
Rebirth of the Silent Knight

In a world ravaged by war, the elite warrior Rodrick leads his squad to victory but loses his hand and hope when a blood-soaked, possessed boy massacres a stronghold. Ten years later, Rodrick, now the Silent Knight, is betrayed and murdered, only to awaken in the weak body of Kent Jhonson, a despised noble's son. As Rodrick/Kent trains to regain his lost power, he uncovers dark family secrets and prepares for a showdown with the White Demon, a deadly enemy from his past. With his former skills and a new identity, Kent must confront his past, protect his homeland, and reclaim his destiny. **Rebirth of the Silent Knight** is a pulse-pounding tale of redemption, power, and an unyielding warrior’s quest for vengeance and justice in a fractured world.

Nagra01 · Action
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20 Chs

The Second Life

Rodrick was surprised, at first he thought he was dead. Slowly, he opened his eyes and found himself lying on a lavish bed surrounded by four people in typical maid and servant attire. As he opened his eyes wider, they collectively shouted, "GOOD MORNING, YOUNG MASTER KENT!" 

In a state of constant shock, Rodrick realized he was in a different body. He felt a fat belly, and weak arms, and sensed no aura. His heart raced as he leapt out of bed and ran towards the bathroom. 

The bathroom was jaw-droppingly opulent, with shiny black and white tiles, an oversized bathtub, and an enormous body mirror. He saw himself in a fancy night dress, something he had never worn before. The reflection showed a face he didn't recognize: a weirdly good-looking visage atop a trash body.

"Look at our lovely young master glaring at himself. Do you perhaps need a haircut, sire?" a butler's voice chimed.

Rodrick noticed his hair was long and blue. Trying to grasp the situation, he asked the butler, "Who are you?"

The butler, looking confused, replied, "Sir? I am Daimeon, your butler. I have served you since you were born. How can you not recognize me?"

Rodrick, trying to get a grip on the situation, responded, "Yeah, yeah, I remember you. You are my butler, Daemon, right?"

"Daimeon, sire."

"OKAY, DAIMEON. Say my name this instant!"

"Your name, sire?"

"Yes, go ahead and say it!"

"You are... the first son of Count Drid Jhonson, Sir Kent Jhonson."

Rodrick was shocked and accidentally shouted, "FUCKKKKK!"

As his mind raced, he thought, 'I was dead, I woke up as Kent Jhonson, the trash son of Drid Jhonson. I have no aura, and I am most likely to be killed by my squad. And if this calendar is correct, I am under inspection by the Dead Squad. I am fucked!!!'

Kent, now fully aware of his situation and every possible near-future outcome, started thinking about how to make his useless body into something formidable. He concluded that a complete body reconstitution was his only option.

Exploring the Estate

Kent opened the fancy door of his room and stepped into the corridor. A premium red carpet covered the floor, and white, ornate walls displayed numerous paintings. Moving towards the staircase, he admired the luxurious railing running down the steps and the chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

A blond man in an elegant suit approached him. "You look confused, young master. Do you need any help?"

"You are...? Sorry, but I have a headache and can't remember very clearly."

The man remained calm despite his concern for Kent's health. "Please follow me, sire."

Kent noticed the man's excellent physique and elegant dress sense, as well as a strong aura emanating from him. "Where are we going?"

"We are almost there, sire."

They arrived at a room resembling a doctor's office. A desk filled with surgical instruments and a huge bookshelf crammed with books dominated the space. The blond man knocked on the door. "Doctor Edy?"

A creepy man with dark circles and messy hair responded, his shabby posture and dirty shoes making him look more like a mad scientist than a family doctor. He glared at Kent from every direction. 

"Hmm, what did you say the problem was, Warrior Reginald?" the doctor asked.

"The young master is having a headache. He was not able to recognize his guard. Unbelievable! What in the world could have happened to such a great gentleman?"

'Great gentleman? Kent? This man is seriously obsessed with my current identity,' Rodrick thought.

"Hmm, I think this is a memory loss situation. His body seems just as usual. I think you should tell him everything about himself, and that might trigger his memory," the doctor advised.

"Thank you very much, Doctor Edy. You saved the life of my gracious young master."

"Don't mention it, Warrior Reginald. It is my duty as the Jhonson family's doctor."

Uncovering the Past

"Young master, please follow this lowly guard of yours. I will tell you every single detail that I know about your life," Reginald said.

Reginald led Kent back to his room and began a detailed briefing. "You are Kent Jhonson, the eldest son of Count Drid Jhonson. You have two younger brothers, Clark and Seigh Jhonson. Your family is the wealthiest in the entire Republic, but your position within the estate is precarious. Your father, Count Drid Jhonson, is in a very critical situation."

Kent listened intently, piecing together his new life. He realized the gravity of his situation and the dangers lurking around every corner. With no aura and a weak body, he knew he had to act fast to survive.

Training the New Body

Determined to transform his new, trash body into a weapon of power, Kent devised a rigorous training regimen. He started with basic exercises to build his strength and stamina. Every morning, he would run laps around the estate, gradually increasing the distance. He lifted weights and practiced martial arts, focusing on techniques that didn't rely solely on physical strength.

Despite the maids and servants looking at him with confusion and concern, Kent pushed himself harder each day. He knew that to survive and protect The Republic, he had to become stronger than ever before.