
Reborn as an American in the MCU

Nicole dies in a shocking way only to wake up as a baby in a universe that only existed in stories, The MCU. The only power she possesses is her knowledge of what will happen in this world. Cover by FireGirlSam Written by Avonturier Chimela This will be on Wattpad, RoyalRoad, ScribbleHub, Webnovel and Quotev.

Avonturier · Book&Literature
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34 Chs

010 - Erskine's Serum

(A/N: Sorry for not publishing for a few weeks. I've been in hospital for a bit. From now on I'll just release a bunch of chapters in batches once I Wrote some.)

[March 9th 1943, Brooklyn, New York.]

Today was the day he could feel it. The sun was shining not a cloud in the sky. The hustle and bustle of the thriving city.

He had spent months looking for this place and had spent the last two weeks Staking it out. This was the first step in his plans for the future.

The super soldier serum. The thing that drives so many plots in the MCU. He had a plan to get his hands on it.

Anyway, while he waited. He might as well catch you up. In the last four years Jim had been conscripted in 1941 and he would be joining in a few weeks when the next conscription drive happened. So this was his one chance to get it.

I had told Claire of his knowledge a few months after their prom and she had said she did not care and just wanted to be with me.

We plan to get married openly after the war.

We had just been to the courthouse with our parents, my sister and brother in law.

This is so that She can get a pension. Not that she will need it with the size my company will balloon to in the future.

I had basically drove thousands of dollars and thousands more from long term loans into companies that I know will grow humongous, Like Hewlitt-Packard and the American broadcast company. The latter of which is in the process of being formed.

I had also found a brilliant young economics major who just finished at a new York university called Simon. But was out of a job and due to asthma couldn't be conscripted, which was perfect for what I needed.

I had given him a plan of where to invest funds in the next 3-5 years and what stuff to sell.

His second job was to make sure a warehouse in queens Always had power no matter what. This was where I was going to keep the serum frozen.

I was basically betting everything that the us market would exploded in the next few years and I will be right.

I smirked as I looked up from reading a letter, I had received from Jim it was dated two months ago. He had got some shrapnel in the leg while in Papua New Guinea.

{Bang, bang.}

"No, don't!" Came a shout from Steve Rodgers as Heinz Kruger rounded the corner with a young boy who he throws in the water and carries on running.

"Go, I can swim." Shouts the boy as Steve looks at him.

I jump of the crate as I bump into Heinz as he makes his way to his mini-sub.

"Sorry." I say in my new yorker accent as I make my escape with the serum. I have been practicing my pickpocket skills recently. By pinching wallets and other things from other people's pockets and anonymously leaving them at the nearest police station.

I stood and decided to watch as Steve jumped in the water after the submarine.

Taking a quick peak around and only seeing the young boy trying to climb out the water I open the capsule and pour its contents into a vile which I cork and slide into my pocket and then toss into the water.

I then chuckle as I see the Hydra Agent tossed onto the promenade.

I run over as Steve stands above him and he utters the words, "Cut off one head and two more will take its place." Before he begins to froth in the mouth. He turns his head from Steve's face to mine as a look of realization appears on his face that I now had it as the light fades from his eyes.

I had hidden the vile on myself.

After being interviewed and background checked from multiple police and S.S.R. Agents I was finally free to go. As I was leaving I overheard one of the officers reporting to his superior that they had recovered the vile but it had leaked out into the ocean and that Erskine's house had also caught fire so there was no notes left either meaning they had lost all the research.


That was the first of them man's superior.

I had told them that I grew up away from the coast so since I had moved to New York I liked to stroll along the coast.

I had an apartment with Claire as she went to university over in Manhattan and we had an apartment only a few block from hear they believed me.

Not only that but I had told them that as he tossed the kid into the water he also tossed a small blue object into the water as well.

I walked away from the S.S.R. building in Brooklyn and caught a taxi over to Queens.

I met with Simon and told him that this vile was the most important thing in the country as of this moment and that it was to remain frozen until I return. He nodded. I knew he couldn't betray me because I was paying him a substantial amount as well as paying for his mother's Palliative Care in a local hospital.

He was extremely grateful and said that my company would be in good care while I was away.

I made my way to the local recruitment office.