
Reborn as a hero

Phil dies saving a life of a small boy he is then reincarnated as Goku from a alternate universe from og. Watch as the protector of earth is now thrust into new situations. Goku has lost everything he has ever known his family his brother, the only home he has ever truly known was in a different life. Choosing this life has given very little but a small chance of survival. Will he be able to even grow up into a grown man again? If he somehow reaches adulthood, would he be able to gain as much power as the original cannon character? Or could he even be more powerful... Behind the scenes forces are at work that will effect his story. What is the chaos realm? Find out these answers and more as the story unfolds on the next episodes of Dragon...Reborn as a Hero! ____________________________ Hey everyone, I want to thank you all for reading! This is my first time putting effort into writing a novel so I do want some feedback on the writing quality and if you have a suggestion about the story. I plan on Goku having many love interests but not a tradtitional harem. If anyone is interested in what that means you will have to read to find out. Unfortunately ☹️ I am not a 'natural' at writing, I write my story because I want to be a part of this world and not just read other people's work. So each chapter is dreamed about wrote once on paper, then transferred to my laptop with a lot of editing between. Finally, after this whole process I listen to it again with TTS software and edit again. Sorry if you guys don't like the wait but I will try to send out at least 2 if we are lucky 4 chapters a week! I hope you give this story a try! (P.S. I like feedback currently I'm getting one or two comments and when I see these it does make me happy) (P.P.S if anyone understands how to get cover art for the book please let me know!)

Lonefrog · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Learning from pain

At the edge of a vast jungle engulfed in near darkness, two boys stood defiantly against five hideous beasts. Staring venomously down at their victims below, the mighty creatures let out roars that shook the surrounding wilderness. After checking my system's scanning function against the surrounding beast's power level, the largest monstrous beast's BP (power level) was right at 1800. The other two had smaller bodies than the first monster and their battle power had both reached BP 1000. While the final two beasts are smallest in stature, even when compared to the first three. Their BP of 800. After these months of journeying in the jungle Broly's Ki level has finally reached 1580 Ki and my own followed close behind at 1000 Ki. So, we basically are still outmatched.

I knew even if I wanted to run away there would be little chance of escaping, not that I'm even capable of wanting to do such a thing. If I hadn't had the memories from my past life I doubt 'escape' would even register in my mind as a valid option. I've found that when I fight I seem to feel more alive, and I often crave this feeling when I haven't battled for a while. Saiyan instincts are too powerful… Whenever there is a confrontation with an enemy my blood starts to race in my veins and I feel a euphoric energy sweep through my body. Why wouldn't anyone run directly into battle? It's like a junky waiting for a fix. Sure, I can control my own actions and keep from running into battles I know I cannot win, but I do see why Saiyan's are considered a warrior race.

Suddenly the largest monster hoofed the ground kicking up dust the then it narrowed his eyes on Broly and started to charge down the hill letting out a growling roar. Broly has the most power of the two of us, therefore this monster must have decided to take care of him first!' Broly showed an expression of interest, on his thin face. Then the second to largest creatures turned their black eyes on me focusing on anticipation, while the last two backed away possibly as spectators or backup.

I felt complicated when I saw this, these beasts were looking down on us, I was delighted and pissed at the same time. Looking over I met eyes with Broly his brows creased in concentration, I could see his muscles were tense in anticipation for the upcoming fight and a shadow of a smile hung on to his lips making me wonder what he was thinking. After the last few months, I have started to see a new side of Broly then when we first started our journey. In the cannon, Broly had a personality that would go from one extreme to the next in a blink of an eye. Although he was similar even now, I have never seen him be sadistic. No mutilating animals or killing friend and foe in a mad rush for dominance. Reserved, smart these are the qualities I've seen, but I have never seen him show vast irrational behavior.

The most extreme behavior I have ever seen was once when we first started our journey Broly did show signs of jealousy when I'd manipulated Ki in front of him, but it didn't take him long before he was able to produce Ki balls on his own eliminating his negative feelings toward me. I've noticed some problems when Broly attempts Ki manipulation to a larger degree his pace is slower than it was with me. I guess since Broly has ultra-instincts they tend to cause his patients for self-training 'Ki control' which limits his progress. I often look forward to the day I myself will be able to get a master to guide me in controlling Ki, due to the self-teaching method is slower than being led by a master it can be easy to go down the wrong path in training. Quickly regaining my focus at the two monsters that had begun their killing gallop, through the clear terrain.

The sound of eight mighty legs thundering towards me rocked me back to reality, and as I looked up I spotted two sets of claws targeting my throat. The skin at that area burned in response to their malicious intent. My only option for survival was diving into the mass of shrubbery to my right, their claws sent slashes of Ki rumbling behind me cutting the dense jungle and rocks in their wake. Quickly standing back up I was fascinated by the display the two monsters had shown. 'Their Ki control is noteworthy.' I exclaimed in delight. I'd kept my sight on how they manipulated their Ki it was sharper and thinner than a needle, I couldn't help be fascinated. I've watched many anime and read many light novels, and it had never truly gone into detail about how inner strength (for lack of a better term) is manipulated.

So coming to this world, I knew only that it is possible to manipulate Ki, but not why one attack with Ki is different than another? this thought process is totally lost on me (besides total power is in each attack that is). So when seeing these two monsters start to invigorate their Ki into a rapid storm swarming their hands, I was truly excited. 'Now I have a direction for my next practice time!' I thought with excitement. All of a sudden the two monsters would send the Ki blast lightning quick at me. "Challenge accepted," I said grimly planting my feet, not that I didn't have fear when facing two horrid monsters bent on ripping me apart. Since they had better control of Ki than me I decided to learn as much as possible before battling them so that I will have time to be able to mimic their technique.

Each time I successfully dodged their attacks it brought a cold sweat to my forehead. "This is harder than I thought" I whispered under my breath trying to keep my voice down so that Broly wouldn't hear me. Honestly, I respect Broly, he has been my constant companion for months (years if you count the time we were in the space-pods.) And I've had only one helper in traversing the 'jungle of death', although Broly is quiet sometimes and I don't fully understand him yet. I can at least say I don't want to look like a wimp in front of him.

The pair of monsters continuously whipped their claws at me they even tried to stampede over my small body, but with each attack, I was always a step ahead of them. When I successfully dodged their final series of attacks, I stood in a dense cloud of dust and as it settled around me I smirked at their surprised faces. When they saw the contempt on my face the creatures bellowed in response. At last, these two had finally gotten enraged, their hands shot up in the air and their human-like fingers had an appearance of crystal as they gracefully glimmered in the moonlight. At the tip of each of their fingers appeared a bright green light, its appearance illuminating the still of the night around us attracting everyone's gaze. Even Broly in the middle of kicking the larger monster on the side of his smooth head looked away to watch the strange scene that I was facing.

I couldn't discount the current danger I was in, but I had started to understand more about this technique and like a sponge, I was sucking up as much of the experience that I possibly could. Some of what the creatures did was abilities they'd inherited from their beast race, but some were cultivated and I needed to watch the process as much as possible. I noticed around their fingers where their Ki exited had hardened so that they could withstand the density of Ki exiting. 'Saiyan physic couldn't be inferior to these common monsters' I thought with pride, It should only take a small amount of time to produce similar results. Starting to envision a training method that would result in what I wanted. I then noticed the duo's attack had finally reached its peak, with a quick scan I found it had reached 2850 Ki. 'Damn.' If I got hit by that I surely wouldn't survive.

Finally getting serious about the fight I bent my waist getting into a better attacking stance, I stared down at my foes who glared back at me with their black eyes in response. Sending shivers down my spine the monsters started their second wave of attacks, their hands violently glowed in a pale green light. Pouring Ki into my own hands I charged directly for the gap between the two. "Rawagh!' I screamed out my battle cry. Blue coiling lights of KI glowed on my small hands a clear contrast to the green pale light that the monsters had produced. If someone was looking close to the Ki balls produced in my hands and compared them to the monsters, they would find many similarities between the power produced and the structure of their energies.

Soon the green and blue Ki collided and the blasts of blue started to quickly collapse, I started to realize my loss when my hands felt the feedback. My hands started to steam and the heat produced pain I had never felt before. "Aaaarrrrgggghhhhh!" I heard myself scream out because of the pain. The edges of my fingers started to turn black as I pushed my own blast towards them if I didn't think of something soon I would truly lose my life here. Not only did their Ki blast trump my own by over a thousand…  Two monsters with equal my own battle power were also pushing against me in response.

I gritted my teeth to keep my cries from coming out, but the pain hasn't lessened any at all but has started increasing. 'Maybe if I let the blast push me back the force will weaken and I will be able to fight back again…' As soon as this thought crossed my mind I didn't so much as hear but felt an overwhelming… "NO!!!" Inside me something had broke, it was almost like during the simulations when I went into my Ozaru form but this time my body didn't change. Something in my mind did.