control him."

P.Nezu: "Cementos. That boy could kill us all whenever he so pleases and we'd be unable to do anything about it. The moment you attacked him, did he kill everyone?"

Cementos: "No."

P.Nezu: "That should be proof enough that he's a good person even with increadible power, he doesn't let it blind him nor does it make him arrogant."

Aizawa: "Then I have no more questions. But I pray your trust in him is worth it Nezu. Even as my boss, I don't like you using us as your pawns to help further your agenda at the cost of ourselves."

Principal Nezu gave a slight smile as he responded. 

P.Nezu: "Duly noted." 

Aizawa sighed in annoyance as he got into his sleeping bag and laid on the conference room's floor where everyone just stared blankly before they began leaving the room. 

P.Nezu: "Now then, I wonder what the future holds with this new anomaly? I'm so excited~" 

(An: "sorry for the late release. Busy cause my semester is ending soon.")