
Rebirth of the Conqueror

Adrian Heather the Conqueror of everything gets reborn in the body of a green horn soldier. Follow him in his journey to Conquer everything like the days of past. Author here: English is kinda like my first language. This is first book so i will complete it. Hope you will support this author and if any problems with the story pls say in the comments. The story will start with short chapter and slowly proceed to longer ones.lIke 3000 words

Daoraphael · Fantasy
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Ch 4 Start of the battle

General POV

As, the members of squad met with their captain , Andre they slowly started introducing each other . "The name is Thomas, from Ale village" said a young boy with brown hair and brown eyes .

"Lawrence from the same village as Thomas" said a boy who was clearly disinterested in the conversation and wanted to talk as little as possible.

"Gabriel, a genius from Blue Moon Village, you guys can call me Gabe" And this particular boy sounded energetic.

" Alexander, I dont know much about myself. Been here only for a month mostly in bed. I hope u take care of me." Alexander said trying to act friendly.

"Stop the ideal chit-chat and get over here, we got a bloody war to fight." shouted the captain on the top of his lungs.

Adrian POV

Though the kingdom has numerical advantage, the soldiers have low morale. We have 70 thousand soldiers were as the Empire only has 50 thousand but our side lacks food and weapons. So to win this war

we need to raise morale we could win small skirmish battle, exaggerate it and raise morale. Or the general can maneuver himself on the higher ground. If it were me I would firstly check the components of the army if it were mostly mercenaries, we could promise them riches to betray the Empire. They would surely take. How do i know that? I started as a mercenary became elite soldier of a Kingdom, succeeded in a coup and started my Conquest. Lets see how this life goes.

General POV

Year 1456 GY(God Year)

The forces of the Gattiac Kingdom and Critian Empire met in the outskirts of the Lublin fortress.

The future historians would say this as the First battle in which The Great Conqueror of The Lagos Continent

took part in.

The Gattiac Kingdom had the numerical advantage as the rebellion in West and monster attack in North has decreased the number of the Empire's soldier stationed in the East from 200 thousand to 50-60 thousand.

Even if the Kingdom has numerical advantage the soldiers have a low morale and the upper echelon is incompetent. Where as the Empire has soldiers with high morale and competent enough officers.

Info chart:

The number of soldiers

Gattiac Kingdom: 70 thousand to 80 thousand

Critian Empire: 50 to 60 thousand


Gattiac Kingdom: 5/10

Critian Empire:8/10


Gattiac Kingdom:Duke's Eldest son Hamilton Esterheim the heir to the Duchy of Esterheim This is his third battle as general he has only won 1 of the battle he has fought in. A young and arrogant man aged only 26, 10 years older then the MC

Critian Empire: An old war veteran. Roamed the battle field for 25 years. Holds the title of 'Marquis'.

Our MC

Adrian Heather

Currently known as Alexander.

Currently poweless and trying to rise through the ranks. Age 16


Not much is know about him except the fact he calls himself a genius.Same age as the MC

Ch 4 finished

We will now start the Battle arc it will probably be 15 to 20 chapter long and each will maybe be three thousand words long. Hope you enjoy it