
Reborn As Sirzechs Gremory

I Became The Strongest Devil Sirzechs Gremory. I'm writing this just for fun as I have too much inspiration and am bored. Updates stability aren't confirmed. Number of words per chapter unsure. Will there be smut/lemons bcs it's a Dxd character? If I build the courage to write it... And an op mc as writing weak too strong is quite difficult. He is strong, but will grow stronger. Main powers is obviously Sirzechs Power Of Destruction and flight.

Daoist764038 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

1-A Mock Battle!

(3rd Person Pov) 

Having stayed within the dorms for several days, Sirzechs followed a simple routine to kill time. Wake up, freshen up, eat and train within the alternative space, eat again, freshen up with a hot bath before leaving the alternative space and going to sleep. He was well aware the chaos and panic the teachers faced when on the first day they came to check on him, he'd dissappeard with no trace. It was amusing to him and not to them of course. It was the only time he got cursed by all the staff members of UA. And from what he's been told so far, it's been a week since the entrance exam for the hero course. And now, he was within the library reading old stories from the past to rid himself of boredom.

Sirzechs: "I'm so bored. Maybe I'll just start my training early? It definitely sounds like the best option for me anyway-Hrrm?"

Sirzechs senses caught sign of something interesting going on at one of the academy's fake city's. So he brought forth his wings and flew towards the direction where he sensed a fight happening. He appeared high above the skies of ground beta as he used his power of destruction to grant him the ability to see through walls as he took notice of a group of kids battling each other.

Sirzechs: "A mock battle to test their level of ability and adaptability? No. It's similar, but it's more like a fake battle between a group that represents heroes, and another that represents villains. It seems the boy with the ash blonde hair has some sort of enmity with the green haired boy. How amusing."

Sirzechs watched the battle hign in the sky with interest as he analysed the battle calmly. 

Sirzechs: "The ash blonde haired boy and the boy with the engines for calfs are a team, but the ash blonde boy is too proud and arrogant to work as a team. It's understandable with a quirk that let's you create explosions. But from what I notice, the more he sweats, the grater the explosion.

It's obvious that his sweat produces the necessary chemical to create the explosion. If I had to make a guess, the chemical his sweat secretes is Nitroglycerin. It also seems that he is able to ignite and spark them at will. He's quite adept at close combat, and those gauntlets on his arms helps him accumulate alot of sweat so he can release it in one big explosive attack that he normally couldn't without having to sweat up a river."

As the fight got more intense, he witnessed the boy revealing a sinister grin as his gauntlets glowed indicating that they've accumulated enough nitroglycerin sweat to release a massive and powerful explosion. 

Sirzechs: "Is All Might not going to stop this fight? That attack if hit could lead to permanent burn scars, or worse death. Is he trying to kill his classmate?"

Sirzechs glanced at the figure of All Might who looked solemn as he gripped the microphone hard and seemed to warn the boy who ignored his words and pulled the pin on his gauntlet releasing a massive fatal explosion. The boy in green looked like he wanted to dodge, but he tripped and fell.

All Mights eye's widened in horror as he made a mad dash to save the young boy who began feeling the heat of the explosion that was about to strike him lick upon his skin even through his costume. He closed his eye's preparing for a world of pain, but when it never came, he opened his eyes in confusion as he saw the dumbfounded look on his childhood friends face, and no trace of the explosion.

Sirzechs eye twitched in annoyance as he erased the attack when he realised that All Might would be a second too late to save the boy.

Sirzechs: "I'll have to talk with both Principal Nezu and Eraserhead about the two boy's. This grudge between them could cost them their lives."

-(Bakugo's Pov)-

I've always been praised as a genius by everyone around me. People would praise me everyday of my life reminding me that I was blessed with a powerful quirk, and I knew it as well. But that all changed when I got into UA Highschool. I was so confident that I'd be the only one from that shitty middle school to get into UA High, getting even more praise and worship by those third strings that lick the ground I walk on. 

But that never happened. Someone else got into UA High alongside me. Someone I deemed weak and worthless. Someone who never learned to mind his own business. Someone who was quirkless rubbish! And yet somehow he got into UA? The only way that would have been possible is if he had a quirk and hid it all this time.

And my suspicions were confirmed when during the ball throwing test, with just the strength of his index finger he threw a softball to 705.3 meter's! Surpassing my throw by .1 meter's! All this time he's been hiding his quirk from me, always praising me when he had such a powerful quirk! He must've enjoyed talking behind my back knowing that he's got such a powerful quirk all our life! And if that wasn't bad enough, on the first day of high school, not a single person praised me for my quirks power.

It became worse when everyone dared to talk back to me! Katsuki Bakugo! The next number one hero! And a week into our classes, we came to learn that All Might was one of our teacher's, and he brought us to one of the fake city's for a mock battle between heroes and villains where we'd be placed into pairs and either become heroes or villains.

And when the first group to go up against each other was myself and four eye's against that useless Deku and whatever that round faced bitches name was, that fate was smiling upon me, telling me that I now have the chance to beat Deku up and make him remember his place!

-(Scene Break)-

Within the highest level of the fake building they were doing their mock battle in, Bakugo condensendingly and arrogantly glared at his teammate as he spoke.

Bakugo: "Listen up four eye'd extra! You only have one job to do. Stay here and don't leave the room. I'll go deal with that bastard Deku and that round faced bitch!"

Katsuki Bakugo's teammate Tenya Ida frowned at Bakugo's words as he chopped his hand forward robotically and replied.

Ida: "Bakugo! That is no way to talk to a fellow teammate! We're in this together. Don't go acting so arrogant! Don't forget arrogance tends to blind you to danger!"

Bakugo sneered mockingly and left the room. After a few minutes of walking, he heard the sound of multiple footsteps, and immediately used his quirk to reach them. There he came out of a corner and appeared right infront of Izuku and his teammate Ochako Uraraka. He ignored Uraraka and immediately charged at Izuku kicking him at his gut and sending him flying backwards as Bakugo charged after Izuku leaving Uraraka standing still dumbfounded at how she was blatantly ignored.

Bakugo charged at Izuku who had already gotten himself up as Katsuki shot his palm forward preparing to blast Izuku to kingdom come. 

Bakugo: "Die Deku!"

However. What he expected to have happened didn't come to reality, instead his wrist was captured by Izuku who flipped him over before slamming him into the ground causing the air in his lungs to come out as he let out a gasp for air. After catching his breath, he looked up to Izuku seeing the boy he considered useless looking down upon him with an expression of determination etched on his face as he declared.

Izuku: "I'm no longer the weak little boy that I was all those years ago Kaa-Chan! I WILL STAND MY GROUND AND LET YOU PUSH ME AROUND NO LONGER!"

Izuku's words and the fact that from where he was, he was forced to look up to Izuku caused his mind to be clouded in absolute fury as he saw his gauntlets glow indicating that their full. He smirked crazily as he spoke. 

Bakugo: "Tell me Deku. Do you know how my quirk works?"

Izuku looked puzzled at Bakugo's words, but Bakugo continued. 

Bakugo: "I excrete nitroglycerine like sweat that I can freely ignite to cause powerful explosions. However, there's still a limit too how much sweat I can accumulate for one big explosion. That's where these gauntlets come in."

Izuku who looked slightly confused at the beginning suddenly had his eyes widened like saucers as Bakugo gave Izuku another insane smirk as he spoke. 

Bakugo: "Oh? You realised it huh? These gauntlets help collect my sweat, and allows me to release them into one massive explosion that is many times more powerful than what I can output at the moment."

Bakugo raised the gauntlet on his left hand, and began pulling on the safety pin as he heard All Might yell. 


Bakugo ignored his word's as he replied. 

Bakugo: "Don't worry! He'll be fine as long as he dodges!" 

With a smirk dripping with insanity, Bakugo pulled out the safety pin on his gauntlet releasing a horrifying blast of flames. Izuku tried to dodge but he tripped and fell on the ground as he heard the gasps of horror through the speaker as well as All Might screaming that shocked both Ochako Uraraka, and Tenya Ida by how scared and worried his voice was. 


Right after, a sonic boom was heard as All Might rushed to save the boy shaking the building through his might. However to his horror, he realised when he was still several meters away from the boy, that he would be a second too late to save him. Izuku shut his eye's hoping it would help him deal with the pain he was about to feel as the heat from the explosion began licking upon his skin causing his life to flash before his eye's. 

Izuku: 'I'm sorry mom, All Might. I don't think I'll make it.'

However, when he didn't feel anything for several more seconds, he slowly opened his eye's to see a dumbfounded Bakugo, and All Might.

Izuku: "I'm alive?"

Tears began streaming down his face as he realised that he didn't die. All Might and Bakugo broke out of their shock as they heard the young boy crying in joy. All Might appeared infront of Izuku with his arms crossed, and no smile gracing his face as he yelled.

All Might: "This match is over! The villain team has been disqualified for using extremely lethal force."

All Might's words echoed across the entire building causing Ida and Uraraka to freeze in shock. All Might then looked at Bakugo and spoke sternly.

All Might: "Young Bakugo. Do you have anything to say?"

Bakugo fell silent at All Might's words before he clicked his tounge in annoyance and anger and walked away. All Might gave him a dissaspointed gaze watching him walk away as he comforted Midoriya and he thought to himself.

All Might: 'Just now, there was no one who could've simply erase that explosion that easily. Thank you young Sirzechs.'

Sirzechs who was still floating in the air watched as Bakugo walked into the monitor room only to have everyone actively avoid being anywhere near him looking at him with gazes of dissapointment, anger and some were even fearful. Sirzechs watched as Bakugo gritted his teeth and walked away into a faraway corner after glaring at all of them.

Sirzechs sighed as he has a guess as to why the boy acts like that as he dissappeard from the sky. Meanwhile for Bakugo, from the moment he was looked at full of those dissaspointed, angry and fearful gazes. He couldn't help but get pissed.

Bakugo: 'I don't understand! Why aren't they praising me?! I'm the fucking strongest and they all look at me as if I'm scum! It's all that fucking Deku's fault! If only he took my damned advice and took a Swan dive off a roof, I would be seeing everyone praising me! praising my quirk! They'd know that I'm just fucking fated to be the new number one hero! All those damned extras!'

(-Scene Break-)

Within the office of UA'S Principal, was Nezu the principal of the school who was munching on biscuits and drinking tea, and Aizawa one of the school Staff's laying on the ground in his sleeping bag that made him look like a caterpillar.

Aizawa: "Remind me why am I here again?"

P.Nezu: "I want to hear your thought's on the students of 1-A. It's already been a week, surely you'd have something interesting to tell me about the students you passed."

Aizawa: "*Ughh*Their a bunch of problem children that much is the absolute truth."

Just as Nezu was about to reply, a familiar voice called out to the two of them as Nezu placed down his cup of tea and Aizawa felt his eye twitch in annoyance as he grumbled. 

Aizawa: "Can't you use the front door like a normal person?"

Sirzechs who had manifested out if thin air spoke seriously. 

Sirzechs: "Eraserhead, today one of your students was almost killed by another student."

Sirzechs words caused both Aizawa and Nezu to freeze in shock as Aizawa immediately stood up looking directly into Sirzechs eye's as he spoke. 

Aizawa: "Explain."