
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly discovers that his surroundings gets extremely strange after he woke up this morning and he realizes that he has an amazing experience of time-and space travel. There is only a diary beside him and he thinks that maybe this diary would answer his current confusion. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that the contents of that diary are extremely crazy and it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read carefully and figure it out , the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Horror
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68 Chs

Chapter 58 If he indirectly murdered those persons?

"Don't do that and just wake him up. Mr Lian has a beautiful wife and a lovely child, so he will certainly know what to say and what is not supposed to say."

Alex still wants to bring Sofia to his father to see if she could be treated later. How could he let her kill someone right now?

After hanging up the phone, Sofia waits quietly until Tom dies completely before going to Mr Lian's side. She shakes him and Mr Lian wakes up in a daze. She briefly explains a few words and then calls the police.

Soon after, the police arrives and Sofia and Mr Lian are both taken away by the police.

Alex has finished his meal at this time. He looks out the window and the rain is still heavy. He plans to wait for a while and go back when the rain stops.

Not long after, Max receives a phone call. After answering the call, his expression became more and more solemn.

After the call is hung up, Max says nothing. Yang and Alice are very curious about the content of the call.

After a long time, Max glances at Alex who is looking out the window, and then slowly speaks,

"There is a car accident happened on Yugo Road, and several people died."

Yang is confused. What does the car accident have to do with them?

Max looks at the two of them and continues,

"Two people are injured, four people died, and the two injured are named Sofia and Mr Lian."


Yang subconsciously looks at Alex, and Alex also sees their gazes, but ignores them. He is just waiting for the rain to stop.

Yang asks, "Who is the dead person?"

Max shakes his head,

"The identity has not been confirmed yet, but it should be soon, but the scene has been determined to be a homicide, we have to go and take a look, after all, Mr Lian is involved here."

Yang nods and he totally agrees with Max's decision.

Then the three of them get up and leave directly, and Yang looks at Alex deeply before leaving.

When the three of them return to the local police station, they find the local police. Because they could not participate in the local cases without procedure, they could only ask questions on the side. One of the police introduces,

"The first victim is named Tom, 34 years old, who just got off the plane tonight and came from Beijing City. He was stabbed in the waist and abdomen and the murder weapon has been found, just on his stomach. The cause of death is excessive blood loss.

But there is an abnormal situation here, that is, these two wounds are not fatal. The deceased had a chance to ask for help, but the deceased chose to give up, which is very puzzling."

When Max and the other two hear Beijing City, they look at each other. This is a bit too coincidental, but no one interrupts. The policeman continues,

"There is another person named Simon, who is considered an intermediary. His cause of death was a fatal blow to his abdomen. The murder weapon is also found, a scalpel, in the hands of the deceased Tom. It is initially determined that he died at the hands of Tom.

The other two are members of a gang here, Wang and Florian. They also died at the hands of Tom, and the injuries on Tom were probably caused by them.

The two injured at the scene are no longer in serious condition and they are right now in the interrogation room. Do you want to see them?"

The three people nod hurriedly, and when they see Mr Lian and Sofia, they are stunned. They know that Mr Lian is here, but Sofia's presence makes them totally surprised.

Then Max says to the policeman next to him, "Can I see the photo of the deceased?"

The policeman does not refuse. After a while, he hands the photo to Max. Then Max recognizes the people in the photo at a glance. He looks at Yang and Alice, and the meaning in his eyes is very clear.

Except for Tom, these people all had intersections with Alex. If they say that there was no Alex here, he would never believe it.

He watches Sofia being interrogated. After listening for a long time, Sofia still insists that she hit the car because of the rain and the slippery road. When she got off the car, she found that many people had died, so she called the police directly.

In comparison, Mr Lian says a lot and he is very nervous at this time. He stretches out his hand and gestures while shouting,

"I don't know! Really! I don't know anything! At that time, I went to the airport to pick up someone according to Simon's instructions, and it started raining after the person was picked up.

I was driving, and a car behind me kept following me and flashed me with its headlights. I thought there was probably something wrong with my car, so I pulled over and got out to check.

After I got out of the car, two people got out of the car behind me as well. Just as I was about to ask what happened, Simon suddenly ran out of the car anxiously.

Then the person I picked up also got out of the car. Before I could react, they started fighting and even used knives. I was so scared that I ran back directly, but my legs were weak and I slipped. I was so startled at the time that I couldn't get up with several times' try.

When I finally got up, I found that the person had fallen down. I didn't have time to think about it and go to check. I got into the car behind me immediately and was knocked unconscious as soon as I started."

Yang listens to Mr Lian's description and turns to Max and says,

"Do you believe it? Anyway, I don't believe it. He must be hiding something right now."

Mx frowns and whispers,

"Wait for the results of their investigation. After all, this is not our place and we are unable to interfere."

Yang knows that this is the only way now, but he is very unwilling. After thinking about it, he says,

"Tell Chen about this matter and see if he can use his connections to let us participate, even if it's just pure help. What's going on now?"

Max nods, "Okay, you go and report it and see if Chen has any solution."

"Okay!" Yang quickly calls Chen.

Yang explains the situation to Chen clearly, and then Chen says that he would apply to the leader first and he would also investigate Tom's information later.

Alex has returned to the hotel, but he can't leave now because he has to wait for Sofia. He finally meets someone who is somewhat similar to the original owner. How could he ignore it?

He knows that Mr Lian and Sofia must be interrogated in the police station at this moment, but he is not worried at all. As for Sofia, her personality and ideas are bound to make the police return empty-handed.

Mr Lian has concerns, and he is even safer than Sofia.

The most important thing is that the two did nothing, just watching. As for why they didn't choose to call the police to stop it, firstly, they had no obligation to do so, and secondly, choosing to call the police afterwards for their own safety is also advocated by the police. It's better to be safe than sorry.

As for the fact that Alex is under the eyes of Yang and others the whole time, it doesn't matter.

Alex lies on the bed, thinking about what happened these days. He asks himself if he indirectly murdered those persons?

He doesn't think so.

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