
Reborn As Draco Malfoy: Lord Slytherin

When a guy from our world is transported into the Harry Potter universe as Draco Malfoy, he is faced with a number of challenges and opportunities. As he works to rise through the ranks of the wizarding world, he becomes Lord Slytherin and battles against foes such as Dark Lord Dumbledore and Fake Lord Voldemort. Ultimately, he strives to conquer the wizarding and muggle worlds and become a true Dark Lord. But will he be satisfied with just one world, or will he seek to expand his empire into the multiverse? Follow along on this epic journey as Draco Malfoy navigates the challenges and opportunities of his new life in the Harry Potter universe and beyond. ▪▪▪▪ Join me on an adventure filled with excitement, laughter, and thrills! My books bring the fun with their heart-pumping action, steamy romance, harem adventures, and humor. Join my exclusive community on Patreon and get access to my latest books and advanced chapters. Help bring my stories to life and escape to a world of endless possibilities. Don't settle for the same old stories - come on this wild ride with me! Check out patreon.com/thebookaddict now. ••••

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The Great Elf King


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As I attempted to flush my face down a toilet in a desperate attempt to end my own life, that wretched Fudge showed up. As a loyal elf bound by the seal, I had no choice but to inform my mistress of his arrival. So, I popped into the recovery room and informed the cruel and devious Lucius Malfoy. But then, as they confronted the foolish Minister, I found myself alone with the brat, Draco.

In boredom, I began tapping my foot against the floor. Damn it! The brat heard me. He was staring at me with curiosity. I should have left sooner.

"Yo Dobby, how ya doing?" He said with an awkward smile.

I couldn't believe it, was this ferret-faced boy actually asking how I was doing? It was a surprise, to say the least.

"Well, Dobby, how is life here?" He asked again with genuine interest.

"It's ba-great, master," I replied, trying to hide the disdain in my voice.

"Ok," he replied, a look of confusion on his face.

An Awkward Silence followed after that.

Is this brat changing for the better? I wondered. Then after a few minutes of silence, he went at it again, asking a plethora of strange questions.

"Well, Dobby, why do you wear this pillowcase?" He asked with curiosity, pointing to the tattered piece of cloth I called clothing.

"Pillow Case!" I exclaimed, taken aback by his question.

What did he want with my pillowcase? Oh no, please, no. If he took this away from me, my dick would literally fall off due to the cold.

"What's that poking from those holes?" He said, pointing at my dick.

Is this brat planning to cut it off? My dick has turned from a dragon to a pit snake in these years of torture.

"My brother, please forgive me. I wasn't able to protect you. I will miss you, my friend, the time we spent together, how we used to fuc... "

My inner monologue with my dick got cut off by that brat yelling.

"Dobby, why do you have to be such an exhibitionist? Showing your dick in public." He scolded me while frowning.

When did I become an exhibitionist? It's you and your perverted family who are the exhibitionists. I am the proud and honorable King of Elves.

"No matter, no. It's not what you think. Master Lucius made me....."

I tried to protect whatever honor I had left. But he cut me off.

"Look here, Dobby, you do what I say. You will not be wearing that dirty pillowcase anymore." He said in a stern voice.

FUCK! This young bastard is more perverted than that older blond ferret. Stupid pure-blooded wizard, my ass. They are all a bunch of exhibitionists.

God, what did I do to deserve this? Oh, how I wish to be freed from these stupid assholes.

I am longing for my old life as king. God, if you had punished me for being an asshole in the past, I swear that I would redeem myself by serving someone worthy to have the Great Elf King Drogonus Oceanus Balrogis Balerion Yggdrasil (aka DOBBY) as his chauffeur.

Just as I started to undress, that bastard stopped me. What does he want now? Does he want to humiliate me further?

As he began to speak, I found myself captivated by his vision. He wants me to become even more ripped than Arnold Schwarzenegger himself. I couldn't help but be impressed by his ambition. He wants to turn me, a skinny bag of bones, into a towering, muscular giant. I couldn't begin to imagine how he would accomplish such a feat, but the thought filled me with excitement. A huge grin spread across my face as I listened to him speak.

But as I continued to listen, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about him. Maybe he isn't the pervert I thought he was. Perhaps I had misunderstood him. Or is he into tall, muscular giants? I frowned at the thought, the image making me feel uneasy.

But I quickly pushed those thoughts out of my mind. I was too excited about returning to my prime to let anything dampen my enthusiasm. I couldn't wait to take revenge on the traitor who had caused my downfall. I would crush him with my arms and make him regret crossing me.



As I sat there, lost in my thoughts of revenge, the kid's voice suddenly jolted me back to reality. "DOBBY!" he exclaimed, nearly blowing out my eardrums with the volume of his voice. I jumped up, my mind snapping back to the present moment.