
Reborn as a Dothraki (GOT SI) [haitus]

A man dies and gets to be reincarnated in GOT with 3 wishes. how will his wishes affect his fate and how will he alter the universe he is sent to is yet to be seen. *Its a story about a Dothraki, so the R18 tag is there for a reason, expect violence, mentions of R*pe and other things that were considered normal in medieval times. ******* The cover image I got from google, it belongs to you message me and i will remove it. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction that draws heavy inspiration on the TV series Game Of Thrones, the book series A song Of Ice and Fire and elements of the Marvel Universe and other works of fiction like One Piece. Please support the official releases and authors and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content that will be mentioned or borrowed for my story. This story might end up being a multiverse crossover. and its an AU universe with many OCs and some guests from other fictions.

OnanMaster · TV
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20 Chs

chapter 14: (18+_ish too)

Hope im getting better at this


Waking up next to a goddess is quite a thing.

Having her hug you tightly while using you as a body pillow is another. Having a second entitled looking goddess looking at you in anger from the entrance of your tent because it's raining outside and you are not looking to share the space inside it's even better.

I love the smell of napalm in the morning. and this woman is projecting burning fury.

Pretending to be asleep for a few seconds while she stands on the pouring down rain she finally stomps her feet down.

god she is actually behaving like a child this abrupt noise startles and wakes the Leng woman

"What is your name, you beauty?" I say while giving her a kiss. It was corny, way too corny for his liking but it had to be done not only to compliment her but to also piss off the woman that was behaving like a brat.

And what to say? ignoring women works like a charm to piss them off. Thank you Billy, you are truly a legend.

"Patra Neferet" she pauses, gives a weak smile and asks "Yours?"

"Well gotta get the cats out of the bag sooner or later so let's do it.

"Shan Ogatto" until Tywin is dealt with, Reyne will not leave my mouth to people that i wish to live.

This gives the YiTish woman outside a pause and she looks questioning at me.

"how come you have a family name from YiTi when you don't look the part" ohh boy quick temper and racist. Here we go.

"did not know you needed to look a certain way to have a family name" the smirk must have sold it because she was fuming. I love letting loose and being an A-hole to A-holes.

"and how do you two know to to use ^&*$%%%$#?" you never have a translation to words only used in a country.

But deep down she means Ki.

"I learned it from the old man. '' I'm starting to get angry. but being in a warm hug with a beauty keeps me in check. after releasing all those years of frustration and helplessness does bring a smile to my face.

the yi tish woman tried to walk inside to shelter herself from the rain but i stop her.

"You want to share my bed and I don't even know your name?. And for your consideration you know not introducing yourself when you have been introduced to is considered rude even amongst enemies" Thank you Katsumoto and your words of wisdom.

this takes her aback not expecting it.

"Yao" after standing poud for a second she finishes "Yao Shuren"

"what ever: Yen Siran let me sleep in peace" After i finish i shift over leaving her space and tap the bedding.

this is taken harder than i thought and she makes a pained face.

"Rahako said that he will not sell Zemin behind on her own." After that a second set of robes was thrown on the floor revealing stunning beauty, yes she might be soaked as a fish but it does not take away anything from her.

"You are not leaving me behind"

crap does she think i'm giving her an ultimatum because i want to bed her?

"That is not what i mea…" words cut short by a woman throwing herself at me.

"You are not selling and leaving me behind" she says resolutely while pushing me down.

beggars can't be choosers. so i do not resist.


Next day was uneventful. except for the fact that i probably needed a new bath.

"Good morning" I say towards Shank and Rahako and everyone else that seems to have pulled an all-nighter.

"good for you" I dodge the cup thrown at me. "were you trying to be loud on purpose?"

"No!I thought the rain would mask the sounds" ahem well they were fairly loud to be honest but in the heat of the moment he did not think about that.

"Well it clearly did not" Shanks had black bags under his eyes.

"I'm sorry i didn't mean to disturb your sleep. '' They truly went all out last night.

meanwhile he could overhear "did he trully put it there?" in the distance with a whisper by a gossiping Samla that is a shade darker than usual.

I guess we did go a bit far last night.

"nothing to do about it now..." it was shameful considering that the tent he used had a similar one not even with a 5 feet separation and then Shanks around 25 feet away sleeping under a tree.


An: cant edit because on phone and at work. so sorry. ether way enjoy and sorry about the lowercases and mistakes. Ether like it or hate it.