
Rebirth in Irregular at Magic Highschool (Hiatus)

And here I am. Slowly bleeding out. I once heard only in the face of death does one show his true self. I always thought it was some kind of bullshit but it seems I was wrong. Well I can’t say I regret anything. Maybe that I haven’t had the fun I always sought. But I have lost everything anyway my Parents almost sold me to some kind of pedophile after abusing me for five years. My girlfriend had a gangbang in front of my eyes and my once best friend pushed me before a truck. But well at least I can rest now....... Is what I thought but it seems like someone had another idea for that. ——————————————————————————- Watch what kind of new highs Max Adam Nomed can reach when he’s reincarnated in Irregular at Magic Highschool when he only has limited information about the world through the Anime and has the help of his Gifts of his ‚savior‘. I don’t have much experience and am only writing this for fun so don’t expect regular updates. ——————————————————————————— I don’t own anything but the MC

EvelynnTheGreat · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 5: My greatest Help on my new Journey

As soon as I heard that I began to become excited. I mean I can make my own body and I can use whatever bloodline traits. But before that...

„Am I allowed to ask questions?"

That is something which I need to ask. I must know whether I can take certain parts of a bloodline for example the [Uchiha Bloodline], for example just the [Sharingan] or if I need to take the whole [Bloodline] that means I would get the [Sharingan] plus the [Curse of Hatred].

„Yeah, but I can only answer three questions again."

,Ok that's good enough.' I thought after hearing Shins answer.

And I started to smile a bit and while I smiled I felt something growing inside me. Slowly but surely. Something ... crazy and uncontrollable.

2% ...

But I didn't continue to think about it and asked my question.

„Can I take parts out of a [Bloodline] or do I need to take the whole?"

„Once again an excellent question, little Max. And you don't need to worry you can customize your body however you want and there are no limits. You can even for example mutate your [Sharingan] so that you don't need to experience traumas or you won't get blinded when you over use your [Mangekyo Sharingan], in case you ever get one. Do you have another question?"

‚Very good.' After I heard him I was overjoyed.

„No, I have no more questions."

„Ok, then let's start building your new body!" He said with a great smile on hi face.

After hearing him saying that I went into deep consideration. I mean this is one of the most important if not the most important thing for me. Not only to live normally, no it's a chance for me to become stronger. Stronger than I ever thought.

After a few hours of thinking I came to a conclusion and I said.

„Ok so I want to have the [Sharingan], which was mutated so I won't get blind and I don't have to go through some kind of trauma. I also won't have the [Curse of Hatred]. Also I always want have a 360 degree view without any blindspot. And I want to be able to look 10 seconds into the future.

Then I want to have the [Zenkai Boost] form the [Legendary Super-Sayan] but I don't want to be a battle maniac. Then I want to have the same [Regeneration] as the highest [Vampire], but I don't want to be weak to anything and also don't want another [Vampire], who has a stronger [Bloodline], if even possible, to be able to suppress me. I will also have complete control over [Blood] because if that.

Then I want to have the [Bloodline] of the highest [Angel] [Devil] and [Demon] inside me but they won't fight against each other but rather live in harmony. They also won't affect me in any but making me strong. That means they won't affect my thinking or reasoning, it is enough that I have one ticking time bomb inside me. They will also give complete control over the [Light] and [Darkness Element].

After that I want to have the highest [Bloodline] a [Red], [Blue], [Green], [Yellow], [White] and [Black Dragon Bloodline]. They are the same as the other [Bloodlines] I have, that means they won't affect my reasoning but still give me full control over [Fire], [Water], [Earth] and [Wind]. The [White] and [Black Dragon Bloodline] will strengthen my affinity towards [Destruction] and [Creation].

I also want to have both [Phenix] and [Ice Phenix Bloodline]. That means I am able to resurrect after I die and am immune to both [Fire] and [Ice]. I can also control both of them.

After that I want to have the highest [Bloodline] of the [King of Elementals], who has an extremely high affinity with all [Elements]. Because of that I cannot be hit by attacks that are physical. But it's possible to go around that if someone is stronger than me.

I want to have black [Angel Wings]. Which automatically defend me. They also can be hidden inside my body.

[A/N: They look like the wings of Sephiroth but Max has two.]

I also want to be able to absorb live force into my body to strengthen it even more. It doesn't matter if it is from plant or from living beings.

I want my bones to be out of a mix between [Vibranium] and [Adamantium]. So they are near indestructible. I can also freely control all my bones and it's even possible for me to take them out of my body, split them of and then use them as weapons. But even if they are cut of from my body I can still control them.

[A/N: It's kind of like Kimimaro but with stronger bones. And Max is able to split them of his body and then use them]

My organs are just as hard as my bones and have a shield around them which is able to negate any ,internal only attack'. They also negate any damage as long as the shield is still active. The shield can only be destroyed by a physical attack that has the power to damage my bones.

My blood is able to heal every wound and every sickness as long as it has a contact to the one who is wounded or sick. But it only works if I want that person to be healed so I can't be stolen from me Umland used to heal my enemies.

My skin is able to absorb every attack that is weaker then something that is able to damage my bones. But if a contact isn't with the intention to attack then it's possible to hurt my skin. Everything that is absorbed is used to strengthen me even further.

My brain has the same shield as my organs but twice as hard and I can think extremely fast and am able to create multiple ‚rooms' to achieve [Parallel Thinking]. I also have an photographic memory.

I can also not be affected by any kind of sickness or poison and am immune to any kind of illusion.

But my looks will be the same as now.

Can I have that body or is it too much?"

After a very long explanation to Shin what kind of Body I want I finally finished and I must say I am satisfied with what I came up with. And Shin has completely broken after hearing what I said. After he few minutes he finally answered me.

„That... I really don't even want to know how you came to think of something that strong but well not my problem.

But it still is possible but there will be a problem. The more [Bloodlines] you have the harder it will get for you to convince a child but it isn't possible it's just very hard.

Also you won't be having your body immediately. You must slowly nurture it to become that strong. But you don't need to worry about that your body will slowly become stronger and stronger until it's as strong as your described it just now. Your body should be finished when you get 21 years old but you will still be stronger than normal people by a large margin.

And in case you als why it's a really simple reason actually. Would you like to have someone stronger than yourself inside your homemade not only that he is even someone you don't know? Probably no. And that is the same with the planet. Your body will slowly get accustomed to the power which exists there for example [Chakra] and it'll become a part of your body. Because of that the planet won't be able to notice you anymore. And you won't get killed.

So are you ok with that?"

‚Ah, well I get the reason but still. Mah... good enough, I think.'

„What about my wishes?"

That is something I really need to ask now.

‚I hope I at least get my wishes that way I can get stronger faster but well I don't have much hope, if I were to be honest.'

„You will get those to your third birthday so you don't really need to worry."

„Ok that's good. Then I accept everything. But now I would like to know which world I will reincarnate into. If that is possible."

„But of course. You will get reincarnated into [Irregular at Magic Highschool]. You should probably know something about that world. And before you ask I can't change the world you will go to. I also am only following orders so... Well good luck, little Max. Until we meet again."

After he finished talking I saw a door appearing out of nowhere. And I once again felt something and this time I kind of understood something of it and I felt myself having a small breakthrough.


After that I said, as I was going into the direction of the door.

„But of course. Until we meet again Shin. It was nice to meet you."

After that I stepped into the door....

Third person POV

And here begins the new journey of Max Adam Nomed. Will he succeed in keeping his rationality and control the [Chaos Law] inside him or will he get swallow and bring destruction to his new home?

I still don't know it and so do you so let us watch Max Adam Nomed as he tries to live his life without killing his loved ones.....

Here’s the next chapter. I hope there aren’t many mistakes in it.

I also wish all of you a happy new year.

Until next time

EvelynnTheGreatcreators' thoughts