
The Beginning

## Chapter 5:

The days at Dragonstone were becoming increasingly tense as the moment of conflict drew nearer. Jacaerys Velaryon, blessed with powers of telekinesis and telepathy, continued his rigorous training, not only with his body but also with his mind. He knew that physical prowess alone would not be sufficient; the ability to anticipate and counteract the strategies of his enemies was equally crucial.

Mornings were dedicated to sparring with Ser Harwin Strong and other knights, his telekinetic abilities subtly augmenting his fighting skills. Afternoons were spent in meditation and mental exercises aimed at sharpening his telepathic abilities. Jacaerys had learned to filter the cacophony of thoughts around him, focusing on specific individuals to extract useful information.

One afternoon, deep in meditation, Jacaerys experienced an intense vision. He saw flames licking against the walls of the Red Keep, the sounds of clashing swords and the roars of dragons filling the air. A shadowy figure stood at the center of the chaos—Aemond Targaryen, an enemy who posed a grave threat to Rhaenyra's claim. The vision abruptly ended with a sense of impending doom, leaving Jacaerys sweating and breathing heavily.

"I have to warn them," he muttered to himself, hastening to find his mother.

### Council and Counsel

Jacaerys convened an emergency meeting with Rhaenyra, Daemon, and other key allies. "Aemond Targaryen," he began, still feeling the residual pangs of urgency from his vision. "I believe we must prepare for his moves more carefully. I saw him leading an assault on the Red Keep."

Daemon, standing tall and fierce, nodded. "I've heard whispers that the Greens are planning something. We must assume Aemond will play a pivotal role."

Rhaenyra looked troubled but resolute. "What do you suggest?"

"We need more spies in King's Landing, people who can feed us real-time information about the Greens' movements." Jacaerys proposed. "And fortify the Red Keep with loyal guards. Aemond must not be underestimated."

The council nodded in agreement, and plans were set in motion to tighten their defenses and gather more intelligence.

### The Whispers of Betrayal

Jacaerys' powers granted him the knack to detect the slightest hint of betrayal. During a strategy meeting, he sensed a disturbing undercurrent of doubt emanating from Lord Borros Baratheon. Jacaerys had often felt a cautious dissonance from Borros, but today, it bordered on treachery.

After the meeting, using his telepathy, Jacaerys latched onto Borros' thoughts as he left the room. He discovered Borros was contemplating a secret meeting with a representative from Alicent Hightower. Jacaerys knew he had to act quickly to secure Borros' loyalty or neutralize the threat he posed.

### A Calculated Confrontation

That night, Jacaerys approached Borros in the Great Hall. "Lord Borros, a word in private?"

Borros, taken aback, followed Jacaerys to a secluded corner. "What is it, Prince Jacaerys?"

"I am well aware of your uncertainties, my lord," Jacaerys began, his tone grave. "But let me remind you that wavering now could be disastrous—not just for my family, but for the realm as a whole."

Borros' eyes flicked nervously. "I… I have only the realm's best interest at heart, my prince."

Jacaerys fixed him with a piercing gaze, his telepathy echoing his intentions. "The realm's best interest lies with my mother on the Iron Throne. Consider this your warning, Lord Borros: we need unity, not treachery."

Borros swallowed hard. "You have my loyalty, Prince Jacaerys. You will not find me lacking."

### Alliance with the Sea

Determined to bolster their forces, Jacaerys and Lady Baela Targaryen planned a journey to Driftmark to secure additional support from Lord Corlys Velaryon. The journey across the Narrow Sea was relatively uneventful, but Jacaerys used the time to get to know Baela better. Her fierce loyalty and sharp mind impressed him, and he found himself forming a deep bond with her.

Arriving at Driftmark, Jacaerys and Baela were warmly welcomed by Lord Corlys. Over several days, they held discussions about the impending conflict. Lord Corlys, known as the Sea Snake, pledged his fleet and warriors to Rhaenyra's cause, recognizing the importance of a unified front.

As they prepared to sail back to Dragonstone, Jacaerys reflected on the alliances they had secured. "With the support of Driftmark and the loyalty of our key lords, we are stronger than ever."

Baela nodded. "Now, we must ensure that strength is wielded wisely."

### Flames of the Future

Back at Dragonstone, preparations for the imminent conflict continued. Jacaerys remained vigilant, using his telepathy to uncover plots and his telekinesis to train and protect. Each night, he revisited the visions he had seen, seeking any clues that could give them an advantage.

One evening, as he stood on a cliff overlooking the sea, Baela joined him. "You seem troubled, Jace."

He sighed, looking out at the horizon. "The future is uncertain. But I know this much: we must be ready for anything. For the realm, for our family."

Baela placed a hand on his arm, her eyes filled with determination. "And we will be. Together."

### The Battle Awaits

The atmosphere at Dragonstone was electric with anticipation. Armies were gathering, and dragons prepared for flight. Jacaerys, with his unique abilities, had become a pivotal figure in their plans. His vision of Aemond still haunted him, but it also steeled his resolve.

"We stand on the brink of history," he addressed the gathered forces. "Our enemies think they can tear us apart. But we are Targaryens. We are fire and blood. And we will not be broken."

As the sun set, casting a fiery glow over Dragonstone, Jacaerys knew that the dance of dragons was about to begin. His powers, his allies, and his unwavering resolve would be their greatest weapons. The storm was upon them, and Jacaerys Velaryon would not falter.

In the halls of Dragonstone, the echoes of destiny resonated, and Jacaerys braced himself for the trials to come, knowing that the future of the realm lay in the balance.