
Rebirth in Irregular at Magic Highschool (Hiatus)

And here I am. Slowly bleeding out. I once heard only in the face of death does one show his true self. I always thought it was some kind of bullshit but it seems I was wrong. Well I can’t say I regret anything. Maybe that I haven’t had the fun I always sought. But I have lost everything anyway my Parents almost sold me to some kind of pedophile after abusing me for five years. My girlfriend had a gangbang in front of my eyes and my once best friend pushed me before a truck. But well at least I can rest now....... Is what I thought but it seems like someone had another idea for that. ——————————————————————————- Watch what kind of new highs Max Adam Nomed can reach when he’s reincarnated in Irregular at Magic Highschool when he only has limited information about the world through the Anime and has the help of his Gifts of his ‚savior‘. I don’t have much experience and am only writing this for fun so don’t expect regular updates. ——————————————————————————— I don’t own anything but the MC

EvelynnTheGreat · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 4: My Wishes which aren’t Wishes

After I heard what Shin said I fell into deep consideration.

‚If I were to go with the first option I would be able to make a near unkillable and extremely powerful body. But I don't know wether I could get some bad wishes if they are randomized. Also I need to know how many wishes I get.'

„Can I ask a few questions first?" After I thought that far I came to the conclusion that it would be better if I new the answer to my first question and then think on.

„Yes, but I am only allowed to answer three! So, what would you want to know?"

„Is it possible for me to get bad wishes?"

„Well that is quite an important question you have there. But I can't quite answer your question there are no bad things. But it can be weak weapons like an iron sword or even an iron shovel or something like that.

But as I said before the wishes are influenced by your past lives and you will get things which will be decided through certain rules.

First rule: The worse your past live the better your wishes, which won't really be wishes anymore if they are random but well I don't make the rules. But that doesn't guarantee that you will get the best sword in existence or something.

Second rule: The more you wished to get something in your past live the more likely it is to get something to get something which will help you to achieve that wish. But it only makes it more likely and not certain. But you won't get a legendary cocking pan or something similar if you are a dragonslayer, for example.

Third rule: The opposite of the second rule. The more you hated something in your past live the less likely it is to get something similar. That means if you hate destruction more than anything then you won't get destruction magic for example.

But if you were to get something which you would rather not have then you can decide to not accept it. That means if you were to get [Infinite Stamina], with which you would never get tired again, then you could decide to refuse to take because you would be unable to sleep ever again. But if you decide to refuse to accept a wish then you won't get a new one.

So, what is your next question?"

„I would like to know how many wishes I would get and wether the quantity stays the same."

„You would get five wishes and there is no difference between the first and second option in terms of quantity."

„My last question is whether I would be able to ask you what certain things do if I were to be ignorant about their uses."

„I can answer most of your questions. But there are some kind of thing and abilities that I am not allowed to explain but they are quite rare and if you were to get one then I can only congratulate you and give you the hint to take them anyway even if you don't know what they do because they all have very special and strong abilities.

But that are enough questions for now so what is your answer?"

Shin said, while still having his friendly smile on his face as if it wouldn't matter which option I pick now.

After the long explanation I once again needed a bit time to think about everything.

‚Well if I take everything into consideration I think it would be the best option to take the first option. I mean I would get to customize my body and there is a high possibility for me to get good wishes. If I am lucky I may even get some of those special things or abilities.

And if I were to take the second option then I would be able to wish everything I want. But the problem is that I would be limited by the potential of my body and I don't know whether I can increase my potential with the wishes, I also can't ask again so I can only assume things now.'

After a few minutes of thinking about my answer I came to the final conclusion that it would be better to take the fist option.

„Ok! I want to be able to customize my body and get five random wishes."

„Good decision, boy!"

Shin said right after I said my decision. With an even greater smile than before.

„Why do you say that it is a good decision?"

I asked even though I could already think why he said I still asked him. I mean you can never be too sure, right?

„That's because you wouldn't be able to enhance your potential with your wishes because it would count as changing something with your body. That means you would forever be a human, you would be able to strengthen your body but it would be near impossible for your body to become as strong as the one of a dragon for example.

And even if you would have achieved such a thing then you would most likely lack in other areas for example you would be extremely slow or something like that. That means you would be at the mercy of your opponents in later stages."

‚Knew it' I thought after hearing his explanation.

But inside I was quite scared actually.

‚If I were to have chosen the second option....'

I didn't even want to think further because in my opinion it would be quite scary to be at the mercy for other, stronger beings.

„But you don't need to think about it. You already have chosen the first option and even if you would have chosen the second option it would be too late now. So do first want to have your semi wishes granted or start to make your new body?"

Without even thinking about my answer I said:

„First the wishes, please."

And if you ask me why I would say what should I do if I build my body so that it becomes extremely strong so that I can't be damaged at all and then get a wish would be able to create an invisible amour around me. It would strengthen my Defence ability even more but I would be unable to deal any damage and I would need to get someone else to fight for me while I defend. My thoughts were interrupted by Shin. As he said with a smile with stretches completely through his face as if saying that I made the right choice again.

„But of course, little Max."

After he said that five new roulettes came into existence and now that I had a tiny [Enlightenment] I felt as if the [Nothingness Law] was used. But I didn't have enough time to think about it before the wheels started to spin.

And after few seconds the first roulette started to slow down until it stopped on [Instant Comprehension].

Before I could think about it too much the other roulettes started to slow down too and they stopped after each other all showing my new abilities and equipment.

The second roulette stopped on

[~Dimensional Mobile Phone~].

The third roulette on [Ability Edit Coupon].

The fourth on [Ability Creation Ring].

And the last on [Library of Heaven's Path] ...

After all my wishes I almost lost my calm. I never watched too many anime or read novels or manga or something similar but even I new what it meant to have the [Library of Heavan's Path].

But as I was thinking about how awesome it was to have such an op ability I remembered the third roulette and it's price [Ability Edit Coupon]

‚If it works like how I think it is then it will get really funny'

So I quickly suppressed my excitement and asked Shin.

„Shin how does the [Ability Edit Coupon] work?"

„Eh, ah... Ehem! It lets you edit one ability but the more you edit it the more the penalty. For example a cooldown or something similar."

„Ok, good. Then I wish to edit the [Library of Heaven's Path] and make it so that it already has all books in it. Also I that I can freely control time inside the library and I want to have a computer in it at which I can search for books, compile books to new ones and add them to my real memory."

I said directly after I heard Shin explaining the coupon. After I said it swear to god, or Shin, or whatever his expression was priceless. It took him a few good minutes to close his mouth and recompose himself. After that he said while looking at me.

„You know normally there are rules with permits something like that but as you have the [Nothingness] and [Chaos Law] I will make an exception but you will only be able to use the computer once a month but the rest is always available.

But you sure are lucky to have so many good things but let me explain them to you. So your first ability [Instant Comprehension] does exactly what it say but it only makes you understand things instantly which don't have a connection to a [Law].

But it still boosts your comprehension by quite a lot so no need to worry.

Your second prize is a special price so I can't explain it. Your third prize is already used by you. And you know what the last, the [Library of Heaven's Path], does so that only leaves the [Ability Creation Ring].

This ring is also quite strong. You can just put it onto your finger and it slowly but surely builds the perfect ability for you. It takes everything into consideration even the things which will happen in the future because it can even see into the future. The time changes with the strength of the ability. The stronger the ability the longer it takes. It normally takes around 15 years to complete. But if you want to make it faster you can pour some of your power inside it to make it faster.

But now let us create your new body!

So here’s your new chapter. In the next chapter i only want to create the body of Max and send him onto his new journey so it will probably be a bit shorter and if you have some good ideas you can write it into a comment and I may use your idea. After that we will finally go to Irregular at Magic Highschool.

So have fun and enjoy your Xmas days even if it is a bit late now, bye!

EvelynnTheGreatcreators' thoughts