
Rebirth of the Conqueror

Adrian Heather the Conqueror of everything gets reborn in the body of a green horn soldier. Follow him in his journey to Conquer everything like the days of past. Author here: English is kinda like my first language. This is first book so i will complete it. Hope you will support this author and if any problems with the story pls say in the comments. The story will start with short chapter and slowly proceed to longer ones.lIke 3000 words

Daoraphael · Fantasy
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Chapter 5 Start of the War Pt 1

"So this is the battle field" I said as we approached an open field .The western border of the the empire was dry, barely any rain. There were no hills and mountains, the best place to use horses and the kingdom lacked horses."So, how is the cavalry of the empire?" I asked, the captain answered me,

" The Empire has strong horses and they are famed through out the continent as having some of the best magic knights .'

So, its like this I thought, as i was viewing the distance and listening an adjutant trying to raise morale. "Maybe I fought here on the old days" I thought

"Get in position." shouted another adjutant. "Squad 1 to 20 get in the front" he shouted. I noticed that the squad 1 to 20 had almost 20 members. "Get in formatioj as taught in the military camp."Then the soldier took the woden shield stuck it in the ground, and kept the soear side of it.

"Squad 21 to 40 stay behind 1 to 20." he shouted

As I did not know the military formation i copoed what my squad members did.

"When they charge you hold, if someone dies in front of you, you take their place you get it green horns.

"Yes sir" I coulde hear the nervousness

"We have some injured mages behind in the camp your job is to protect them and they will use magic for support, you get it, the veteran soldier will be in the front , if any enemy soldier manages to break through the veteran formation, you kill them. You get it."

"Yes sir"

"So we dont need to fight much do we"

"Maybe " I said, 'So we are not the cannon fodder or is this a bait?, this could be a bait. The Empire's soldier will target us seeing the green horn are protecting the mages. And the veteran can attack them from the behind or it may just be that the commander has future uses for us. Are there even injured mages in the camp behind? , Maybe they found there are spies, using this tactics they couod deal huge losses to the Empire. So we are just bait left to be eaten!'

"Hoi, Alexander why are you tensed up" asked Thomas

"Nothing" I tried to sound convincing ' Maybe I should use some of my skills, Yah its time to gain some merits'


There was a blow in the distance.

I saw the Empire's left wing cavalry was on the move.

Soon our side also blew a horn. Our right cavalry went on a move.

There were maybe 5 thousand cavalry on the Empire and 3 thousand on our side.

The Kingdom's cavalry went on a V formation. A smart formation to say the least.

" That formation increases the charge and acts like a spear piercing on flrsh"

"Umm" Andre the captain said.

I also agreed, I noticed the Kingdom has heavy cavalry and the Empire had light cavalry.

The Kingdom will try to pierce the Empire's formation by the heavy charge.

Where as the Empire will try to break the formation by slowly harrassing the weak points of the formation.

It's a fight of resistance and persistence.

As, the armies meet grunting sound can be heard.

The battle was a close one and was in a stalemate.

The fighting continued and what came next horrified many green horn soldiers.


We heard a blowing of a horn, a group of a thousand or so soldiers came from the side. Just like I thought we were bait. The green horn started panicking, the commander of the green horn was also not there.

"Looks like its time" I said."It's time to take the command."

"Soldiers" I shouted adding the aura of a skilled commander. I grabbed everyone's attention. "Our commander has abandoned us. We are on our own. Squad 1 to 20 stay in formation. Hold back anything that comes. The light cavalry will try to harrass us so stay together."

"Why should we listen you?" asked a soldier

I unleashed a menacing aura and said "Because i said to"

The soldiers followed my command. "So, we hold, we hold we wont let them break us."

Soon the cavalry was in front of us by 100 meters. They slowed down getting in formation to harrass us, their leader took the lead. I took a spear and aimed high and threw it by all my strength, it hit the horse the leader was riding.The leader fell on the ground, As he fell his soldiers stopped in their path.

"You bastards" shouted the leader

Leader POV

I got the order to attack the injured mage camp which our spies git information on, only a green horn squad numbering barely a thousand were there.So i charged on them but a bastard threw a spear, killed my horse and made the charge stop. I was enraged."Oi oi" I shouted." We charge with our full might, we kill everyone one of them." Soon i took a spare horse. " Let's kill them all "

As I took my small army I charged with my full might. The greenhorse were staying in formation

"These Bastards "

As we charged I felt a lingering danger. I thought it was just my mind playing with me. We reached the green horn formation , I charged with my full might. When i was about to charge I heard"Hold it, now break" in a childish voice. What happened next suprised me. My horse crashed with the shield but instead of the line breaking my i fell from my horse. I heard " Dont kill him "

I wondered why the line did not break. I was pulled in the formation by one of the soldiers. I saw the soldier carrying the shield was being hold by a 2 to 3 men , it gave additional support, it was simple but smart. I realized the 100 meters charge was not enough to break this line .

I heard the screams of my squad members some were even begging to be left alive. I felt pity for them.

Adrian POV

So the plan was a success. The 100meter charge was not enough to break the formation. What reward will i receive after this, I wondered."Kill them or even injure them" I yelled.

"They are retreating" Gabe said to me

"Umm yes" I answered.

I looked in the distance.

"Looks like the Empire lost the clash" said Thomas.

"What are our casualties" Someone asked.

Someone answered a while later. "67, including Captains of squad 30,21 and 11."

"So Andre died" I said I barely killed anyone in this fight but I was practically the leader so i would get rewarded heavily.

As the prisoners were being counted , I went to the commander of the Empire's cavalry.

" Hello, there" I said reading his emotion.

"So am i going to be killed" he asked

"I am not sure, I only caught you. The one who decides your fate is the General."

"You look young, May I know your name."

"My name is Alex. I am the member of the 30th squad of the Left wing infantry."

"So I got caught by a lowly soldier." He meakly said.

"Looks like it." I said

"Hahahhahahahah , I lost to a lowly soldier. Looks like life is really unpredictable."

I left him on his own antics.

Soon the casualty were counted, the injured were brought to the medical camp. The prisoners were kept in a holding house and the commander that was caught was brought to the general.

"So ,Alexander I did not know you were this good" Gabriel said, trying to tease me. I was thanked by the soldiers and was praised as a hero. I was pretty thankful for that.

"So wont we go and drink" Lawrence asked, probably this was his first time talking. He was also happy for me.

"Of course" I yelled.

"Alexander, who is Alexander?" yelled a soldier so the whole camp could listen.

"That would be me" I said

"You have been called for" he said in a surprised tone."I didnot expect you to be this young"

"Where should i go"

"Follow me" As he sakd that i followed him. Imagining the reward i would get.

In the general's camp

"So you are Alexander." asked a man with a tranquil buy scary aura. He was the general of the righy wing.

Count Basca . An old man with a rich war experience.

"Yes sir" I said as i unleashed an aura of a leader.

" I see young man" He answered in a suprised tone. " Now I shall state your contribution in the battle."

"Taking command of the panicked support infantry unit , You defeated the soldier of the Empire's cavalry, caught their commander and handled it swiftly and with low casualties."

He didn't state supporting the mage so it was a trap. When he said that some were in awe and some were in contempt. The veteran infantry commander who was supposed to battle the cavalry was glaring at me.

" For your outstanding contribution and performance I in the name of the Kingdom name you commander of the support infantry "


The camp was engulfed in silence after the following decree.

A smile creaped in Adrian (Alexander)'s lips.

The End