
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly discovers that his surroundings gets extremely strange after he woke up this morning and he realizes that he has an amazing experience of time-and space travel. There is only a diary beside him and he thinks that maybe this diary would answer his current confusion. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that the contents of that diary are extremely crazy and it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read carefully and figure it out , the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Horror
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68 Chs

Chapter 9 The diary has been updated

Seeing that Alex has no intention of leaving, the mother looks a little surprised and says quickly to Alex,

"Don't need to pay attention to your father who just gets more and more foolish, you can eat whatever you want."

Alex doesn't enjoy the meal at all. He doesn't know what he is supposed to say in this situation, and he doesn't know how the original owner got along with his family normally. The only safe stuff he could do is eating in silence.

The father finishes his eating quickly, puts down his chopsticks and leaves. Alex sees that he goes to the living room directly, turns on the TV and tunes to the channel of Animal World. While Alex is watching the TV program as well, he finally has some more memories in his mind, surprisingly.

When the original owner was young, he often watched the animal world with his father together. At that time, his father would tell him some stories and taught him some things too. It was because of this that the original owner fell in love with the work of making animal specimens.

The scene at that time was very warm and lovely. So what happened later to make it totally changed? Alex really doesn't know why it became like this now.

Seeing that it was getting late, Alex asks to go back to his own apartment, and the mother is a little reluctant. She only regains her smile after Alex promises that he will come back here to visit them more often.

After returning home, Alex feels very sleepy and falls asleep very soon after watching a few videos.

The next day, Alex wakes up in a daze and finds that he is very tired and could not lift up any energy.

"Did I get sick?"

He gets up and pours a glass of hot water, and when he glances at around, he totally pauses.

Someone took out the diary that he has placed on the cabinet and placed it on the table with a pen next to it. He carefully observes his surroundings to make sure that he is really the only one at home.

He slowly walks to the table, picks up the diary, and accidentally turns to the last page, then he freezes on the spot.

The diary has been updated, and the new person written in the diary is the security guard who Alex has observed yesterday!

Alex could tell that the handwriting in the diary is his own.

But how is this possible?

When did he write it?

Was it when he was asleep?

He looks at the diary. The content is almost the same as before, but this time there is an extra paragraph at the end.

"Is the lion hunting the rabbit because of the desire to kill? No, no, it is just hungry and needs to eat. I am hungry too, and I need to eat too."

A drop of cold sweat slips from his forehead. He is exactly the same now as when he first crossed over through time-travel. There is still no memory of the murder in his mind, but this time he is even more frightened because it happened after Alex himself crossed over.

Did the original owner still control his body while he was sleeping? Just like having multiple personalities, so ridiculous, but how would Alex live his own life in the future?

"No, no, no, it must not be true, someone must be behind it!"

He could only comfort himself in this way.

At this time, Alex also discovers a black bag in the corner of his room. It is the bag he has placed on the cabinet before. He slowly walks forward and opens the bag.


In addition to yesterday's items, there is also a bloody wrench inside. He loos at that dame bloody weapon in the bag and says unsurely, "should I surrender myself?"

This is his first thought coming to his mind.

If he really does this stuff, given his current mental state, he should not be sentenced to death. However there is a high probability that he will spend his rest of life in a mental hospital, and then deal with various mental patients, without any freedom and happiness.

Thinking of this scene, Alex's eyes gradually become sharp.

He cannot accept absolutely and will never accept such a result!

After making up his mind, Alex quickly washes up. Before the police finds the body, he has to deal with this bloody stuff appropriately. Then he picks up the bag and goes downstairs. On the way, Alex has thought he would be panicked, but in fact, he is not at all. He finds that he is unusually calm, like nothing ever happened either.

Due to the recent murder, there are very few people downstairs, which provides him with some sort of convenience.

When Alex comes to the basement, he puts the bag in the trunk and drives into the car. When he passes by the guard room, he subconsciously glances inside, but there is no change except that there is a different person on duty.

Alex returns to his parents' house. The reason why he comes back here again is because he recovered some memories while eating yesterday. In his memory, there is an abandoned cellar in the backyard of his villa. He feels that there is no more suitable and safer place for him to hide that murder weapon.

After talking to the mother for a while, Alex comes to the cellar with the bag. He takes a look and sees that the entrance is very hidden and covered with soil. It looks like no one has opened it for a long time.

After cleaning up the soil, Alex opens the cellar. It is very dark inside and the sunlight could not shine everywhere, which makes his heart lifted. Looking at the entrance of the cellar, he feels that it looks like a man-eating beast with its mouth open.

Alex tries his best to calm down and climbs down the ladder. The cellar is very cold, but he feels inexplicably familiar at this moment, as if he has come here very often before.