
Reborn As Draco Malfoy: Lord Slytherin

When a guy from our world is transported into the Harry Potter universe as Draco Malfoy, he is faced with a number of challenges and opportunities. As he works to rise through the ranks of the wizarding world, he becomes Lord Slytherin and battles against foes such as Dark Lord Dumbledore and Fake Lord Voldemort. Ultimately, he strives to conquer the wizarding and muggle worlds and become a true Dark Lord. But will he be satisfied with just one world, or will he seek to expand his empire into the multiverse? Follow along on this epic journey as Draco Malfoy navigates the challenges and opportunities of his new life in the Harry Potter universe and beyond. ▪▪▪▪ Join me on an adventure filled with excitement, laughter, and thrills! My books bring the fun with their heart-pumping action, steamy romance, harem adventures, and humor. Join my exclusive community on Patreon and get access to my latest books and advanced chapters. Help bring my stories to life and escape to a world of endless possibilities. Don't settle for the same old stories - come on this wild ride with me! Check out patreon.com/thebookaddict now. ••••

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Dobby's Adventures


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[ Dobby's Pov ]

It was just another day for me, Dobby, the house elf. Once a powerful and respected king among my own kind, I am now nothing more than a servant, reduced to servitude and misery. But this is not my fate. This is the result of betrayal. I was betrayed by one of my own, someone I trusted and respected, who sold me out for their own gain. This was how I ended up in the service of these cruel and heartless wizards.

As I went about my mundane and dull tasks, I couldn't help but feel a sense of resentment and anger toward the wizards who treated me so poorly. I longed for the day when I would be free from their control and able to use my own powers to get things done. I dreamed of the day I could stand up to them and show them what I truly could.

But that day never seemed to come. Instead, I was constantly subjected to the abuse and mistreatment of my masters, who saw me as a disposable tool for their own gain.

I have the habit of cursing my current masters behind their backs, and I can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction as I do so. They deserve every curse and bit of my wrath for what they have done and continue to do to me.

One day, as I was lost in thought, my mistress came up behind me and delivered a vicious slap to the back of my head. I flew, crashing into the wall and seeing stars as I hit the ground. The mistress bellowed at me for being idle and ordered me to get back to work. I had no choice but to obey. The binding seal on me would not permit me to do otherwise. With a "pop," I was gone, transported to the attic, my safe haven.

As an adventurous individual, I have always been drawn to exploring the unknown and uncovering hidden secrets. So, when I found myself working as a servant at Malfoy Manor, I couldn't resist the urge to explore every nook and cranny of the grand, old house. And, as it turns out, my unrestricted access as a servant proved to be a valuable asset in my quest for discovery.

One of the most intriguing places I stumbled upon during my explorations was the attic of Malfoy Manor. It was a place that had been long forgotten by the Malfoy family, who had grown complacent and overreliant on the house elves to take care of the upkeep of the manor. As a result, many of the manor's secrets had been lost to time.

Upon entering the attic, I was greeted with a dreary and musty atmosphere. Cobwebs hung from every corner, and a thick layer of dust covered every surface. The only light source came from a small, grimy window, which let in very little light, making it difficult to see what I was doing. The floorboards creaked and groaned underfoot, and the air smelled of mold and decay.

But as I ventured deeper into the attic, I began to uncover a treasure trove of dark and mysterious artifacts and potions. Shelves lined the walls, filled with ancient books and scrolls, their spines adorned with strange symbols and runes. I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement as I delved deeper into the attic, uncovering more and more secrets with each step.

One of the most fascinating things I discovered was an old chest, its wood worn and weathered with age. I carefully pried the lid, revealing a collection of potion ingredients and magical artifacts, including a strange, glowing orb that seemed to pulse with magical energy. I couldn't help but wonder about the origins of these items and the stories they held.

Despite the initial dread and unease I felt when I first entered the attic, I saw it in a different light over time. I took great care in maintaining the attic, ensuring every surface was dusted and polished to perfection. I arranged the objects and artifacts in an aesthetically pleasing way, ensuring that each piece was given the attention and care it deserved.

With my regular cleaning and maintenance, along with a bit of magic, I transformed the attic into a safe haven for me. The cobwebs and dust were replaced with gleaming surfaces and sparkling objects. The musty smell was replaced with a fresh and clean scent. The attic went from a dark and dreary place to a dazzling and almost magical one.

The attic of the Malfoy Manor is now a vast and spacious place, filled with natural light streaming through the large arched windows that lined the walls. The windows were tall, and their panes were made of thick, clear glass, which let in plenty of light, making it easy to see what I was doing. The floorboards were made of polished hardwood, which gleamed in the sunlight and made a satisfying sound as I walked on them. The air was fresh and clean, and the smell of must and decay was replaced with the scent of lemon oil and polish, which I used to keep everything looking shiny and new.

As I worked, I couldn't help but be struck by the beauty of the natural light that flooded the attic. It danced and sparkled off the various objects and artifacts stored there, casting a warm and inviting glow over everything. It was a stark contrast to the dark and gloomy atmosphere that had once existed in the attic.

The attic had become a beautiful and fascinating place, filled with ancient and mysterious objects that I couldn't help but be drawn to. I spent hours in thought, examining and studying each piece, trying to understand the stories and history they held.

The attic became my sanctuary, where I could escape the abuse and cruelty of my masters. It was where I could lose myself in my work and forget my troubles. Even though I was still a slave, I had found a small piece of freedom and happiness in the attic.

I took great pride in my work and the transformation of the attic. The satisfaction of seeing the attic transformed into a dazzling and beautiful place was my reward. The fact that the Malfoys were unaware of any of this was an added bonus. The only downside was that the artifacts and potions, along with most of the spells, were meant for wizards. As a house elf, I was not able to make use of them. But I did learn a bunch of new spells for various occasions.

As I worked, I couldn't help but resent the Malfoys for their misdeeds, but I hated that tractor more than anyone. The sole reason for my downfall. As I was lost in thought, I heard a voice from the outside. I went near the windows to take a look. The large windows of the attic were camouflaged as a stone wall. So I didn't have to fear anyone finding out about this place.

Through the windows, I saw the white ferret, Draco Malfoy, flying around the Quidditch fields with his new brooms and wearing his stupid green robes. As I liked to call him, the ferret was the reason for my miserable life. He wasn't always such a pain in the ass, but something had changed him, and I couldn't help but wonder if Dumbledore had something to do with it.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of envy as I watched the ferret fly, wishing I could be free and unfettered instead of being trapped here, forced to serve the cruel Malfoys. But what could I do? The magical seal on me prevented me from harming any of my masters, no matter how much they deserved it.

As I watched Draco fly, a bird flew past him, almost knocking him over. On seeing that, a small smile crept its way to my face. I couldn't resist the opportunity for a bit of mischief. I used my magic to control the bird, making it fly straight into Draco's mouth, sending him crashing down from a height of one foot.


"DRACOOOOO," Lucious cried as he ran towards his son.

"Are you all right, my boy?"

I couldn't help but laugh at the sight of the brat getting what he deserved. But unfortunately, my prank backfired on me. Draco crashed down on his head and lost consciousness. The Malfoys cooked up a storm following that. At one point, they even went found about the bird being magically controlled.

I thought it was the END for me. But they were stupid and blamed some assassination attempts by rivals. They never suspected me at all.

Well, how will they? I am their loyal foolish house elf. Guess acting like a silly creature all this time had its benefits.

Unfortunately, that blind brat got his consciousness back after a day. I really hoped he wouldn't. That bitch Narcissa sent me on a quest to find and destroy as soon as that happened.

It would have been fun if it was a noble quest to subdue some dragons like in old times. But NOOOO, she wants me, the Elf King, to destroy some FUCKING BROOMS.

How low have I fallen? My glorious life and six-pack abs are behind me. All due to that traitor. One day I will rip him apart. But I don't know whether I could last that long.

I should have committed seppuku long ago, but the seal on me still prevents me.



Hold on to your hats, folks! The story's about to take a turn for the epic. I've decided to give some of the early chapters a revamp and move them to later in the story.

What does this mean for you? More time to savor the tale, that's what! Instead of a rapid-fire release of 5 chapters a week, you now get to indulge in one mouth-watering chapter every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. It's like slowly sipping a rare vintage, taking the time to fully appreciate the flavor and depth.

So, grab a comfy seat, put your feet up, and prepare for an adventure that's as thrilling as ever but with a more relaxed pace. Let's go on this leisurely journey together!