
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly discovers that his surroundings gets extremely strange after he woke up this morning and he realizes that he has an amazing experience of time-and space travel. There is only a diary beside him and he thinks that maybe this diary would answer his current confusion. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that the contents of that diary are extremely crazy and it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read carefully and figure it out , the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Horror
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68 Chs

Chapter 7 Could things be reversed?

Alex frowns, thinking for a few moment, "On the rest day... I can't remember clearly, but there shouldn't be anything that impressed me that day. I was just resting, watching videos, and exercising. That is supposed to belike it."

Chen changes the topic and asks,

"Did you see that giant gift box we dug up?"

"yes, I saw it."

"Do you know what it's like inside?"

"Sorry ,I have no idea."

Alex's eyes flashed. Although he didn't see it with his own eyes and didn't have those crime memories, he have read the diary and have known everything the original owner had done. He could imagine that cruel scene.

At this time, Chen discovers Alex's eyes flickering and suddenly says,

"Just now, it is just now, something flashed through your mind. What was it?"

"It's nothing, I just suddenly remembered some working stuff." Alex denied.

Chen stared at Alex seriously and asks again, "No, no, no, that matter must be related to my problem and the deceased, what is it exactly ?tell me the truth."

Chen's eyes become very sharp, as if he wants to see through Alex's heart. And Alex couldn't resist any longer.

Just when Alex is about to think about how to answer appropriately, the door of the inquiry room is pushed open by the young policeman Yang , who motions for Chen to come out.

Chen frowns, a little unhappy angry. He have just discovered some problems. If he is given more time without interrupting, he might be able to find some important clues.

But Chen also knows that Yang got so anxious definitely because there must be something more important need to be dealed with . They should have discovered a new clue. He shakes his head and gets up to leave.

When Alex sees Chen leaving, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. That moment just now nearly killed him, he admits.

Chen comes to the door, frowns and asks, "What's the matter?"

"Chen, have u remembered that the forensic doctor said that the deceased showed signs of taking drugs like sleeping pills for a long time? But according to our visit and investigation, the deceased did not have this habit.

So we went to the deceased's house again, and this time we found a new clue that someone had been to her house, and that it was after we had been there the first time. "


"I don't know. This man was very cautious and didn't leave any traces. But he smoothed out the wrinkles on the sheets, and that's why we discovered him."

Chen frowns and says unconsciously, "Smoothing the wrinkles on the sheets? What is the meaning of this action?"

Then he changes the topic and asks, "That means the mysterious person is not Alex."

Yang nods in affirmation,

"Yes, he didn't have time in those two days."

Chen shakes his head and he feels that the case is getting more and more complicated.

Not long after, Alex sees Chen coming in again, but this time his expression was a little serious, which makes Alex feel tight inside.

"Did Chen find something?"

"You can go back home now."

Hearing what Chen says, Alex is stunned and a little confused. What did he mean? what happened during that period? it is totally like a puzzle.

Alex turns around and leaves the police station in hesitated way. Sitting in the car, he frowns. Well, he have already figured out why Chen suddenly asked him to leave.

This shows that the police found some clues indeed, but the clues did not point to him, that's why they let him leave first, but it was this matter that made him even more confused as well.

The deaths of Jasmin and Tang confirms that what was written in the diary is true, which means that the original owner was most likely the murderer.

But in this case, there is no reason that the police would find clues pointing to others. Could things be reversed?

"Yes! What if? What if the original owner happened to witness the real murderer committing the crime, and the original owner imagined and put himself into the scene and recorded it. Although it is like a coincidence, it completely makes sense."

Thinking of this, Alex feels happy and he probably could still survive, "holy shit."

However this surprise came and went just as quickly.

One case could be a coincidence, but two cases? What's more, there are more than two cases. Is it possible that the original owner's physique is so special?

And the feeling Alex had before was real, which shows that the original owner himself is 98% sure a pervert. Is it possible for such a person to just see it instead of doing it?

He found it hard to believe.

But there is no other good way now. Alex doesn't know what the clue the police has discovered is.

To return back to work? He shakes his head. Since he have already asked for day off, he would not like to go to work. Besides, he is not in the mood to work now.

When Alex returns to the apartment and passed by the doorman, he suddenly finds that the security guard is looking at the mobile phone in a daze, completely unaware of his presence.

After he drives in, the doorman is still in a daze.

This abnormality arouses his suspicion. This is a high-end apartment. So every time he came in, the doorman would stand up to greet him, and he would also stand up to see him off when he went out.

Sitting motionless in a chair like this has never happened before.

After he parks his car in the basement, he turns around and goes to the guard room. The security guard is still staring at his cell phone. Alex tiptoes forward, stretches his head to take a look, and then his eyes narrow. T

What the hell? The security guard is staring at a photo on his phone, and the person in that photo is the deceased Tang !!!