
Reborn as a hero

Phil dies saving a life of a small boy he is then reincarnated as Goku from a alternate universe from og. Watch as the protector of earth is now thrust into new situations. Goku has lost everything he has ever known his family his brother, the only home he has ever truly known was in a different life. Choosing this life has given very little but a small chance of survival. Will he be able to even grow up into a grown man again? If he somehow reaches adulthood, would he be able to gain as much power as the original cannon character? Or could he even be more powerful... Behind the scenes forces are at work that will effect his story. What is the chaos realm? Find out these answers and more as the story unfolds on the next episodes of Dragon...Reborn as a Hero! ____________________________ Hey everyone, I want to thank you all for reading! This is my first time putting effort into writing a novel so I do want some feedback on the writing quality and if you have a suggestion about the story. I plan on Goku having many love interests but not a tradtitional harem. If anyone is interested in what that means you will have to read to find out. Unfortunately ☹️ I am not a 'natural' at writing, I write my story because I want to be a part of this world and not just read other people's work. So each chapter is dreamed about wrote once on paper, then transferred to my laptop with a lot of editing between. Finally, after this whole process I listen to it again with TTS software and edit again. Sorry if you guys don't like the wait but I will try to send out at least 2 if we are lucky 4 chapters a week! I hope you give this story a try! (P.S. I like feedback currently I'm getting one or two comments and when I see these it does make me happy) (P.P.S if anyone understands how to get cover art for the book please let me know!)

Lonefrog · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Sneak Attack

This planet we've crash-landed on reminds me a lot of my original earth, the skies are blue, and the trees had brownish bark and the leaves are green. The only difference I could actually see was the animals here are fiercer, we, unfortunately, learned this lesson the hard way. After a couple of hours from the start of our journey through the mysterious jungle, my party of two met a sneak attack. The creature resembled an iguana about the size of a large dog with claws half a foot long, its eyes pierced us with ferocity and the creature seemed to have rough green scales that created a hard armor around its body.

Jumping out of nowhere it latched itself onto Broly's left shoulder surprising both of us. After the surprise Broly knocked the animal off his small shoulder with a palm to the neck, it tumbled a few feet away making a shrieking sound as it flew. Soon the lizard was on its feet again quickly darting into the forest and disappearing from sight like a wraith. 'Was the creature going to attack once more?' I wondered scanning the trees for any movement.

I took brief glances at Broly assessing his physical state, he was standing rigidly holding onto is wound where the creature's teeth had sliced a curve into his flesh. I believe his body could withstand this abuse even at his age so I won't be too worried about his health. Broly's eyes were knit together and his mouth was set in a firm line making his scholarly appearance seem more menacing and dangerous, I know what he is feeling fear and rage had started to boil beneath his skin, most Saiyan warriors would probably feel the same way when attacked then just disappears before you're able to fight back frustrated is the smallest emotion you would expect.

I just wanted a head-on fight, trading punches with a strong enemy, a meeting between equals... but expecting such a battle is kind of stupid. Smiling grimly about my own immature thoughts, I shake my head. Why would anyone want a straight-on fight? If it's possible to continually sneak attack your 'prey' (in this case) Why wouldn't you? I can only guess at what the true Saiyan's think about how the battle should work, but I believe wanting a satisfying heart-pumping fight dancing at the edge of Death's scythe is what most warriors want. In my previous life, I always wondered why the characters in the series always planned the battles in advance because some battles will come in advance while most will be on the fly, so when almost all battles were in a rink... it doesn't seem all that realistic.

I always would chop it up too; 'this is how the writer wanted it' or no other reason than 'who is the strongest between the two of us.' living this new life I now view surprise attacks differently, because someone doesn't need to be strong to win a battle using this method and they have started to feel more like cheating. Refocusing my mind back to the battle at hand I hit the button on my scanner and I found ten different signatures scattered around us. Possibly some creatures are waiting to see the result between our fight and would attack whichever wins after we are through.

Adrenalin shot through my veins at this idea, 'what a mess!' I thought. I didn't really want to wait to find out on whose menu we would be on today, but running away was not an option either. Staying very still I listened to the jungle for any movement. Holding my breath, I bend down in my battle stance and watched the display window on my scanner. Suddenly, I found a signature quickly approaching from behind. "It won't be that easy!" I declared before grabbing Broly's shirt and diving out of the way from the creature's long black claws it had aimed at our legs. Rolling to a stop Broly beat me standing back to his feet, the sneer on his face told me he was pissed this time but took no action.

Broly was too green at battling now and he also didn't have his own scanner so he was even more at a disadvantage against these creatures. I decided to take care of the creature myself, I felt confident using the methods at my disposal it wouldn't take me too long to subdue. Jumping to my feet I found the signature of the lizard creature had started moving to our right after he had disappeared in the forest from before. Charging a Ki ball in my right hand I waited for the creature to start to attack again.

Broly looked down at my glowing hand in surprise, possibly not realizing I was capable of doing this, his eyes knit together, but this time it wasn't because of the creature but me instead. Not really understanding why he was looking at me I ignored him and narrowed my vision on the oncoming threat. My scanner detected the creature's movement once more 'He is coming again... good' I thought. I poured all my Ki into my right hand with my remaining power, this will weaken me directly after I shoot the blast so I will have to hit it on the first shot. It might be hard to believe that at my power level, being able to create a huge cannon worth of Ki and destroy the entire jungle in front of me. should be an easy feat, but unfortunately, the advantages of being a Saiyan is also it's own disadvantage as well. I had the same thought picking this incarnation to be born into.

Although, the Saiyan race is genetically preconditioned to being able to be superior, improving a person's body without control gaining control will only make them less of a threat. I've fought hundreds of battles with a simulation of King Vegeta but because my battles always progressed too quickly due to the vast difference between our battle powers my Ki's control has suffered.

Therefore, I need to experience battles on my own level to improve my control and this is the reason I have always lost against King Vegeta besides the major difference in power level. As the creature burst through the surrounding jungle once again it leaped from a High tree top approaching us from a different angle than previously. Aiming, I quickly released the Ki ball I had powered up to the size of a baseball and it smashed directly into its ugly mouth. Steam and blood flew from the impact while the lizard flipped backward knocking into a small tree shaking its base and uprooting a little. Broly took this opportunity to jump onto its head with both feet, I heard a cracking sound as blood splashed out quickly coating the ground in its sticky liquid.

As Broly got his revenge he let out a roar that echoed around the jungle frightening the unsuspecting creatures around, using the scanner I found a few creatures backing away and leaving quickly. 'Our presence in this jungle has been officially announced' I thought. Although a few of the signatures backed away I still found a few that didn't and these were the ones I had to be wary about. The remaining creatures had power levels around five to six hundred, Broly's Ki level was well over a thousand and I wasn't too close behind him, but if we were caught unaware again or if all the creatures came attacking us at once, then we would only meet our fate. Broly and I met gazes "What should we do now?" Broly's immature voice rang in my ears. I smiled briefly. "Are you hungry?" I replied.

Broly's eyebrows jumped up for a second and he looked down at their attacker. "We eat this?" He said sounding surprised. I nodded and searched the area for wood to start a fire. I didn't just eat the creature because 'I'm a Saiyan. Therefore I am always hungry" Although there is some truth to the statement. I also ate the creature because I wanted the things that were still in the dark to see my resolve about my last attacker, not that they were intelligent enough I still felt it necessary.

Also ever since I heard Ratiz's story back in the infant nursery about when he fought with the crab monster. I've wanted to experience something similar. 'This feels right!' I thought as I tore off a leg and ran a sharp stick threw its middle and starting the process cooking. At first, Broly was skeptical about eating the monster lizard, but after he took his first bite his eyes lit up in amazement. The meat had a wildness I hadn't ever tasted the juicy flavors had a nice aroma and it settled well inside my stomach. Before either one of us was able to get our fill the creature's meat was completely devoured, and by the look on Broly's face, I could tell he was ready to find some more. Broly never spoke much and I wasn't sure if he didn't have much to say to me, or if this was how his personality worked.

We continued our journeyed afterward through the jungle for three months we battled creatures and feasting on their remains and for the entire time, we hadn't seen a humanoid creature. I wasn't sure if there were humanoids on this planet but on the display of my scanner, I have seen many life signatures that appeared in one location. Hoping we could reach civilization we continued to journey on when my scanner finally notified me that we were close to the large life signature we were attacked once more. This time it wasn't just one creature like the last few times but five.

They're lower half had four legs like a horse and upper bodies had two long arms with human-like fingers that had long claws at the end. While their heads were beast-like with a large snout as the nose, their beady eyes were so black they seemed hollow inside while the outside and of their eyes shined in the dark. "I've never seen anything so ugly in my life!" I said aloud my face froze as I prepared for the fight I knew that was coming. "This is going to be tough!" I yelled at Broly as I sent blue colores Ki into my hands.