
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly discovers that his surroundings gets extremely strange after he woke up this morning and he realizes that he has an amazing experience of time-and space travel. There is only a diary beside him and he thinks that maybe this diary would answer his current confusion. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that the contents of that diary are extremely crazy and it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read carefully and figure it out , the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Horror
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68 Chs

Chapter 10 The father and the cellar

In a few minutes , Alex arrives at the bottom of the cellar and sees the switch on the wall. Then he turns it on and the cellar suddenly becomes brighter, but the scene in front of him makes him freeze in place.

Bloody clothes are hung everywhere on the walls, and a table is placed in the center of the cellar which is filled with various blood-stained murder weapons. Alex slowly walks forward and checks them one by one. Surprisingly, all of these murder weapons were recorded in that crime diary.

Looking at these bloody things, no wonder he subconsciously wants to come here today. It turns out that the original owner has always done those crazy stuffs here.

Alex really doesn't know what he is supposed to do now. It is obvious that if it is continued, there would be more victims because he couldn't control himself well while sleeping.

Thinking of the contents in the diary, he is really confused. Is there really such a natural devil in this world? He has always believed that whether a person is good or bad is affected by the acquired environment.

But it is obvious that the original owner is not like this. He is like a born devil. He did not feel that he was killing, he just felt that he was eating.

No, no, there is absolutely something wrong here!

He suddenly discovers one thing. It is obvious that the original owner has entered this cellar more than once in these years, so how could the mother say that he didn't come back to parents' house often? Or did he come back secretly every time?


Is it too rash to do this now? What should he do if he is discovered?

Thinking of this, Alex doesn't have more time to think about it more carefully and care much. He throws down the bag and goes out quickly.

However when he comes out of the cellar, he is stunned, and his face is full of bitterness. Since the father is looking at him with his complicated eyes not far away.

He has been discovered !!!

what he should do?


At this time, the father rans over quickly. Alex looks at his father's actions with despair because evidently he couldn't explain it clearly. Should he kill the father to keep the secrets? He can't do it at all.

The father rans forward and curses him in a very low voice, "Get out!!!Why don't you get out of here? Do you want your mother to know it?"

Alex gets stunned and looks at the father blankly, watching the father turn over the soil skillfully. He then realizes that the father has already known about it for a long time. Alex indeed had a little doubt before, how did the original owner dispose of the body when he was so young? Now it seems that his father should help him deal with it at that time.

Alex doesn't know how much pain the father was feeling in his heart. He only knows how pitiful the hearts of parents in the world were, and how could they destroy their relatives out of justice? How many people can really do it?

No wonder the father doesn't have a good look on him and would say that there is no son like him. So that's the case. Alex guess he would be the same way, right?

Seeing that Alex has not left yet, the father yells again,

"Get out of here!"

Alex doesn't say anything, and he doesn't know what he is supposed to say either at this special time. He takes a deep look at the father, then turns back and leaves.

In the office, Yang has fallen asleep on the sofa and Chen looks so tired too. The ashtray in front of the desk is full of cigarette butts. The whiteboard is full of case information. It could be seen that he has been reading it all night. But even so, he still doesn't find any useful clues.

Just as he is thinking about it, a harsh ringtone rang, which makes Yang immediately frightened awake. Chen quickly picks up the phone and looks at the caller ID. It is Max . Chen has a bad feeling arising in his heart and presses the connect button,

"Max, what's the matter?"

Yang is also energetic at this time. He couldn't hear what is said on the phone clearly, while he could only see Chen's face become more and more solemn.

Chen hangs up the phone and is a little absent-minded. After a while, he says, "Let's go, there's another case."

"What case?" Yang asks curiously. He wants to know what kind of case would make Chen's look more serious.

Chen doesn't tell until the two of them got into the car, then he slowly says,

"Another murder occurred again in that Apartment."

"What? Another one? Three murders in a short period of time? Is this murderer so crazy?" Yang says in shock.

Very soon, the two arrives at the crime scene. The scene has been cordoned off. There are many people outside the cordon. The two struggles to squeeze through the crowd. When Chen sees that Max is in the middle of something, he does not step forward to disturb him. Instead, he pulls another police officer next to me and asks,

"what's the situation?"

The police officer briefly introduced the situation.

"The identity of the deceased has been confirmed. His name is Li, and he is the doorman here."

"Li?" Chen asks loudly. He asked this young man yesterday, but he didn't expect that he would die today. then he motions to the policeman to continue.

The police officer continues,

"The deceased was discovered by a man who lives here at the dark side of the apartment, a place where even security patrols would not come.

It was also a coincidence that he was discovered. The man who reported the crime had been quarreling with his girlfriend. The girlfriend got excited and threw the phone out of the window. He went downstairs to look for it, and then he found the corpse.

Of course, the man's girlfriend has been arrested, and throwing objects from high altitudes is illegal.

As for other information, we are currently investigating and have to wait. "

Chen nods to show that he understands, and turns to look at the man who reported the crime. The man's face is pale and he looks shocked. It can tell that he is visibly frightened.

The moment Chen steps forward and sees Li, his whole body immediately freezes, and a flood of memories floods into his mind...