
The Doom or Glory

## Chapter 6:

Dragonstone thrummed with activity as preparations for war continued. Jacaerys Velaryon, fully aware of the impending conflict, focused on honing his unique abilities. His telepathic and telekinetic powers had proven invaluable, but he knew there was still much to learn.

In the early morning, Jacaerys stood on a balcony, gazing out over the restless sea. His mind wandered to the vision of Aemond Targaryen leading an assault on King's Landing. He couldn't shake the feeling that their next move could be the difference between victory and defeat.

### Unseen Threads

Jacaerys spent his days training with his siblings and cousins, leading them through intense drills. His efforts to build cohesion amongst them began to pay off, with each of them demonstrating improved skills and stronger bonds. Yet, beneath the surface, tensions simmered.

One evening, during training, Jacaerys picked up thoughts of doubt and fear from his younger brother, Lucerys. "Luke," he called out, pulling him aside. "Something troubles you. Speak freely."

Luke hesitated before speaking. "It's the dragons, Jace. I'm not sure if I'm ready to ride into battle."

Jacaerys placed a reassuring hand on his brother's shoulder. "Fear is natural, Luke, but remember that we are Targaryens. Our blood gives us the strength to overcome it. Trust in your dragon, and in yourself."

### The Shadow of Betrayal

Returning to Dragonstone's great hall, Jacaerys found his mother, Rhaenyra, in deep conversation with Daemon and Lord Corlys Velaryon. "Mother," he greeted, bowing respectfully. "I wish to discuss the matter of Lord Borros Baratheon."

Rhaenyra's expression hardened. "What have you discovered?"

Jacaerys conveyed his telepathic insights. "Borros harbors doubts. We cannot afford divided loyalties now."

Daemon's eyes sparkled with a mix of intrigue and concern. "What do you propose?"

"Let me speak to him, alone," Jacaerys suggested. "If he is wavering, I will either secure his loyalty or expose his intentions."

### The Council of Dragons

That night, Jacaerys stood by the Stone Drum, the high chamber of Dragonstone where strategies were devised. The council reconvened, and Jacaerys shared his vision once more. The room was filled with the most trusted knights and advisors, including Ser Harwin Strong and Lady Baela Targaryen.

"We must act swiftly and decisively," Rhaenyra said, her voice strong and clear. "We will strengthen our garrisons and fortify our positions."

Daemon added, "And we will unleash our dragons. Let Aegon and his supporters feel the true wrath of House Targaryen."

The council agreed, but Jacaerys caught a fleeting thought of doubt from one of the lesser lords. He made a mental note to investigate further, ensuring no betrayal would fester within their ranks.

### A Brother's Bond

That night, Jacaerys sought out his younger brothers, Joffrey and Aegon. He found them in the courtyard, practicing their swordsmanship under the watchful eye of Ser Harwin.

"Aegon, Joffrey," he called out. "A moment, please."

The boys approached, eyes wide with curiosity. "What is it, brother?" Joffrey asked.

Jacaerys knelt to their level. "When the time comes, we will all play a role in this battle. Remember, as long as we stand together and trust in one another, we will prevail."

Aegon nodded vigorously. "We will not let you down, Jace."

Jacaerys smiled, though his mind remained heavy with the knowledge of what lay ahead.

### The Chill of Night

As night fell, Jacaerys found himself restless. He wandered the dimly lit halls of Dragonstone, his thoughts racing. Seeking solace, he ventured to the Dragonglass caves where he often meditated.

Deep within, surrounded by the ancient stone, he reached out with his mind, searching for clarity. He felt the presence of others nearby, minds buzzing with anxiety and fear.

In the quiet darkness, Jacaerys sensed a glimmer of foresight. Images flashed before him—dragons in flight, a fierce battle, and a figure wreathed in flames. He saw himself standing over a fallen enemy, his powers fully unleashed. The vision was brief but powerful, leaving him breathless.

### Dawn of Decisions

Resolute, Jacaerys returned to the castle at dawn. He convened a meeting with Rhaenyra, Daemon, and Corlys. "I have seen a glimpse of our future," he began. "We must move quickly and strike first to gain the upper hand."

Rhaenyra nodded. "Then it is settled. We will take the initiative."

Daemon's eyes glinted with fierce determination. "Our dragons will lead the assault. We will show them the true power of House Targaryen."

Lord Corlys added, "And the fleet of Driftmark will blockade their ports, cutting off their supplies."

### Eruption of War

The plans were set, and within hours, Dragonstone was a hive of activity. The armies mobilized, the dragons prepared for flight, and every able-bodied man and woman readied for the coming storm.

Jacaerys, clad in armor, stood by his dragon, Vermax. He looked out over the gathered forces, feeling a mix of pride and trepidation. His mother approached, placing a hand on his arm.

"Remember who you are, Jace," Rhaenyra said softly. "Lead with honor and courage."

"I will, mother," he replied, mounting his dragon.

As the dragons took to the sky, their roars echoed across the land. The dark waves below mirrored the turmoil in Jacaerys' heart, but he steeled himself. The battle for the Iron Throne had begun, and he was determined to see his family's destiny fulfilled.

In the heart of the storm, amidst fire and blood, Jacaerys Velaryon knew that his powers, his loyalty, and his resolve would shape the fate of Westeros. The dance of dragons was upon them, and he would not falter.