
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly discovers that his surroundings gets extremely strange after he woke up this morning and he realizes that he has an amazing experience of time-and space travel. There is only a diary beside him and he thinks that maybe this diary would answer his current confusion. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that the contents of that diary are extremely crazy and it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read carefully and figure it out , the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Horror
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68 Chs

Chapter 59 Isn't it your police's business?

Although Alex did want Tom to die, did he do anything? No, he just told other guys about Tom's murder. It is their own choice that makes things turn out this way.

Tom came back here because of his arrogance.

Wang and Florian chose to kill Tom because of their inner greed.

As for why Simon died, Alex didn't figure it out for the time being, and Sofia didn't explain the situation very clearly at the time. In his imagination, Simon should have run away like Mr Lian, but he died.

Alex tries to put himself in Simon's perspective. Simon didn't know that Alex secretly gave the photo to Tom, but he knew that Tom was likely to die. In this case, he would always pay attention to Tom in case.

After seeing the photo, Tom was destined to suspect Simon and then wanted to kill him. So Tom chose to take action, but was noticed by Simon. When Simon discovered the murderous intentions of Tom, Simon was supposed to know that they could not coexist. Of course, Simon didn't want to die, so he chose to kill Tom, but was killed in the end because of his poor ability.

What's more, Wang and Florian knew about Simon's betrayal because of Mr Lian, so they would not help Simon absolutely, which is a more reasonable guess.

Alex shakes his head and stops thinking about these things. The person was already dead, and it was truly useless to think about these things. What he cares about now is the truth from Tom's mouth.

Although Alex acted as if he didn't believe it at the time, he actually believed what Tom said in his heart. If It was just a lie made up because of Tom's unwillingness before death to confuse him, this reason was too far-fetched.

Since Tom said the facts, what is the truth?

Judging from the current situation, Tom and his father knew that the original owner had killed someone. As for whether there are others, Alex is not sure now, but he thinks that there should be no one else. After all, if so many people knew this stuff, the original owner should have been exposed long ago.

And the one who told Tom that Tom and Alex were not on the same level was probably his father.

The final answer might be his father. He recalls that when he told his father that Tom was also killing people at that time, his father was unusually calm, which indirectly showed that his father already knew about Tom's murder.

This also explains why his father said that, because he knew both of them.

As for why his father did not choose to report Tom, it might be because of the teacher-student relationship. After all, Tom said that Alex's father treated him very well before, and secondly, his father was afraid that Tom would expose Alex as well.

Another reason might be his father's guilt. He chose to help conceal his son's murder, but he exposed it when it was someone else's turn? This is a complete double standard, and this behavior might not be so easy for his father to accept.

It seems that Alex still needs to have a good talk with his father. When he goes back this time, he will take the advantage of Sofia's case to talk to his father openly and to see if there is anything he doesn't know.

On the other side, Yang and his team finally get their wish to participate in the case after Chen's application. Although they are just assisting, they are already very satisfied.

Max proposes that he interrogates Sofia and Mr Lian again, and the local police agrees.

He took Alice into the interrogation room, and the two sit down in front of Sofia. Max does not put on an interrogation posture, but asks casually,

"What's your relationship with Alex?"

Sofia looks up at him and smiles, "there's no relationship yet, but I'm pursuing him."

Hearing this answer, Max and Alice look at each other in surprise, since they never think it would be like this. He asks,

"Do you know that he might be a murderer?"

Sofia nods,

"I know. A police officer said that he suspected Alex was related to a serial murder case in Beijing City."

"Would you still like such a person?"

"Why not? You just suspect, but there is no evidence, and I don't believe that he is a real murderer."

Max nods and doesn't continue to dwell on this topic, because he could see that Sofia is willing to help Alex, so the topic about Alex is not a good breakthrough point here.

His expression becomes serious, "Tell me about what happened that night."

Sofia first complains that she has said it already, and seeing that Max is still staring at her, she has no choice but to repeat it again.

After she finishes speaking, Max takes out a surveillance video and puts it in front of her, and asks,

"From the video, I see that you first hit Mr Lian's car, then reversed and accelerated to hit the car in front. Why did you do that?"

Sofia looks at the scene in the video, but she is not nervous at all. Then she answers calmly,

"I am a female driver. After the collision, I was very panicked, and then I subconsciously reversed. As a result, because I was too panicked, I didn't know how to hit the car in front again."

Max sneers,

"You don't look panicked at all now."

Sofia retorts,

"That's because I think it through. I didn't do anything and I just hit the car. And the reason I hit the car was because they parked the car on the side of the road and didn't turn on the double flash. It was dark and rainy at that time. Isn't it normal that I didn't notice it? If you ask me, the responsibility is still on them."

Max ignores her and continues to ask,

"What about here? In the video, I see that you got out of the car and walked towards that car, and handed him a mobile phone. Why did you do that? And what did he do with the phone?"

"Officer, I hit someone, so of course I had to get out of the car to check the situation. Then he asked me for the phone, and I thought he was going to call an ambulance, so I gave it to him.

As for who he called and what he said, I have no idea at all. It was raining too hard and his voice was too soft, so I didn't hear it clearly."

"Well, we found two mobile phones on you, one of which you often use. Where is the phone card in the other one?"

"I don't know. After he used it and returned it to me, the phone card disappeared. I guess that he should have thrown it away."

"Why do you have two mobile phones? And one of them uses an anonymous phone card?"

"Officer, this is Hua City, this is normal, okay? If you really don't believe me, you just go to the street and pull anyone to ask, they all definitely have this kind of phone card."

Max does not ask any more questions. He knows that there would be no breakthrough with Sofia who is determined to help Alex, so he does not intend to waste time on Sofia.

Because of the video, they did not have much time. The video proves that the two people are indeed not involved into this case. Therefore, it is truly impossible to keep them in police station for a long time. Thus Max has to hurry up.

Max goes straight to Mr Lian's interrogation room. He feels that Mr Lian is probably easier to break through. After all, the information shows that Mr Lian is just an ordinary taxi driver.

When Max comes to Mr Lian's interrogation room, he gets straight to the point.

"How did you know Alex?"

Mr Lian tells the truth without hiding, because he blackmailed Alex for 150 euros, and then Alex found him.

"Why did you lend the car to Alex?"

"He found me at the time and said that if I lent him the car, he would not pursue the blackmail against me, and he also gave me 600 euros as a fee. If the loan period is longer, he will pay more. You also know that for us taxi drivers, 600euros is not a small amount, so I lent it to him immediately."

"Aren't you afraid that he will use your car to do some bad things?"

Mr Lian doesn't say anything, and hesitates for a long time before speaking,

"I just lent the car to make money. If he really uses my car to do some bad things, isn't it your police's business?"

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