
Rebirth of the Silent Knight

In a world ravaged by war, the elite warrior Rodrick leads his squad to victory but loses his hand and hope when a blood-soaked, possessed boy massacres a stronghold. Ten years later, Rodrick, now the Silent Knight, is betrayed and murdered, only to awaken in the weak body of Kent Jhonson, a despised noble's son. As Rodrick/Kent trains to regain his lost power, he uncovers dark family secrets and prepares for a showdown with the White Demon, a deadly enemy from his past. With his former skills and a new identity, Kent must confront his past, protect his homeland, and reclaim his destiny. **Rebirth of the Silent Knight** is a pulse-pounding tale of redemption, power, and an unyielding warrior’s quest for vengeance and justice in a fractured world.

Nagra01 · Action
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20 Chs

Tilted Scenario

The Wake of Shadows

At Doctor Edy's Clinic, a tense atmosphere pervaded the room where Drid Jhonson stood, barely containing his urge to kill. The White Demon, once a figure of unbridled rage, now sat in astonishment, his hands trembling. He could hardly believe what he had just heard. A strange feeling of guilt, as if he were a sinner, gnawed at his mind. He felt like a dead man waiting for judgment as he awaited Kent's awakening. Meanwhile, the main family of Jhonson maintained a hostile stance toward him, the tension in the air palpable.

Kent opened his eyes in a disoriented manner. The room blurred before him as Doctor Edy rushed to his side. "Young master, close your eyes. You need rest to recover," the doctor urged.

Kent felt dizzy and his head throbbed. He barely managed to utter a few words before slipping back into unconsciousness. "David, don't be sad, my lad!" His words struck the White Demon like lightning, reverberating in his mind.

Ten Years Ago

After the events at Mount Swan, an awarding ceremony was hosted at the royal palace to honour the martyrs of the war. Numerous people paid their respects to the dead, the true heroes of The Republic. Rodrick made a special request that day to personally honour his Godson, taking full responsibility for him—a request the political heads could not refuse.

"David Dayman, son of Warden Dayman, step up. The true hero of the republic who offered his life for our freedom. We pay our respects to the blood of a great hero."

It was then that he first approached me and said, "Don't be sad, my lad. I will make you a great man. Maybe that way I can repay your father. You see, young man, how all these people are cheering for your father? These are the bastards who hide behind others in difficult times. Never believe them."


"David! David! DAVID!!!"

Lost in thought, David did not hear anyone until Kent shook him. He realized that Kent was awake.

"Please let me talk to him alone, Father. Please," Kent pleaded.

"Son, that man is dangerous. I can't leave you alone with him like this. What if he tries to kill you? Who knows what he would do next?" Drid responded, his voice filled with concern.

"I swear on my name as the White Demon that I would not harm a hair on this man's head. I make a divine vow," David declared solemnly.

"See, he made a Divine Vow. The gods are watching now. So please, Father," Kent insisted.

Reluctantly, everyone left the room. The room was covered in complete silence, the rays of the sun from the window shining on Kent's face, depicting a holy sight. David remained in shock, mistaking Kent for some divine entity.

"David, my lad, it's me. Can't you feel it? Through my speech, through my moves, through my willpower. It saddens me as your Godfather," Kent said softly.

"H-How can this even be possible? Two men from totally different regions—this can't be. Even if you reincarnated, why and how are you in the body of a man who existed long before your death? This doesn't add up. This must be some kind of trick. Y-you can't fool me, you sly bastard. Did you kill my Godfather and suck up his soul, memory, or something? Yes, that explains your strength," David stammered, his voice filled with confusion and anger.

"Shut it. Are you dosed again, you addict? I told you to quit drugs, you bastard. Do you want to die, you fool? Good-for-nothing, did I raise you to be like that, you f*cking druggie?" Kent snapped.

"AH, I am not dosed. I can't just believe myself," David muttered, his resolve weakening.

"This second life is a heaven's gift for me, and in this life, I WILL SURELY KILL DEATH. Support me, David. Let's avenge your father together," Kent urged, his voice filled with conviction.

David's thoughts shifted. He was no longer misled. The smile Kent gave him was magical, like a gaze into the heavens. David felt relieved in Kent's presence.

The Machinations of Count Dwyne

In the Office of Count Dwyne, the atmosphere was vastly different. Count Dwyne sat on his office chair, wearing a white suit with a golden tint that exuded an essence of royalty. Despite his fat face and body, his aura was significantly strong. His brown hair was combed, and his eyes were those of a crafty fox. His desk was loaded with numerous files related to tax collections and investment returns. A nameplate on the table read 'Count Harry Dwyne, Tax and Revenue Minister.' Behind his desk, a white wall bore a huge painting of himself. To the left was the entrance, to the right, a massive bookshelf filled with thousands of books. In front of him was a map of the estate with an X mark on Jhonson.

Count Dwyne believed that the White Demon would kill the Johnsons, and their wealth would fall into his hands. His expressions revealed his greed and cunning.

"Hahaha, Drid, that bastard must be dead by now," he laughed to himself.

An old man in typical butler attire, with gray hair and a nervous, shaky expression, came running into Count Dwyne's office.

"MASTER!!! NEWS! NEWS! NEWS from Jhonson!" the butler, Ricky, exclaimed breathlessly.

"Calm down, Ricky. I am already aware of what you want to say. The White Demon killed the Jhonson main family, and all their money is mine," Dwyne said with a greedy expression. "I AM RICH NOW!!!"

"N-No, master. Sir White Demon joined hands with Jhonson and made a divine vow to forever serve Kent Jhonson, the first son of Count Jhonson," Ricky stammered.

"WHAT!!! How can this be? This is not possible. I made sure to properly provoke him to kill those bastards. This means the probability can change, and the chances of the Jhonsons' survival have increased. What should I do now? Ricky, contact the Duke of Deken, Sir Rid Deken!!!" Dwyne ordered, his voice laced with panic.

The reaction of the entire republic mirrored Count Dwyne's shock. Everyone was stunned by the fact that a First-Rate Knight willingly decided to serve the son of a noble. Many speculated it was for money, but the truth was far more complex. Duke Rid's plan for the Jhonsons' collapse was on the verge of tumbling. Duke Amber Schmidt of the South was now interested in Kent Jhonson. The Dead Squad's activities were halted, Akasha went into solitude, and the Living Squad began to fracture. India was ordered to drag Drid Jhonson to the imperial court, with force if necessary. Gunter and Romulus declined to cooperate with the Republic. Sylvia and Arthur followed India to Jhonson, the political landscape shifting in unpredictable ways.

Future Changes

Back at Doctor Edy's Clinic, the atmosphere was still tense. Kent, now fully awake, was discussing with David.

"David, this second life is a gift, and we must make the most of it. We have to work together to uncover the truth and avenge your father," Kent said earnestly.

David nodded the conviction in Kent's voice washing away his doubts. "I will stand by you, Godfather. Let's bring justice to those who wronged us."

As they solidified their alliance, the future of the Jhonson family and their place in the tumultuous political landscape began to take shape. The challenges ahead were immense, but with the combined strength and determination of Kent and David, they were ready to face whatever came their way.

The new dawn of the Jhonson legacy had begun.

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