
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly discovers that his surroundings gets extremely strange after he woke up this morning and he realizes that he has an amazing experience of time-and space travel. There is only a diary beside him and he thinks that maybe this diary would answer his current confusion. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that the contents of that diary are extremely crazy and it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read carefully and figure it out , the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Horror
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68 Chs

Chapter 60 No one could tell that Alex is his son

After Max interrogates the two, there is still no any progress.

Yang witnesses the interrogation process and he now feels that he really could no longer accept this result. He truly does not understand why these people do not cooperate with them.

Max is very calm. He has had a psychological expectation since he knows that there is surveillance at the scene. He knows that this matter would most likely not have any results. He continues to interrogate because Alex is suspected of instigating murder, and he hopes to find evidence in this regard.

But unfortunately, he knows that he has failed. Although he does not know why they killed each other at that time, the result is already doomed. The police would not pursue the reasons in the middle too much. Although it would be best to know the reasons, it does not matter if they do not know.

It is like a person killed another person, and then this person committed suicide. The police would simply visit and investigate the reasons, but if the visit is too difficult, the police would not waste energy to continue to dig deep into the reasons, because there are still many crimes happening in the world, and many cases have not been solved. They would not waste energy on such unimportant things.

Not long after, Chen sends a message that he has investigated Tom's identity and that Tom rented a house opposite Alex, but Max knows that these things are useless because Tom was dead.

All their suspicions are just speculations, and speculations could not be used as evidence.

Yang asks unwillingly, "Will we just give up like that?"

Max looks at him and explains, "It's not giving up, it's that this case is indeed over, but we still have to keep an eye on Alex."

Four days passes in a flash, and Alex receives a call from Sofia, saying that she has come out from the police station and asks Alex to pick her up.

When Alex arrives at the police station, he sees that Mr Lian and Sofia waiting for him, and Yang and Yang's colleagues are standing beside them. Then Alex walks forward them calmly.

Max stretches out his hand to stop him and asks, "Do you know Tom?"

Alex looks at Max's hand in front of him and asks, "Is this an interrogation?"

Max shakes his head, "No, it's just a normal chat."

Alex smiles,

"In this case, I can choose not to answer, but since we often deal with each other, I can honestly tell you some information for free. Investigate Tom carefully and he has a secret."

Max's expression does not change at all,

"Everyone has secrets, don't you?"

Alex is helpless,

"Why are you dragging me down again? It's really boring, officer. Well, forget it, if you want to check it, then check it, if you really don't want to, then forget it, it's none of my business anyway."

Alex waves his hand and signals Mr Lian and Sofia to follow.

In the car, Alex takes out 1500 euros and hands it to Mr Lian.

"Take the money. I'm leaving and I've had enough of Hua City. I probably won't come here again, and I really hope so."

Mr Lian nods. He knows what Alex means. If Alex come here again, it must be because of him. He also doesn't want Alex to come here again and he plans to move when he returns safely.

Alex doesn't know Mr Lian's plan to move. Of course, even if he knows, he doesn't care at all. Even if Max moves to a place where Alex couldn't find him, what would happen? Would he change his confession? What good would it do him? There is no benefit except to cause trouble for himself. Alex is sure that Mr Lian as a reasonable man wouldn't do it.

After sending Mr Lian home safely, Alex looks at Sofia and asks,

"Are you sure that you really want to go with me?"

Sofia nods affirmatively.

"Okay, say goodbye to your family before you leave."

She shakes her head, "No need, since my family is not here."

Alex doesn't ask any more questions and books a flight back to Beijing City.

After Alex left, Max keeps thinking about what Alex said, which makes him very concerned. He feels that Alex's motive for saying this is very contradictory.

Max takes out his mobile phone and calls Chen, asking him to investigate Tom carefully.

Yang still hasn't recovered yet and complains,

"The person is dead and it's useless to find out anything now. Besides, I don't think this can implicate Alex. If he could be implicated, he wouldn't tell us."

Max knows that he is unwilling to do so, and doesn't blame him, because this is indeed a very frustrating thing for a young police officer. He pats Yang on the shoulder and says patiently,

"We must investigate first. I believe that even if Alex doesn't say anything, Chen will definitely investigate as more as possible. Have you forgotten our previous guess?

We guessed that Alex came to Hua City to hire a killer to kill someone. Although the matter was not as we guessed that he hired a killer to kill someone, it was a fact that Tom was dead, which still showed that our previous guess was kind of correct.

Tom must have known something that made Alex go through so much trouble to kill him, so we can't not investigate Tom. "

Yang's eyes lit up when he hears this. Yes, why didn't he think of it?

Seeing Yang's expression, Max smiles,

"You are hit too hard and your heart is not firm enough. Look at Alice, she doesn't look as sad and depressed as you at all."

Alice has been waiting for nearly four years. In these four years, she has gone from the surprise of getting clues to the disappointment of no effect. What's more, she has experienced this countless times. How could she be frustrated because of this setback?

She thinks for a while and says, "Now Alex's goal has been achieved, so I think that there is no need for him to stay in Hua City anymore. It's time for us to go back as well."

Max nods.

The plane lands, Alex breathes the air of Beijing City. He has only left here for a few days but he begins to miss this city. He really doesn't like Hua City because the weather is too hot and humid, and he doesn't like the chaos there either. Anyway, Beijing City is better.

When Alex leaves the airport, he sees his father and gets a little surprised. He has indeed told his father that he would return to Beijing City today, but he doesn't expect his father to come to pick him up because their relationship is extremely awkward now.

His father walks up and points at Sofia without any politeness and asks directly, "Is this the person that you were talking about?"

Alex nods slowly.

This is much more normal. It turns out that his father comes mainly because of Sofia. He said that, how could it be because of him?

The three of them get in the car. His father and Sofia chat together happily, while Alex sits far away from them silently. No one could tell that Alex is his son.

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