
Reborn as an American in the MCU

Nicole dies in a shocking way only to wake up as a baby in a universe that only existed in stories, The MCU. The only power she possesses is her knowledge of what will happen in this world. Cover by FireGirlSam Written by Avonturier Chimela This will be on Wattpad, RoyalRoad, ScribbleHub, Webnovel and Quotev.

Avonturier · Book&Literature
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027 - Hulk, Nukes and Comic Book Logic

I strolled through the streets of Harlem. It had been an epic fight that would last for the ages. Unlike how it went in the film though, four people died along with about thirty injured. The military has already moved in and cleaned up the mess.

My current Avatar is an android which using some holograms I 'borrowed' from a stark database. It looks realistic enough but it lacks any heat so even with the silicone skin it won't feel right if you touch it.

I have made a few. A couple who looks like Mike but in his early forties. A couple of miscellaneous ones for when I want to not be seen and the current one which looks like Nicole.

Every now and then a military truck will drive by. I just shake my head and decide to head towards Manhattan. Since my avatar has an arc reactor inside it practically has infinite range.

Sitwell and Coulson sit in a coffee shop.

They had met the day before at the same table. Sitwell has just sat down while Coulson is halfway through his breakfast.

"Mission Accomplished." Says Coulson with a smile on his face and after finishing another bite continues, "The abomination will remain in his cage, for now. Apparently, the Consultant outdid himself. Ross got so mad he tried to have him removed from the bar. In response to which he just bought the whole building."

Sitwell just shakes his head while waving a server over to order.

Did I forget to mention that I'm now a grandad and a great uncle as well. Sky has kind of kept her distance once she had her kid.

Can you guess who the father is?

Take a guess, one wild guess?

Remember the fact that I hate tony.

Well, he isn't but let just say when sky said he might that led to me almost using one of thermonuclear strike packages I'd just assembled. Still hate him for defiling my precious baby. When I join the avengers…

Turns out that the kid isn't Piotr. Though I felt like blowing up the mansion I decided against it since I didn't want a deranged wolverine coming after me. Though I would like some of his blood though. Yes, more power! Hmm...

One of my other avatar is currently watching a sleeker looking shuttle taking off but instead of white and black the white is a dark grey. Unlike it's other counterpart this one can take of like a normal plane because it's using a big arc reactor to power an even bigger engine. On top of that the heat shield has been tweak slightly making it energy emitive meaning both heat and any radar should be absorbed and emitted quickly but in all directions. It will still look like the size of a car but will do until we can get our hands on the Kree warship in orbit.

For now, Its only just the testing phase. A few months ago, our first of thirty-eight subs launched. They each carry eighty SLBMs which each carry nine 1.3MT warheads. So, in total that's what, 2736 warheads let alone the few hundred tactical ones with have. You can never be too safe. I think the total yield comes to around 3.5 giga tons or in terms of scale the initial blast radius if detonated in London will reach as far Warsaw, Rome and Stockholm.

Or in terms us Americans can understand. Detonating it in New York would annihilate as far as Greenland and Miami. Those you may be wondering. Where on earth did we get all the uranium.

Here's the fun part. Using the unlimited power from the arc reactors we just synthesized enough those even with current production it will still take around five years to completely stock every sub.

Along with subs we are also building tanks, drones, satellites, IFVs and much more. Knowing what is going to happen in the next decade is actually kind of broken.

We debated for a long time whether to step in at New York but decided not to since the world needs proof that something like what I'm building actually needs to exist.

Oh, how time flies it's almost time for the avengers to form better get in on that.

One of my minds is currently looking at the quarantined and air gaped servers where we are cultivating AI and let's just say when an AI starts listening to black sabbath it means there totally ready for combat.

I sit in the seat of a Newish BMW with the top down which is weaving it's way though the traffic of New York. I pull up to school a few block from mid-town which for as much as I protested sky decided to send her there anyway. To my granddaughter Ashleigh I'm just uncle Mike the rich uncle who helps out with Her parents. Sky decided to marry her father a few years after Ashleigh was born, she is now eleven.

His name is Ben Lowe and he worked for one of our subsidiaries before leaving to other jobs opportunities. Sky told him about her being practically immortal while leaving out everything else. He said that they would try to make it work for her but were actually a nice couple.

"Hey, Uncle." Said Ashleigh as she walked over to my door. I responded with a nod while readjusting my sunglasses. "Can my friend get a lift. He has to take the bus otherwise and he is only about a block from Mine? Please…"

After a few seconds I just sighed and said, "Fine." She then runs back to the school building. After about thirty seconds she comes out while holding the hand of a boy about the same age as her.

They both jump in the back while the boy looks at the car with a dropped jaw. "Hey, kid. What's your name?"

The boy immediately closes his mouth and looks up and after a split second replies with. "Uhhh…Peter, sir."

I just nod then press down the accelerator once I have checked that they both have their belts on. Their heads both lean back for a second from the acceleration. As we are driving I look back through the centre mirror.

Ashleigh just has her eyes closed while the wind blows in her face. Her caramel coloured hair blowing in the wind. I look over at Peter and just shake my head. He's the perfect image of a young Tom Holland. Comic book logic strikes again.