
Rebirth of the Silent Knight

In a world ravaged by war, the elite warrior Rodrick leads his squad to victory but loses his hand and hope when a blood-soaked, possessed boy massacres a stronghold. Ten years later, Rodrick, now the Silent Knight, is betrayed and murdered, only to awaken in the weak body of Kent Jhonson, a despised noble's son. As Rodrick/Kent trains to regain his lost power, he uncovers dark family secrets and prepares for a showdown with the White Demon, a deadly enemy from his past. With his former skills and a new identity, Kent must confront his past, protect his homeland, and reclaim his destiny. **Rebirth of the Silent Knight** is a pulse-pounding tale of redemption, power, and an unyielding warrior’s quest for vengeance and justice in a fractured world.

Nagra01 · Action
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20 Chs

Falling Pieces

The Tumultuous Legacy

The Jhonson family, once a towering pillar in the world of merchants, now teetered on the brink of collapse. Their power, once peerless, seemed destined for an inevitable downfall. The pieces, scattered and broken, appeared impossible to unite.

Drid Jhonson sat on a leather couch, wearing a black suit and shiny rectangular glasses. His blue hair was neatly combed, and his blue eyes were as deep as a tranquil lake. Despite his charming, gentlemanly appearance, his gaze out the French window revealed a man lost in thought. The sunny scene outside did little to lift the heavy weight on his mind. He was a man about to lose everything but still in complete control of his emotions, unwilling to admit defeat, struggling to rattle out of a problematic situation.

'I have created this situation myself, and I have to tackle it on my own, for the sake of my family. If only I had enough time before they came, I would shake the world,' he vowed silently.

Reginald walked in silently, his blond hair sparkling like threads of gold. His elegant body exuded a graceful essence, and his black double-breasted suit highlighted his unique and smart dressing sense.

"Still deep in thought, excellency?" Reginald inquired gently.

"Ah, Reginald," Drid replied, "I am concerned about my family. But don't worry, even if I die, I will not let anyone bring harm to the Jhonson name. Both the Blue Faction and The Republic are targeting us. They will be here any moment. There is a possibility we are still under their eye."

"Tell me if I am of any benefit, sire. I will gladly put my life on the line for you," Reginald offered sincerely.

"I will, Reginald. You are my most trusted underling."

The reason why the Jhonsons were on the brink of collapse is traced back to Drid's business idea. He had proposed open trade routes with the Blue Faction during a rare period of low tension between the two sides. Initially, both polities accepted the proposal, and the Jhonson's profits skyrocketed. It was evident that many envied Drid's accomplishments, and he became a target of hatred among the executives of both nations. They united to destroy the Jhonson legacy.

The Jhonson trade route was exploited for terrorism by the collective efforts of both parties, giving them ample reasons to terminate the Jhonson family.

The New Kent Jhonson

In the Jhonson training grounds, a tall, handsome, and strong-looking man was practicing his sword techniques. His well-defined muscles and beautiful blue hair made him stand out from the crowd. His swift and assertive sword movements were unparalleled, and a remarkable amount of aura radiated from his body.

"Is that young master Kent?" someone shouted excitedly.

"No way! How did he grow so tall and strong?" another man replied with curiosity. "No wonder no one saw him for two months."

"TWO MONTHS!! Don't joke with me. Did he become so strong in just two months? Do you expect me to believe that?"

Indeed, it took only two months for Kent to regain half the strength he had in his prior life. His transformation was nothing short of miraculous.

In the Jhonson House dining room, the family gathered for a meal. Drid, with a mix of shock and pride, observed his eldest son.

"K-Kent! Y-you... What happened to you, lad? I could barely recognize you. I was told you were in the confined cultivation room, and you used the most intense conditions in there. You look extreme, dear boy."

"Thank you, Father. It is all because of the facilities you provided me. I will make our family status highly regarded in the entire estate. I am fully aware of our family's situation, and I know a way to tackle it."

The entire family was in a state of shock. They observed Kent as if seeing him in a new light. Clark Jhonson, wearing a long gray coat and sporting the same blue hair as his brother, saw Kent as a grown-up man for the first time. Seigh Jhonson, with bloody red hair like their mother, wore a white shirt with a blue and red embroidered lion. Sinthia Jhonson, in a white and red dress, was in awe, impressed by her son's bravery and boldness.

"Thank you, son," Drid declared. "I swear on my name as Count Jhonson that I shall allow no one to bring harm to you and will support you with all my power in your endeavours."

Suddenly, Kent sensed a strong power outside. The wind blew rapidly, signalling that an intense battle was imminent and unavoidable.

The White Demon

Kent hurried outside, moving swiftly and smoothly until he reached the entrance of the Jhonson estate. Standing at the gates was a man in a completely white outfit, radiating intense rage and determined to destroy the entire city. His red, bloody eyes and massive aura marked him as a true demon of chaos.

'W-White Demon... This moron, why is he here? Things are messed up. My Godson from my prior lifetime, why would he hold such hostility towards the Johnsons? He has nothing to do with the empire's business. Shit!'

"Drid Johnson!!! Step out now if you want your city safe, or I swear on my name to kill every single bastard of this metropolis!" the White Demon bellowed.

"What is the matter, David?" Kent responded, stepping forward.

"You fucking brat, you dare call me by my first name? You better brace yourself," the White Demon snarled.

'Shit, I forgot I wasn't his Godfather anymore,' Kent realized.

The White Demon unleashed his strength, launching a rain of rapid, powerful fist techniques at Kent. Despite the ferocity of the attack, Kent, familiar with every step his Godson would take, managed to defend himself.

'Foolish brat, you think you can beat me with my technique? You are as reckless as ever. Nevertheless, you are the 24th 1st Rate Knight,' Kent thought.

The Confrontation

As the battle raged, numerous people, including the main family, gathered at the scene. They were shocked twice—first by the presence of an enraged 1st Rate Knight, and second by watching their previously good-for-nothing young master hold his own against the White Demon.

'This brat is better than I thought,' Drid mused.

"ENOUGH!!!" Drid's voice rang out, silencing the chaos. Everything fell quiet.

'So this is Drid Jhonson's ability,' White Demon thought. 'He is the richest man to ever exist. This brat who appears to be his son is at least a 3rd Rate Knight at such a young age, and his skill "Absolute Silence" is indeed peak 2nd rate. It would be quite troublesome, but I will kill these bastards to avenge my master.'

"What is the matter, Sir White Demon?" Drid asked calmly. "Why are you causing a ruckus in my city? What is it that you want from me? Do you understand the consequences of calling me out in this manner and attacking my son?"

"Sooner or later, you will all die by my hands," the White Demon growled. "You led your cunning terrorists to assassinate my Godfather! I will kill you with my own hands, son of a bastard."

'What? He is here to avenge me? This doesn't make any sense. How can mere terrorists kill me, the 7th strongest existence? This idiot was misled by those cunning bastards. This naive fool,' Kent thought.

"If you are talking about Sir Silent Knight," Drid replied, "then I am afraid you are misled by someone. As you see, the 7th 1st Rate Knight can't be killed by mere terrorists. Wouldn't he be a lot stronger than them? I believe we should discuss this matter with the utmost regard at the imperial meeting, to unmask the perpetrators. This would be the best course of action, don't you think, sir?"

'Hmm, Drid Jhonson is a very clever fox,' Kent mused. 'Well, it is beneficial to me as he is my father now. But what would you do now, David, my boy?'

'If I think about it, he is right. Godfather was stronger than me. How could he lose to those bastards? But why would Count Dwyne lie to me? Yes, he would never lie to me. This bastard is plotting something. I should just kill these assholes and be done with it,' the White Demon resolved.

The Final Strike

The White Demon unleashed his power to its full extent and prepared for his strongest move, dashing toward Count Jhonson.

"STOP!!!" Drid commanded.

"Not this time, you BASTARD!!!" the White Demon roared.

Drid Jhonson used "Absolute Silence," but it did not affect the White Demon. Kent jumped between them to save Drid and suffered great damage.

"Now shut it, Dosed David..." Kent whispered as he fell unconscious.

The White Demon realized that the only person who had ever called him Dosed David was his Godfather.

"Nooo, KENT!!! My son, DOCTOR!!! Take him to the DOCTOR!! I WILL KILL YOU, WHITE DEMON!!!" Drid screamed.

"D-don't! I will talk to him later, father..." Kent managed to say before losing consciousness.

Hey guys, I am open to suggestions, I read all the comments, so make sure to contribute to improve the story, Thanks!!!.

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