
Rebirth of the Conqueror

Adrian Heather the Conqueror of everything gets reborn in the body of a green horn soldier. Follow him in his journey to Conquer everything like the days of past. Author here: English is kinda like my first language. This is first book so i will complete it. Hope you will support this author and if any problems with the story pls say in the comments. The story will start with short chapter and slowly proceed to longer ones.lIke 3000 words

Daoraphael · Fantasy
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Ch 3 Future planning

"It's a chance to rise through the rank" thought Adrian

During Adrian's time nobility controlled the vast resources of the relm, from food, clothing, jewelry to mana stones. Especially , the mana stones which were scarce were only kept for the nobility to use.

Mana stones were used to make artifacts. The seal that had made Adrian an undead like being was also an artifact. Adrian had practically used artifacts to be a king. So to use mana stones he needed to rise through the rank.

"Sir, is there anyother reason we are fighting this war." asled Adrian

"Ummm, not much. But our kingdom used the raid on the beast forest and some mana mines as a justification of war."

'The beast forest' thought Adrian.

There are only two ways to get mana stones , first by the mana mines which have lower quality of mana stones. Another and the much harder one, killing beasts dor their mana core and polishing the mana core for mana stones.

Adrian POV

'So, mana stones are still used.'

"So why is mana stones important for the kingdom "

"Hahahaha; That's common knowledge . For increasing your mana output to be mages and magic knights."

So, it looks like the ages has found a different use of mana stones. That is to be expected, it would be weirder if it was not. Maybe i should end the conversation to not arouse any suspicion.

"Thank you kind sir"

"No problem kid" said Yale

Soon i started organizing my thought . So, the ages and realm have found new ways to find use. I should probably learn these new ways to utilize mana stones and well as the old ways of artifact building.

Ooooof the frustration, at least this life is easier then the previous.

Soon as my thought started jumbling around and making future plans and organizing battle tactics and training methods I slowly closed my eyes. Sleep took me .

Time skip 1 month

As I opened my eyes I saw a tent filled with people i could see their misery, pain and sadness in their eyes.

My wounds had healed up, so its time to join the battle, raise merits and slowly climb through the ranks.

As i went out the tent I saw the Yale ,more precisely his dead bodies and soldiers surrounding him. He had cold eyes looks like he had died in his sleep. I felt oity towards the man in the month i spent in bed he kept me entertained but couldnkt give me usefull information not even my name.

Someone taped my shoulder.

"Hey ya, ya a soldier" said a man with a different accent theh anyone I have talked with.

If ya a soldier get over there, ya look fine kiddo why ya heŕè, mommy left ya alone?"

As soon i heard him I punched him in his face. "Bast*rd" I shouted. "You son of a bitch " he said and tried to punch me . I doged it , he was fast ; he fought as if he was a veteran. Skilled move and a strong punch. He started throwing more punches on my way I grabbed his soldier and kicked his solar plexus with my knee. He feel on his knee and said"Ya quiet good kiddo"

Ofcourse I would be good. Even in this weak body I could still use basic moves.

" You all stop fighting and get over there" said a soldier with a threatening aura. I didn't bicker much except cursing the man with the strange accent.

As i walked in the line and I heard

"Your quiet good buddy" said a blonde man. "Jet black hair a very unusual hair color , the man you fought name is Darius, the team captain of 22nd squad of the left infantry. Hope you wont get sorted in his team. "

I ignored him

"Your name is Alexander , aint it. It was in the soldier's register. By the way my name is Gabriel."

So looks like the original owner of this body name is Alexander. Unusual name to say the least, for me that is.

"Yah, the name is Alexander. What were you saying about that Drake or what not."

"His name is Darius. And hope you wont get in his squad." said Gabriel

"So how much you know about this war"

" Pretty much everything" Gabriel said trying to bluster his pride.

"Wont you enlighten us" said a man in a sarcastic tone.

"Clack" Gabriel clicked his tongue but still answered " Listen mindless troll,the Gattiac Kingdom's King started small raids on the slowly turning weak Empire which is going through a rebellion on the West and a monster attack from north. The nobility of the west was enraged when we raided the western border of the Empire and did a small attack on the wall that surrounds the beast forest and small mines .

The King at the time was growing weak day by day so no one pursued the matter. But after the King died the new Crown Prince was killed and after a coup the less favored Second Prince became the King. As soon as he came many nobles became restless so the newly crowned King declared war only after a month of coming in power , but the royal coffer and royal assest lacked money for proper food, weapons and means of transporting food as the coup cost the King much money and to appease the noble he had to give tyem ton of money but still he started war. One of the most important noble in the Kingdom is the Duke. So to gain the Duke's favor he declared the Duke's eldest son as the Commander of chief of the army. The young commander was incompetent so we lost the first battle." There was a eerie silence among the men. Some were angry for getting caught up at the plots of the nobility , some were doubtful of their survival and some were excited to earn merits. One of the excited one was Adrian.

"Alexander, Gabriel, Thomas , Lawrence." shouted a soldier on top of his lungs. " Your the new squad, squad 30. Try not to die. Your captain is Andre."

At this declaration 4 young men moved out of the line. One of the young man Alexander (Adrian) was smiling.

"War lets begin it" said Adrian in a voice only he could hear.

The End