
An Victory in Black

## Chapter 7:

The dawn broke over Dragonstone with an eerie calm, a brief moment of serenity before the inevitable storm. Jacaerys Velaryon stood by his dragon, Vermax, his mind occupied with the weight of responsibility and the visions that continued to haunt him. Today, they would strike out, aiming to take strategic locations and rattle the Greens' confidence.

"We ride together," Jacaerys said to his siblings and kin. His voice was steady, but inside, he felt the churn of anticipation and fear. "For our family and our future."

With a chorus of affirmations, they mounted their dragons and ascended into the sky. The sight of dragon riders soaring towards King's Landing was awe-inspiring, the embodiment of House Targaryen's might.

### The First Strike

Their target was a key outpost near the Blackwater Rush. Jacaerys led the charge, Vermax unleashing torrents of dragonfire upon the enemy fortifications. The defenders, caught unprepared, scrambled in panic.

"Push forward!" Jacaerys commanded through their telepathic link. He deftly wielded his telekinesis to disarm opponents and throw obstacles out of their path.

Lucerys, riding Arrax, and Baela, with her dragon Moondancer, flanked him, adding to the barrage of flames and destruction. Together, they created an unyielding front, quickly overwhelming the outpost.

When the smoke cleared, Jacaerys landed and surveyed the aftermath. "Secure the area," he instructed his allies. "We cannot afford to lose this ground."

### Into the Mind of the Enemy

Back at Dragonstone, a sense of victory permeated the air, but Jacaerys knew better than to rest easy. The Greens would not remain passive for long. Using his telepathy, he reached out, probing the minds of their known enemies.

Carefully, he searched for Aemond Targaryen. The connection was faint at first, but Jacaerys pressed on, using his mental abilities to overcome the distance. Eventually, he glimpsed Aemond's thoughts—strategies of counterattacks, plans to undermine Rhaenyra's claims, and then a vivid image of Aemond himself, holding court with other lords.

A grim smile played on Jacaerys' lips. They now had crucial insights into their enemies' designs. He quickly reported back to his mother, Rhaenyra.

### Rallying the Forces

In the grand hall of Dragonstone, Lady Rhaenyra called a war council. "Jacaerys has provided us with valuable information. We now know their plans," she declared. The assembled knights and lords listened intently. "We must act with precision and strike their resources."

Daemon leaned forward, his eyes fierce. "We should target their supply lines and weaken their positions."

Jacaerys stepped up. "I've seen Aemond's strategies. If we can disrupt their command and create chaos, we can force them into a defensive stance."

Rhaenyra nodded, approving the plan. "We shall divide our forces. Some shall fortify our positions, and others will strike where the Greens are weakest."

### Betrayal Unmasked

Jacaerys could still sense uncertainty from Lord Borros Baratheon, despite their previous conversation. Deep within Dragonstone's crypts, he confronted the lord again, but this time, surreptitiously probed his mind.

What he found was enough to confirm his suspicions. Borros had indeed been consorting with agents of Alicent Hightower, planning to sell crucial details about their strategies.

Emerging from his thoughts, Jacaerys met Borros' gaze with cold determination. "Lord Baratheon," he began, "your loyalty is sorely tested. Know this—any betrayal will be met with the harshest penalties. Decide where you stand."

### Confronting the Shadows

That night, as forces prepared to move out, Jacaerys sought solitude in the Dragonglass caves again. He meditated, focusing his mind and strengthening his resolve. Visions continued to flood his consciousness—visions of conflict and bloodshed, but also of a possible victory.

Baela joined him, sensing his inner turmoil. "You've seen what lies ahead, haven't you?"

Jacaerys nodded, his expression somber. "Yes, but the future is not set in stone. We have the power to shape it."

### Ambush at Blackwater Bay

Their fleet moved towards Blackwater Bay, intending to cut off enemy supplies. Jacaerys led his dragon riders, anticipating every move thanks to his telepathic foresight. As they reached the bay, their forces met fierce resistance, significantly stronger than anticipated.

"A trap," Jacaerys realized, using his telekinesis to deflect incoming arrows and spearheads. "They knew we were coming."

Despite the unexpected strength of the enemy, the dragon riders pressed on. Flames engulfed the enemy ships, and the stench of burning wood and flesh filled the air.

"Hold the line!" Jacaerys commanded mentally, his voice ringing clearly in the minds of his allies. Together, they turned the tide of the battle, with dragonfire raining down and telekinetic blasts shoving enemies from their positions.

### The Price of Victory

The battle was brutal but decisive. The Greens' supply line was severed, a blow that would disrupt their plans significantly. However, the cost was steep. Many men were lost, and the dragons bore injuries.

As they regrouped at Dragonstone, Rhaenyra embraced Jacaerys. "Your leadership has given us hope," she said softly. "But this is far from over."

Jacaerys nodded, aware of the road that still lay ahead. His abilities had given them an edge, but they were only tools. The true battle was yet to come, and it would test everything they had.

### The Road Ahead

In the aftermath, Jacaerys gathered his siblings and allies. "We've struck a hard blow, but the Greens are still strong. We must continue to be vigilant and united."

His words echoed through the ranks, reinforcing their resolve. The path to the Iron Throne was treacherous, but Jacaerys was determined. With his mind sharp and his dragon fierce, he would navigate the shadows and steer them towards victory.

As the night settled over Dragonstone, Jacaerys Velaryon stood ready. The fires of war had been kindled, and the dance of dragons was in full motion. Each step, each decision would shape the destiny of Westeros, and Jacaerys was prepared to face whatever came next with unwavering resolve.