
Reborn as an American in the MCU

Nicole dies in a shocking way only to wake up as a baby in a universe that only existed in stories, The MCU. The only power she possesses is her knowledge of what will happen in this world. Cover by FireGirlSam Written by Avonturier Chimela This will be on Wattpad, RoyalRoad, ScribbleHub, Webnovel and Quotev.

Avonturier · Book&Literature
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006 - The Terrible Fate of Humanity

(A/N: Thanks I already have over two hundred people who wanna keep reading this, Yay!!!)

He was basically just sitting there on the bench while PE was on. He just drew in his notebook. He knew but pretended not to see the harsh glances from the other boys and Coach Quinn.

He just ignored them as he drew in his book. Its contents were necessary for his plans.

He smirked as he removed the pen from where he had been drawing and thought to himself. 'I am the only being in the universe to know where all six infinity stones are roughly.'

In this page of the book There were pencil drawings of the Tesseract, (Space Stone) the Eye of Agamoto, (Time Stone) the Aether, (Reality Stone) the landscape of Vormir, (Soul Stone) the Orb on Morag (Power Stone) And Loki's Scepter (Mind Stone) or is it Thanos's scepter at this point on time.

They were each labeled with a bunch of curvaceous lines which was just German shorthand. Nicole used it when drafting her thesis. He regretted not being able to complete Nicole's research before she died. It would have been useful in a few years.

Wait whose to say he can't just continue it. This is the a universe where being bit by a spider or getting hit with lethal doses of radiation can make you a demigod. Whose to say a Genetics student with a coding hobby can't make It in this world.

Firstly, He needs to make sure jimmy survives the war he is two years older and will be draft in 1940. He is the only one I can trust not to spread anything about my knowledge, but how to tell him.

[Later that day]

He had met Jim after the last bell rang.

"Hey, Mike where you want to go?" Asked Jim

"Top of the hill. That okay?" replied Mike.

Jim, raising an eyebrow, just nodded, and then started to walk.

After a few minutes and when he thought there was no one around he asked Mike. "So what's with you wanting to be all secret and why have you been in that book of yours all day. I know you're a bookworm and all but you usually are not like that at school?"

Mike had been bullied for a long time as a kid. He was scrawny and smart. The perfect target for bullying. Three years ago he was walking home from the library and one of the kids from his class shoved him over and was about to dump all his borrowed books in the river.

But Jimmy had stepped in and they had been friends ever since. He helping to keep Jimmy's Grade up so he could stay on the football team. And Jimmy making sure that Mike was untortured by other kids. He was the only person he might be able to trust with his secret.

He just stayed silent as they reached the top of the hill and it was an amazing view of the whole town. Jim the asked, "So what do you want to tell me?"

Mike took a deep breath before saying. "Jimmy what I'm going to tell you will sound nuts and I you're the only one I am going to tell, and this can not be told to anyone, Okay?"

Jimmy just shrugged and said in a non-cholent tone, "Okay."

Mike let out the deep breath as he said, "I can see the future."

It had taken a while to finally convince Jimmy this wasn't a joke.

"Okay, so how does it work exactly, like can you see when I die or like who I get married to." asked Jimmy with a cheeky smile plastered to his face.

"No, it's like I just have the knowledge that is in a history book, it doesn't cover the intricacies of everyday life just key points that will happen." Answered Mike with an anxious expression on his face.

"Okay, so what is the first thing you see happening. But it has to be something you can't possibly have predicted and I will believe you a hundred percent, because right now I know you are not joking so you are either nuts or you are telling the truth? I do not know which would be worse." Asked jimmy with a now serious tone.

Mike put a hand on his head for a few moments before thinking. He then took out his notebook and wrote down some dates. "Okay nothing I can see for a few months but in may a bunch of stuff happens."

"What?" jimmy said as he moved next to mike

Mike then reads the German shorthand he has written down. "May 6 a German zeppelin blows up in new jersey called the Hindenburg, May 30 police open fire on a crowd in Chicago during a protest killing ten. July 2 Amelia Earhart and Fredericks Noonan flight goes down in the middle of the Atlantic. And July 7 The empire of Japan start the second Sino-Japanese war."

Jim sat there for a few moments in silence staring at the page before asking. "How many die in that war."

Mike lowering his head says, "It says the final estimate is two million Japanese and just under thirty million Chinese."


He vomited up the little amount of food that he had in his stomach.

"You better not be lying to me." Jim said as he wretched again, but nothing came out.

"That is not anywhere near the worst of it." said mike with a solemn tone.

Jim raised his head to look at jimmy. "We have to prevent it, there has to be away. You saw what the great war did to my dad."

Mike replied with a desperate tone, "And how exactly are we meant to do that. Jimmy, we are just two kids from Spencer. No one will take us seriously and if they do we will go in the nut house or be exorcised by the church."

"I have no idea. Hang on you said that, that was not the worst of it." Jimmy exclaimed while pointing his finger at Mike.

Mike just nodded and then said. "Basically, we as in America end up putting an embargo on Japan stopping them from getting oil when the casualties start to saw into the millions. Japan the signs a pact with German and Italy in 1940 after Germany and Italy start rampaging across Europe in late 1939. In 1941, Japan attacks British and Dutch holding in East Asia as well as the Philippines and Hawaii.

Meaning basically, almost every single country in the world will be in that war."

"Do we win." Asked jimmy as if accepting fate.

"Yes, but at great cost."

"So, what do we do now." Asked jimmy in a now defeated tone.

(A/N: So from now on there will be four chapters a week, M, T, W & Th at 2:00pm GMT. Let us see how long I can keep this up.)