
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly discovers that his surroundings gets extremely strange after he woke up this morning and he realizes that he has an amazing experience of time-and space travel. There is only a diary beside him and he thinks that maybe this diary would answer his current confusion. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that the contents of that diary are extremely crazy and it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read carefully and figure it out , the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Horror
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68 Chs

Chapter 8 Lack of family memories

Alex noticed that Tang has her eyes closed in this photo, as if she was asleep. It was very beautiful one, and this photo was taken at a very close range.

But as far as he knew, Tang was very good at flirting with various men. How is it possible to be so close to someone for her? What's more, the target is astonishingly a security guard?

Alex looks at the security guard carefully. The guard's name is not in his memory at all, probably because the original owner has never paid attention to him.

He is a little thin and looks gentle, like a professor instead of being a security guard.

Is there any story between these two persons?

Is Tang's death related to him?

Alex feels like he is totally in a fog now, unable to see anything and could only move forward little by little slowly.

In the dark night, one man quietly opened the door of the house. Inside, a woman was quietly lying on the bed and sleeping soundly. The man slowly took out his mobile phone and held it in one hand to record everything that was about to happen.

He slowly walked into the bathroom, picked up a toothbrush and put it under his nose, smelling it carefully. An intoxicated look appeared on his face. Then he took the toothbrush and gently brushed his own lips, smelling the smell of the toothbrush and feeling the softness of the bristles, the man became more and more intoxicated. Then he put the toothbrush into his mouth, licked it, or sucked it. When he was satisfied, he put the toothbrush down, rinsed it with water, and put it back in place.

Later, he walked out of the bathroom, took off his clothes, went to the woman's closet, took out her underwear and put it on himself. What's more, he wore her high heels and walked skillfully around the room, listening to the sound of the high heels hitting the ground. Evidently, he became more and more excited.

Then he imitated the woman's movements clumsily, imagining that he and the woman had become one totally.

When he came into the woman's bedroom, he looked at her sleeping face, her lips slightly parted. He got closer and looked at it carefully. It was so beautiful and charming. He kissed her gently, and then took out his mobile phone to take a picture of this unforgettable scene.

Slowly lifting the quilt, the man lay in, gently hugged the woman's head, and let out a contented sigh,

"It would be amazingly nice if you could stay asleep like this forever, then you would only belong to me."

After returning back home, Alex thinks about it very carefully. There is obviously something wrong with this security guard. Could it be possible that the guard killed Tang? Well, there is the possibility, but that will not explain the problem with the diary? Or is it really like what he has assumed before? It's just a coincide and an imagination? Did the original owner just see it instead of operating it?

"Buzz buzz."

A vibration of Alex's cell phone interrupts his various thoughts. When he sees that the caller ID is his mother, he hesitates for a while.

Recently, he has been in the middle of those messy things and he did not organize his memories perfectly. Surprisingly, he suddenly discovers that he doesn't have many family memories in his mind now.

"What the hell...Fuck"

Alex is afraid that he would expose the fact of time-travel because of lack of memory, but definitely it is impossible that he does not accept the call.

"Well, I have to face it sooner or later." Alex comforts himself.

After the call is connected, the mother meant that she has read the news and learned that a murder has occurred where he lived. She is very worried now and asks him to go back their house and live for a while.

How could Alex agree with it? It would be so crazy.

It is too late for him to hide, how could he get close to the original owner's parents Initiatively? Alex refuses this idea on the grounds that it is inconvenient to go to work.

The mother doesn't insist anymore, and instead says that he hasn't been home for a long time and asks him to go home today to have a family reunion. Alex couldn't refuse anymore, so he agrees finally.

Driving by car home, Alex is a bit anxious and worried on the way. The original owner's home is located in a villa in the city center, a quiet place amidst the hustle and bustle. The mother has been waiting at the door early. When she sees him, she hurriedly comes up.

"Come in, I'll make a big table of dishes you like."

Seeing the mother like this, Alex thinks of his own mother before time and space-travel. He probably couldn't go back anymore, which truly let him down. Frankly speaking, he doesn't know why the original owner didn't come back home often. It stands to reason that his work is not that busy, right?

Alex thinks about coming back here as often as possible to take care about these parents in the future without exposing the fact that he has traveled through time.

After entering the house and sitting at the dining table, the mother called out, and the father slowly came out of the study room. When the father sees Alex, his face suddenly changed. It was obvious that the father dose not like to see him very much.

Alex doesn't know its reason. Could this be the reason why the original owner didn't come back home often? He turns to look at the mother in confusion unconsciously.

When the mother sees this scene, she hurriedly steps in to smooth things over.

"Our son has finally come back here. How do you behave like this? Just eat, eat quickly."

"I don't have such a son!" The father slammed his chopsticks.

This movement truly startled Alex. He doesn't know what the original owner has done to make his father so angry like this.

The mother stiffens and looks at Alex nervously. However Alex does not know how to react appropriately right now and he is extremely confused of for all their behaviors because of lack of memory, to be honest.

Goodness..."God, help me." Alex screams wildly inside the heart.