
Reborn As Sirzechs Gremory

I Became The Strongest Devil Sirzechs Gremory. I'm writing this just for fun as I have too much inspiration and am bored. Updates stability aren't confirmed. Number of words per chapter unsure. Will there be smut/lemons bcs it's a Dxd character? If I build the courage to write it... And an op mc as writing weak too strong is quite difficult. He is strong, but will grow stronger. Main powers is obviously Sirzechs Power Of Destruction and flight.

Daoist764038 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

UA Highschool!

As Sirzechs flew through the air, he used his power of destruction to completely erase any traces of the blood and organ bits that stained his clothes, armour, and face. He took his time flying through the air taking in the semmingly endless amounts of land that were nothing but cooled rock's.

Sirzechs: "If I'm not wrong, the entirety of Europe should be around 10.18 million km2, or 3.93 million sq mile's. That's alot of destroyed land people, and animal's."

Though Sirzechs was saddened that so many people were killed when he lost control of his Power's, he won't allow it to weigh down on him. He lost control of his powers and lots of life died, but that doesn't mean he'll feel guilty for the deaths he caused through something he had no control over. 

Sirzechs: "There's nothing more to see here. It's litteraly miles upon miles of cooled down magma rock. I guess I'll just head straight to Japan instead of sightseeing for a bit."

With another flap of his wings, multiple sonic boom's could be heard as Sirzechs vanished from where he was flying just mere moments ago. 

(Meanwhile In America) 

One of the American soldier's General, frowned as they watched Sirzechs kill the commander and his entire squad as he spoke in a room that was full of holographic projections of the various leaders of the Asian and American countries. 

General: "It's been twelve years since he was last seen, and now that he has reappeared, he seems to have grown alot stronger than he was at age five. I have no idea how he had used his quirk to survive the onslaught of bullets and missiles, but if he didn't then I'm afraid were dealing with a threat that might need the use of nuclear weapons in order to deal with him."

Murmurs spread amongst the leaders of each country as the General spoke. 

General: "We have no idea just how much stronger he's grown over the last twelve years that he's been missing. So I caution everyone to not recklessly attack him on sight. The last thing we need is a recreation of the cataclysmic event that ended all of Europe. And if his power of destruction has grown even stronger than last time, I'm afraid he might end up destroying the world should he lose control over his quirk again. I'd also caution against publicly announcing him being alive. People have already forgotten about him, the last thing we want is for the public to start mass panicking."

Everyone agreed to the general's words, and after a few more minutes of discussion, the holographic projections of the various country leaders dissappeard as the general sighed in exhaustion. The president of the United States of America spoke up. 

President: "General, do you think it would be wise if we tried to tie Sirzechs Gremory to America?"

The general just shook his head and replied. 

General: "I'm afraid not Mr President. If we do that, we might just start a world war because we have someone whose Power's might have long surpassed miss Cathleen's New Order. Not to mention, I don't think we have anything that could keep him loyal to our country sir."

The president merely nodded his head as he hopes that nothing too bad happens.

-(Scene Break!)-

Sirzechs slowed down once he arrived in Japan. His wing's flapped as he took in the view of Japan's streets. Beautiful Sakura trees, clean road's, it's residence taking their time walking the streets and greeting familiar faces. Heroes out and about being greeted by the public, signing autographs, and defeating villain's. 

Sirzechs: "Seems like someone's approaching me."

Sirzechs could sense that someone was approaching him at increadibly fast speed's, but he didn't want to get into any pointless drama, so he flapped his wings and vanished as he headed towards the large (H) looking building. He flew high into the air avoiding any security camera's as he used his power of destruction to grant him the ability to see through walls by destroying the space that existed before his eye's and the entire interior of the UA building.

Soon enough, his eye's landed upon where the principal was, who suddenly shuddered feeling someone's gaze on his person. Once he located the principal, he took a single step as he vanished from where he was flying and appeared directly in front of Nezu by destroying the space where he was flying and the principals office, he achieved something akin to teleportation. The rat? Bear? Dog? Like creature pursed it's lips as it gazed upon Sirzechs silently. 

Sirzechs: "Principal Nezu. I believe you should already know who I am. But just in case you have forgotten."

Sirzechs placed his palm on his chest and bowed slightly as he spoke.

Sirzechs: "I am Sirzechs Gremory. Son of the late Zeoticous and Venelena Gremory, and the last remaining member of the Noble Gremory Household. A pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Sirzechs stopped bowing before he straightened his body as Principal Nezu spoke. 

P.Nezu: "My goodness... This is truly unexpected. To think that you were actually still alive. And it seems like you still retain your noble mannerisms and etiquette even if you aren't a noble anymore."

Sirzechs: "It's just because it reminds me of the days I spent learning about noble etiquette from my mother in the past. It's a sort of comfort to me."

P.Nezu: "Is that so? May I ask how did you get in here? And what is your purpose in meeting me?" 

Sirzechs: "I came in here by moving through space. And my purpose is simple really, I need a place to stay and money to live a normal life."

Nezu blinked perplexed at Sirzechs's word's. And just as he was about to speak, the door to his office broke and splintered as Japan's number one Hero All Might broke in and charged straight towards Sirzechs with other teachers entering after him. 

Sirzechs let out an amused chuckle as he stopped All Might's punch with just his index finger. 


A gust of wind violently blew everything in the office as well as causing Sirzechs long scarlet hair to flutter as he spoke. 

Sirzechs: "Goodness, isn't this too harsh of a greeting All Might?" 

All Might's eye's widened in disbelief as he spoke. 

All Might: "Sirzechs Gremory?!" 

Sirzechs rolled his eyes as he answered sarcastically. 

Sirzechs: "No, Its Leonardo Davinci. Of course it's me Sirzechs Gremory."

All Might sweat dropped at Sirzechs words, as the rest of the teachers walked into the room, and gazed in disbelief. The young boy thought to have died twelve years ago at the young age of five, is still very much alive and seems to have grown up completely fine and healthy. Sirzechs pulled back his index finger that stopped All Might's punch as he spoke. 

Sirzechs: "Now that you all are aware that your principal is fine, leave us. I have things I'd like to discuss with Principal Nezu."

All Might: "Wait. How did you survive for so long? Twelve years is not a short number of time you know?!" 

Sirzechs: "I'm sorry All Might, but I have no interest in sharing where I've been for the past twelve years. Now if you'd all mind, I'm still in the middle of an important meeting with the principal.

For the first time since he entered the principles office, Aizawa spoke. 

Aizawa: "Principal Nezu. Do you wish for us to remain or should we leave?" 

P.Nezu: "It's alright, you may all leave. I know that Sirzechs wishes me no harm. I trust him with that much atleast."

Aizawa released a tired sigh as he nodded his head and began leaving the office followed by the other teachers except midnight or Nemuri Kayama who was gawking at the sight of Sirzechs looks as she thought to herself. 

Midnight: 'Oh Kami he's hot!' 

A blush creeped onto her face as Nemuri continued hungrily gazing at Sirzechs. Devouring his looks and imbedding it deep into her subconscious mind. 

Sirzechs: "Principal Nezu. I think you might want to do something about that woman. She looks like she's ready to throw herself on me."

Principal Nezu chuckled amusingly as he called out to Aizawa. 

P.Nezu: "Aizawa. Do us a favour and take miss Midnight away before she ends up throwing herself onto the young boy."

Aizawa wrapped his capture gear around midnight before dragging her out of the room. Sirzechs snorted in amusement as he spoke. 

Sirzechs: "That was quite the fun scene to watch. And now we return back to our topic of discussion."

P.Nezu: "So, you wish for a place to stay, and money to be able to live a normal life you say?" 

Sirzechs: "That's correct."

P.Nezu: "And may I ask why did you choose to ask me? After all, I'm the principal of Japan's number one highschool."

Sirzechs: "It's because you still owe my family a favour for helping you build and promote UA Highschool. Whilst I have no doubt even without their help, you would've been able to reach this level of popularity, they saw investing into UA Highschool as an opportunity to have you owe them favour's in the near future. And now I'm calling in the favour you owe them."

Nezu gave an understanding smile as he spoke. 

Nezu: "That indeed I do. However, the one's I owed the favour to was your parents and not yourself. If they had asked me, I would've been more than willing to help. But as you should be aware, they aren't. Thus I owe no favour's."

Silence fell inside the principals office between the two individuals. Sirzechs eye's gazed into Nezu's, and immediately, the principal felt all the fur on his body stand up and his instincts warned him that his life was in danger. That what stood before him was a predator.

Sirzechs: "If this is a joke Principal Nezu, then i'd recommend you stop messing around please. I have buttons that shouldn't be pushed around."

Principal Nezu's smile never faltered even when he felt his life in danger as he spoke. 

P.Nezu: "Duly noted."

Sirzechs: "So I'll ask once more, will you help me and consider it as you ending the debt you owe my family or not?" 

Principle Nezu still wore his smile as he spoke curiously. 

P.Nezu: "And what if I still say no?" 

His tone was one of genuine interest causing Sirzechs to just sigh as he answered.

Sirzechs: "Then, I'll destroy UA."

Sirzechs stated blandly causing Nezu to chuckle as he spoke. 

P.Nezu: "Oh my. So quick to threats of violence." 

Sirzechs: "I'm no fool. As I am right now, I have nothing of value to force you to do as I've asked other than hoping you'd just help me to end the favour you owe my family."

P.Nezu: "That's very much the truth. However, what do you think of becoming a student here at UA? By becoming a student, UA can help you out."

Sirzechs: "I'll have to pass. I have no interest in becoming a student or a hero. I just want to live my life peacefully. That's why I'm calling in my family's favour. If I wanted to become a student, I'd have told you early on."

P.Nezu: "Your dream of living a peaceful life is Nigh-Impossible. Your quite hated by alot of people."

Sirzechs: "Let them hate me if they want. I have no interest what they may think. As long as they do not disturb me, let them blabber and curse me for as long as they wish."

P.Nezu: "That's quite a shame. If you aren't a student, we can't exactly help you."

Sirzechs: "Need I remind you Principal. I'm asking (you) to help. Not UA."

Principal Nezu sighed and answered. 

P.Nezu: "*Sigh*So stubborn. Alright then, I'll see what I can do."

Sirzechs: "Thank you principal. Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to explore the campus for a bit."

Just as he got off his seat, Nezu immediately spoke. 

P.Nezu: "I'm afraid I cannot allow that. You must understand that people still believe your dead. Afterall, twelve years with no signs of you being alive would've convinced lots of people you aren't around anymore.

You may not know it, but we did go through a Global major recession for three whole years after you destroyed the entirety of Europe and dissappeard. You can't just walk around publicly expecting people to be fine you know? Crime rates skyrocketed to levels even greater than the first generation quirk era. Villains were appearing left and right because they needed ways to survive the recession. And deaths skyrocketed as well. We're lucky that every single country that weren't affected by you losing control of your quirk put aside their differences between each other to stabilise the economy and end the recession. And that still took a while three years of nonstop work."

Sirzechs: "I understand. Then where should I go for now?" 

P.Nezu: "*Sigh*We were setting up a dormitory system for the students to use in the future. We can allow you to stay there for now as its still in its testing phase. Anything you'd like just request it from the teachers, and they'll get it for you. There is a park you can take walks on and even a library that you can access. I'll still hold the offer for you to become a student. If you ever do change your mind, UA Highschool is always happy to welcome you with open arms."

Sirzechs: "Thank you very much for your help Principal Nezu."

Principal Nezu just continued smiling as he spoke. 

P.Nezu: "It's quite alright. I'm simply doing this to end the favour I owe your family."

Sirzechs: "Then who will be leading me to the dormitory?" 

P.Nezu: "Hrrm... I believe Nemuri should be fine guiding you to the dormitory."

Sirzechs: "Nemuri?" 

P.Nezu: "Ah my bad. I meant Midnight."

Sirzechs: "Are you planning something principal? To send that woman who, please do excuse my word's. Looks more like a prostitute with an extreme S&M kink than an actual teacher." 

Principal Nezu: "I can understand what you might be thinking about, but I guarentee I hold no ulterior motives. Nemuri may dress more like a porn star than a teacher, but it's simply because it's the best outfit to help with her quirk. Atleast it was better than her old hero costume's. And despite her rather (unique) personality, I guarentee you she won't throw herself onto you as she is a teacher...." 'I think' 

Sirzechs: "Then, I'll take your words. Now ill take my leave so you can go discuss what you've just learned to the rest of the teacher's outside."

Sirzechs gave another bow before he left the room. The sounds of his footsteps echoed in the office until he left it and turned his gaze onto the teachers waiting outside as he gazed into Nemuri's blue eyes causing her to squirm and blush as he spoke. 

Sirzechs: "Miss Midnight. I believe you've already heard Principal Nezu's words. Please bring me to the dormitory."

Midnight's eyes shined excitedly as she nodded her head and spoke. 

Midnight: "Just follow me you handsome devil~"

Sirzechs: "I thank you for the compliment miss Midnight. But just to inform you, I'm 17 years old."

Midnight froze as she heard his age as she gazed at him in disbelief. 

Midnight: "Y-Your 17?! I thought you were atleast I your early twenties!" 

Sirzechs eye's glinted in amusement and joy as he watched Midnight's sadness and sorrow. He proceeded to walk past the wailing and sorrowful looking Midnight causing her too look up at him as he spoke. 

Sirzechs: "Don't worry miss Nemuri. You might be old, but you still have a chance for future marriage. Gambare, Gambare~" 

Sirzechs words only caused the woman to feel her heart get pierced by an invisible arrow that had the words (Your old) causing her to sob louder as a bright and genuine smile graced Sirzechs face as most of the teachers just had a single thought. 

Teacher's: 'Ah. He's a sadist' 

And so with a bright and genuine smile, he placed Midnight onto his shoulders like a sack of potatoes as he spoke. 

Sirzechs: "I'll be on my way."

As he walked through the hallways with Nemuri on his shoulder, he spoke loudly. 

Sirzechs: "By the way Midnight-San?" 

Midnight was starting to calm down as her tears began to stop flowing, she replied angrily. 

Midnight: "What do you want?!" 

Sirzechs: "Lose some weight will you?" 

Sirzechs words that were spoken aloud was heard by the teachers present who gasped in shock at his cruelty. The person most affected by his words were Midnight who felt her heart being pierced again by an invisible arrow with the word (fat) piercing her that caused her to burst into tears as she began punching Sirzechs telling him to let her go. 

Midnight: "Put me down! I don't want to guide you anymore! You bastard! Don't you know that a woman's age and bodyweight is their biggest insecurity!" 

As Midnight continued sobbing due to being called both old and fat, Sirzechs laughed happily as the other teachers began pitying Midnight. Principal Nezu walked out of his office through the broken door as he spoke watching as both Sirzechs and Nemuri had dissappeard startling the other teacher's as Nezu spoke. 

P.Nezu: "Midnight will be fine. I want everyone ready for an important meeting later on in the day after school hours understood?" 

Everyone nodded their heads as principal Nezu dismissed everyone.