
Reborn as a hero

Phil dies saving a life of a small boy he is then reincarnated as Goku from a alternate universe from og. Watch as the protector of earth is now thrust into new situations. Goku has lost everything he has ever known his family his brother, the only home he has ever truly known was in a different life. Choosing this life has given very little but a small chance of survival. Will he be able to even grow up into a grown man again? If he somehow reaches adulthood, would he be able to gain as much power as the original cannon character? Or could he even be more powerful... Behind the scenes forces are at work that will effect his story. What is the chaos realm? Find out these answers and more as the story unfolds on the next episodes of Dragon...Reborn as a Hero! ____________________________ Hey everyone, I want to thank you all for reading! This is my first time putting effort into writing a novel so I do want some feedback on the writing quality and if you have a suggestion about the story. I plan on Goku having many love interests but not a tradtitional harem. If anyone is interested in what that means you will have to read to find out. Unfortunately ☹️ I am not a 'natural' at writing, I write my story because I want to be a part of this world and not just read other people's work. So each chapter is dreamed about wrote once on paper, then transferred to my laptop with a lot of editing between. Finally, after this whole process I listen to it again with TTS software and edit again. Sorry if you guys don't like the wait but I will try to send out at least 2 if we are lucky 4 chapters a week! I hope you give this story a try! (P.S. I like feedback currently I'm getting one or two comments and when I see these it does make me happy) (P.P.S if anyone understands how to get cover art for the book please let me know!)

Lonefrog · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Cliff hanger

Explosions shook the surrounding land creating a deep crater and scattering the trees, stones, and any remaining wildlife and tossing them into the air and away from the center of the blast. Three figures remained after the dust settled, Goku and the two creatures. The trio huffed in large gasps of air trying to calm the churning energy inside of them, while still remaining vigilant of the enemies in front.

Looking at the far less injured creatures I wasn't really surprised by their state, for the most part, they didn't struggle in the previous bout. The sturdy creatures simply shook the remaining debris from their slender forms and prepared for battle once more. My body was definitely in worse condition, my hands had been burnt from the backlash of holding off their previous combined Ki blast and scrapes and bruises littered by the body. If we someone was judging our performance in the battle I was definitely losing. I thought back to a few moments ago after having a cowardly thought, a flood gate of emotions hit my mind shaking something loose, I started to feel as if I was going to go into my Ozaru form, but my body didn't change.

A barrier inside my mind that I wasn't aware of, had broken. Saiyans are high strung individuals we are constantly needing to move and explore and we feel things on another level much more intense than I've experienced before. Unconsciously, I must have built a mental barrier to negate the pressure, If I wasn't a reincarnated person this issue wouldn't have ever occurred. Most don't consider emotions to be from the chemical process creating a chain reaction that occurs in the brain, thereby shaping how people interact with the world around them. Since Saiyans are technically a different species and not human their strength, hearing, adaptability, and even 'thought process' are all heightened.

So, after being born in a Saiyan body my adult mind must have adapted to the heightened emotions by locking them away, but when I considered retreating for the first time my 'mental wall' exploded. When this happened, my Saiyan body responded in an interesting way. 'When a Saiyan's nature is stimulated by high emotions it unlocks an "S" gene in the spinal area and this can often result in explosive raises in our Ki level.' I recall the knowledge of my previous life. This tends to work best when you are in a heated battle. Luckily for me, I happened to be in such a fight. For a brief moment in the previous bout, I was able to raise my Ki blast output to match the monster's attack negating the power, which saved me at the last moment.

Although my Ki blast stopped theirs, my internal Ki continued to rise higher and higher 1080… 1200… 1525… 2000… 2025. Although my Ki level continued to raise inwardly no outward sign was shown. So to the creatures, I was a half-cooked piece of meat. "Ha!" I said in surprise when I noticed my Ki level reached higher than Broly's, but I would assume this will not last long he tends to surprise even me (much to my frustration). With all of my suffocating emotions, it was hard to focus on just one thing, but the sound of Broly's continuous battle nearby bringing me back to reality, and I immediately focused on the creatures. Their faces showed a lack of interest, it seemed they thought I had hardly any fight left in me and wanted to hurry and end our fight first.

On the outside, my face didn't show much emotion but that wasn't what was reflected on the inside... Internally I was struggling I wasn't in complete control of my body my instincts had started taking over, but I noticed my battle stance had gotten a little more coordinated, and my mind was racing with strategies quickly finding weak points I could exploit. 'Hmm, have I been unknowingly blocking 'built-in' instincts which have been assisting me all along?' I thought. If this is the case, then I have been fighting myself this entire time. Annoyed, some of my previous elation from my Ki upgrade was lost with this realization. Suddenly the creatures started generating their Ki, the light it produced intensified and it started making a high-pitched chirping noise.

Frowning, I analyzed it using the scanner and the power level it produced was much more concentrated than the last attack. '2900 Ki' it read to my amazement, I assume they aren't pulling any punches this time… 'Good, cause I'm not either!' Reaching deep within I start to pull out all Ki from my body and push it into my hands. This time it seemed easier like I had more access to my Ki than before. The blue light pulsed from my hands and formed into two round spheres about the size of beach balls hovering directly above my blacked hands. Learning from my past mistake when the two started their attack again before they could get too close, I shot my blast at them. Unfortunately, I didn't know the name of these types of creatures, but I swear the look of surprise on their faces was priceless.

When my blasts first made contact with their which was still held in hand, I expected something interesting to happen but even I was surprised when our attacks combined with little effort, making then absolutely defenseless. Within moments my attack doubled in size and consumed the creatures. Their screams pierced my ears as the duo perished in its green and blue Ki explosion, the larger creature that had been battling with Broly previously turned his attention from his fight, he had a look of horror on his face when he noticed his two companion's dead on the ground. "GREERAAAAA!!!"

The larger creature roared totally losing his composer in battel. Fiercely knocking Broly aside in his rage he charged at me, but before he got too close my Ki blast that had combined earlier had become unstable. Catching me off guard, I had received a portion of the explosion and my body was blasted into the air and away from the battle.

Uncontrollably my body smashed through trees causing small injuries but didn't damage it enough for any permanent injuries. Luckily for me, my Saiyan physique was durable unlike my previous body when I had been hit by the train.

"Huff!" I choked as I gasped for air my body dangling from a large mountainous cliffside. Fortunately, a few vines had kept me from falling to my death, unfortunately, some of them were wrapped around my neck restricting my airway. "Damn" I gasped coming back to my senses. Managing to rip away a few of the vines from my neck only to find, these vines were the very ones that support my body from a short trip off the side of an endless abyss.

"F*CK! Why am I so unlucky!" I fell further off the side of the cliff until the vines holding on my other body parts were tighter keeping my body from its descent. After my stomach finished its flips and my head stopped spinning, I realized I was a sitting duck if I didn't move.

Although I haven't fought a flying beast yet, I have seen them attack larger creatures in the last few months I've been here. But... how my luck is going so far, I imagine that it wouldn't take long before I was on one of their menus. Reaching up I grasped the vines halting my fall and started to pull myself into a vertical position. I planned was to use the vines as ropes getting myself to safety… 'Snap! Creak… Snap!" Two of the vines had snapped sending me further down the side of the endless abyss again. Clinging hard to the last remaining vine with my left hand I punched a hole in the side of the mountain with the other. "Pawpaw!" Suddenly my descent from the mountain was paused.

The hand placement I made was the only reason I hadn't fallen fully to my demise once more, because the vines I had been holding had all snapped after the sudden fall from earlier. Looking up to the cliffside I realized I was possibly a mile to its edge. 'This is going to be along the climb.' I thought as I created another handhold releasing the vines it held on to earlier. After ten minutes I had climbed 25 feet, but my slow progress was starting to wear on me a little.

Normally climbing up wouldn't be an issue because of my physical fitness and constant training, but today I had journeyed for hours then fought two monstrous creatures with power levels comparable to my own at one time.

After a battle this hard I would normally want a small rest but instead, I was blasted miles away choked and dropped at least a mile off the side of a cliff.

Suddenly I heard "Kaw!" Turning my head I saw a massive winged creature flying at me from behind. "Shit!" I was totally defenseless. I had to make a decision to stay on the side of the mountain and attempt to fight my way to the top with a near depleted Ki reserve or… I looked down at the darkness below. The sound of the creature's wings beating through the air sent shivers down my back.

Looking down I made my decision, if I stay, I will be bird food and if I drop, I will have a slim chance of survival. Releasing my hands my stomach cursed me as I dropped quickly into the dark unknown.

This is for you walnuts

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