
Reborn as a hero

Phil dies saving a life of a small boy he is then reincarnated as Goku from a alternate universe from og. Watch as the protector of earth is now thrust into new situations. Goku has lost everything he has ever known his family his brother, the only home he has ever truly known was in a different life. Choosing this life has given very little but a small chance of survival. Will he be able to even grow up into a grown man again? If he somehow reaches adulthood, would he be able to gain as much power as the original cannon character? Or could he even be more powerful... Behind the scenes forces are at work that will effect his story. What is the chaos realm? Find out these answers and more as the story unfolds on the next episodes of Dragon...Reborn as a Hero! ____________________________ Hey everyone, I want to thank you all for reading! This is my first time putting effort into writing a novel so I do want some feedback on the writing quality and if you have a suggestion about the story. I plan on Goku having many love interests but not a tradtitional harem. If anyone is interested in what that means you will have to read to find out. Unfortunately ☹️ I am not a 'natural' at writing, I write my story because I want to be a part of this world and not just read other people's work. So each chapter is dreamed about wrote once on paper, then transferred to my laptop with a lot of editing between. Finally, after this whole process I listen to it again with TTS software and edit again. Sorry if you guys don't like the wait but I will try to send out at least 2 if we are lucky 4 chapters a week! I hope you give this story a try! (P.S. I like feedback currently I'm getting one or two comments and when I see these it does make me happy) (P.P.S if anyone understands how to get cover art for the book please let me know!)

Lonefrog · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs


Humidity made the air thick and heat was an upward 115 degrees that filled the dense rain forest like jungle, making its presence unable to be ignored. Meanwhile two flaming meteors quietly made their descent to an unsuspecting world not making a sound until an explosion rocked the ground below. "Booooooooom!" the sound was louder than two lightning strikes pierced the ground flinging its previous content into the air as the soil below was scorched by the high temperatures. The wildlife for miles around scattered fearing for their lives while a few beasts were excited for something new. For a long time nothing happened as the dust settled and the ground stopped it's shaking, peace was seemingly restored until… 'Pop! Chii!' The sound of two space pod doors popping open made sharp sounds breaking the recently restored quiet. Although, these sounds only disturbs the quiet of the world momentarily it would be considered a marker for a true change for the future.

Cautiously I exited my space pod, my small form was an odd contrast to the massive cylinder I had emerged from making the entire grandiose display of my landing seem comical. The thick air and heat combined to pressure my child body. I wasn't able to calculate this world's gravity in a numerical comparison I only assumed it was twice that of Planet Vageta's because each step was as hard as running through water and with my movements slowed to such a degree my instincts told me this could mean trouble. I quickly scanned the area for signs of life, assured there wasn't any immediate threat I breathed out a sigh of relief.

When I was placed into the space pod I was merely a half year old and I hadn't yet taken my first step, but the training within the TG program had granted me strength and agility not many would be able to achieve at this age. If I remember correctly, even the original Goku had not achieved my Ki level at the age of 10, much less at my current age of 2. Stretching and loosening my stiff joints from the long travel, I decided to check my current stats to see if the system could tell me anything about this planet.

Name: Goku – Age: 2 years 3 months 8 days 17 hours – Ki level: 804 – Travel progress: 94% current status (delayed) – System connection: Nonfunctional – Planet name: Unknown

The joy I was feeling about my rise in Ki level vanished when I heard the system state the last part. 'Nonfunctional'? What does that mean? Steps behind me quickly caught my attention to a thin toddler with a pensive look on his face, standing at the side of the other space pod. His face looked passive at the wreckage behind him, his short black hair was sticking out at strait angles around his face and his chin and jawline angled down to a point.

At first glance he could be mistaken for a noble's son, his every movement was precise and had a specific purpose while his pensive eyes made him appear to be in deep thought. Quickly his eyes focused on my own, and his movements were quick as he approached. My immediate response was to back off while he drew near, but I quickly stopped myself from making that dumb mistake because he was currently just a toddler… He was a Saiyan toddler none the less and he would someday awaken the legendary Super Saiyan form, but I couldn't just treat him like the monster I thought he may one day become. His story hasn't been written just like my own and pretending anything less might get the ball rolling in the direction I don't wish for it to go. "Is this it?" Broly said in a tiny voice I didn't expect to come from his mouth. Honestly I'm not sure what I expected, a beefy masculine voice to come out of a two year olds mouth, or for him just to outright attack me? Regardless, he wasn't threatening nor was he a crazed toddler either. I hid my surprise and focused on the boy in front of me. "I don't understand?" I responded furrowing my brow. "Is this the planet father sent us towards?"

I couldn't hold back my surprise this time as I lifted my eye brows. "Father?" Broly breathed out in frustration like he was speaking with a moron. "Yes, the man that saved my life and sent us in the escape pods. I have decided to call him father." He said like this was the most obvious thing in the world, he continued attempting to show patience. "Do you. Know. If. This. Is. The planet. He. Sent. Us. To?" I wanted to laugh he truly took me for a moron, but what surprised me the most was how intelligent Broly truly was. As a two-year-old he had the same intellect as a full grown adult. 'No wonder' I thought to myself.

I remember watching the Broly movies though I didn't watch them all. I remember seeing flash backs of Broly as a child being rampant and uncontrollable, seeking entertainment with massacre. I can imagine a boy this brilliant in a society that doesn't value intelligence but war, seeking acknowledgment and praise and wondering down the wrong road. Again I realize, Saiyan's way of life is backwards and only harms the individuals apart of this society, as long as I can guide Broly to the correct way of thinking his future would likely turn out better than the original Goku or Vageta. The only problem is our nature. We are destructive beings and we tend to rip apart everything if we get angry enough, so finding a balance is necessary. I have the TG program that allows me to train this part of myself, but Brolly will have to muddle through without. "SNAP! SNAP!" Brolly held his fingers in front of my face snapping like he was trying to get the attention of an imbecile. Shaking my head to clear my thoughts I smiled at the boy in my front whom was looking at me with impatience. "No, from what I can tell we were thrown off course and caught in the gravitational pull of an unknown planet"

I told him giving him the information I knew from the system. I thought for a second and continued. "I think we should see if any equipment still works after the crash and then search for civilization." Nodding Broly agreed, then with his purposeful strides his small body returned to his still smoking ship. Following suit, I jump back into my own space-pod but unlike Broly I called on the system to scan for any equipment which would be useful on our journey on this planet. I my pod I found rope, a pack of rations and flint stones for starting a fire for a while I wasn't able to find anything else until I found a hidden compartment on my chair. Looking side it appeared to be metal oddly shaped in a curve with a glass piece in front and a small button on the side. "This is a… a scanner?"

I had only ever seen one in the manga and at first I wasn't able to recognize it at all. I was cautious at first, because I knew from the anime series that the Saiyan scanners were used as tracking devices for Frieza force for any refugee Saiyan. After thinking about it for a few moments I pressed the button on the side, figuring the Frieza force wouldn't bother for a momentary blip if this scanner had the tracking ware inside, I just wanted to see its functions. Besides, my system could probably remove the tracking system like it had done for Broly's space-pod when we originally left planet Vageta. I fit the devise around my ear and pressed the circular button on the side, within moments a series of images popped up on the eye glass.

First a blinking circle was in front and then some text popped up. 'System interface with scanner and delete any tracking software detected.' I commanded. Hearing the system's auto response of ~Ding-Ding~ I waited for the system to complete its task. 'System has removed tracking software and is harmonizing with the scanner's functions. Harmonizing complete! Congratulations! You have added software upgrading the systems functions. You are now able to scan for Ki levels and as an added feature you are able to detect technology use in cyborgs and scan for hidden compartments.' Excitedly I jumped up and down. 'This is exactly what I needed! Now I'm able to search this world for living creatures and if I ever have to be in a battle with the Androids I will be able to find their power signatures. This was a windfall!'

As I was dancing around happily Broly must have snuck up behind me, as I stuck a fist in the air to finish my victory dance I finally seen him. His brows were high on his forehead creating several black lines. Standing up straighter from my weird pose I dusted off my shirt, my cheeks were burning in embarrassment and cleared my voice. "Humm, are you ready to go?" His mouth was still hanging open still stunned I started to feel impatient. "If you don't shut your mouth a bird might build its nest inside." I said with a chuckle. Smirking a little Brolly nodded at me and we started walking towards the dense jungle ahead of us.