
Reborn as a Dothraki (GOT SI) [haitus]

A man dies and gets to be reincarnated in GOT with 3 wishes. how will his wishes affect his fate and how will he alter the universe he is sent to is yet to be seen. *Its a story about a Dothraki, so the R18 tag is there for a reason, expect violence, mentions of R*pe and other things that were considered normal in medieval times. ******* The cover image I got from google, it belongs to you message me and i will remove it. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction that draws heavy inspiration on the TV series Game Of Thrones, the book series A song Of Ice and Fire and elements of the Marvel Universe and other works of fiction like One Piece. Please support the official releases and authors and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content that will be mentioned or borrowed for my story. This story might end up being a multiverse crossover. and its an AU universe with many OCs and some guests from other fictions.

OnanMaster · TV
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Chapter 15: just violence and a Talk.

~Cringe Alert~ (sorry but this is a necessary evil)

Chapter 15: Oppenheimer.

riding south towards the pass to Meerene was uneventful until we reached the road to it and faced an ugly choice. either try to hide or take the faster ride and follow the road.

It proved that hiding could have been a better option now that we were standing with a slaver caravan and it's dozen or so guards in a stalemate.

I know we can take them but I do not wish for a stray arrow to hit me or my companions. not that it would hurt me but my companions might not fare as well. and little Ogatto has grown attached to prime pu**y and what it is attached to.

Patra is quite the dreamer a very happy and down to earth sort of gal and now that she is not deathly terrified she likes to sing and dance. especially captivativating when she does so with little to no clothing.

Yao. well its complicated but let's say she has been putting quite the effort and it has been noticed. now what to do.

"this is a fight you don't want" the slavers just chuckled and drew their blades.

"I will take care of this" but then he heard the head slaver while rattling with some manacles.

"I will have a go at the women first, never had a Leng one before" as he licked his lips this made me stop.

"What did you just say?"normal non awakened people feel the temperature around them drop a few degrees. It was one thing that they seemed to enjoy doing and while not looking for direct conflict but this was quite the insult. After years of celibacy in a medieval society and being tempted I finally claimed a woman and they wanted to lay a hand on them. I put the arkah back on the saddle while taking a small pouch out.

"I will save you for desert" I say and point at the bossman that said so taking out some war paint i place it on my eyes and then i place it on top of my mouth making basically what looks to be corpsepaint metalheads use.

"Now i become death, destroyer of worlds" this makes Rahako chuckle and dismount his horse while walking away

"Shit, Here we go again. I would suggest getting back, when he says that its not wise to be close to him, you are in what i call the splash zone right now. " this confused everyone "don't say i did not warn you" as he sat 15 meters away on the ground and took out some horse jerky from their dry rations. Shanks being the smartest to make it in time before screeching and horror ensured as a half a ripped out head lands on the floor with part of the spinal cord still attached. if there was a sound effects you would hear "fatality" in the background

"seen him say that and do the warpain thing once. We were passing by an orphanage while reiding near Volantis and let's just say he did not like the sounds of what was happening inside" this time it was part of what looked to be a liver that was going to land on top of him but he masterfully dodged it with a roll.

"seems he likes ya" he said in a cheeky way to the Leng woman who could not watch the horror of me ripping people apart with my bare hands while displaying skills in pirouettes and dodging all their sword strikes.

"don't worry he calls this a Chinobuyo moment or the syndrome of someone that is three and ten" after pausing for a moment he just starts to laugh "well he is three and ten at the moment now that i think about it."

"How is that even possible?" the YiTish twin that Rahako chose was looking in horror while trying to control her horse that got scared due to half of a ripped off human landing near it. as i worked my way through the now fleeing slavers that were not fleeing anymore but screaming in pain as they held their broken legs. the smart ones were trying to have a painless death and stab them seselves, those ones received complementary broken arms as a tip.

Rahako was just grinning while finishing chewing his jerky.

"We can cut trees with our bare hands if enough Ki energy is used" as he picked up a pebble and crushed it in his deep red darkly coated ki fist.

"I can do something similar." and proceeds to use armament Haki

"the energy feels different yet similar at the same time" Rahako and Shanks were totally ignoring the horror and started to talk about their powers.

"Can it be activated like our Ki?" shanks shakes his head

"it can only be learned through training hard work and dedication" finishes saying

"your power comes from the inside and resonates with the world while out Ki comes from the outside and resonates with one's soul" then Rahako started to concennse all of his ki outside his body giving him Dragon like scales and morphing his body in a half dragon half human like hybrid."this is my soul aspect." This made shanks raise a eyebrow he could feel the strength of this Ki as he was using Observation haki of his own then he went and coated his full body with armamment becoming pitch black

"That may be your soul aspect, this is the strength of mine, my powers represent my will." seeing black face shanks almost wanted me to fanboy a little. dude is one of the strongest beings in his universe yet a laid back leader that likes to party and have fun and is a pacifist in his true nature, some fan theories even call him a primordial dragon or some mythical creature that has taken human form.

"Mine represents how I am one with the world and the world is one with me, it can be started by sharing it with you" this made Shanks raise an eyebrow.

"Do you know how? " the Yao twins who were paying more attention to this conversation than to the stomach turning massacre happening behind them looked curious themselves

"it's one of the greatest secrets kept by the big families, there are laws about doing the rituals to keep the balance of power" this made Rahako go wide eyed and start laugh

"laws of your land not mine" he then placed his palm on Shanks chest and proceeded to channel all of his ki inside him while giving him an empowered push back.Sensing that he can take the hit. The shockwave resulting from shanks being flung away like a rag doll spooked the horses that were already quite agitated due to the smell of blood and the screams.

"Now you have done it." I say as Rahako just grins as he sees the horses run away in panic and then looks at Ogatto with a childish grin. "it's your fault so you will have to go and get them"

Rahako looks at the 12 horses and in a mocking way just jokes "but dad!" then pouts.

"sometimes i don't know how you are two years older than me" I say as i just shake my head in disbelief. The problem with Ki instead of Haki is that it affects you mentally in a way that when used, euphoria and becoming drunk with power and burning out is common. Old fart Shan always said to keep one's emotions in check when using Ki and as a good successor I was wiping my balls with his advice, I bet he is proud.

Shanks returns with a haunted look on his face while looking at his arm in disbelief.

"it was like i have been blind all my life and now i can finally see" i just laugh

"perhaps we will see it the same way when we learn Haki" thank god for Shanks just agreeing to teach us. I don't know if i have Conqueror's haki but the other two is just practice and being able to manifest your will in a physical way or see through the aura of others. I was already able to manifest Sword intent.

How much more broken this world can get? and at the end it was necessary, a primordial ice zombie overlord that can raise 500k people and command them all is quite op in his own right. also that Javelin throw was not normal and surviving direct dragonfire. His death was stupoid to say the least. the WiteWalker General only dies to Lord Snow due to him being surprised by Valyrain steel and panicking. the one killed by Samwell is due to It not knowing Samwell was a threat and giving his back to get dragon-glassed back to his macker. and finally Arrya's knife trick.

Yet you can see them turning regular steel to cheap cardboard when its touched by their blade and they can jump, move and throw things in an unnatural way.

"i need a fucking army of super people to fight that" realizing that Craster was left alone due to him giving offering to the Walkers like his ancestors did and probably manny other clans just to be left alone. and it is said its because the blood of the first men is needed. well Giants got the blood of the first men too, not only can they reproduce with humans making half breeds they also speak only in the old tongue.

'Giant white walkers. just what i need to be worried about' Sight

Shanks ignored my aura in turmoil at the moment but he did give a worried glance.

I approached the slaver bossmang. He is barely conscious and crying in pain.

After lifting him by the throat I stare down his blood shot eyes and say a single word "Kalima '' then rip his heart with bare hands from his chest. discarding the still beating heart like a piece of trash.

I truly need a bath now.