
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly discovers that his surroundings gets extremely strange after he woke up this morning and he realizes that he has an amazing experience of time-and space travel. There is only a diary beside him and he thinks that maybe this diary would answer his current confusion. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that the contents of that diary are extremely crazy and it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read carefully and figure it out , the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Horror
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68 Chs

Chapter 45 Why did Alex subconsciously want to find another psychologist?

Yang stares at the woman's eyes, and the woman stares back without fear. Now Yang is in a dilemma but he has no choice. If the three do not report the case, he could not arrest Alex obviously.

Alex watches this scene and reminds, "Officer Yang, are you okay?"

Yang ignores him and talks to the three people seriously,

"You don't have to be afraid. Just tell the truth and we police will guarantee your safety."

The three shake their heads together, and Simon says, "Officer, you really misunderstood. We are just playing and it's really not like what you think."

Yang nods to show that he understands the choice of the three people, and then walks to Alex and says word by word,

"We will catch you!"

Alex shrugs, "Officer Yang, take care and see you."

After Yang leaves, Alex looks at the three people. He thinks for a while and says,

"Don't get me wrong since I really haven't killed anyone. I truly don't know why the policeman keeps staring at me."

Simon and Mr Lian smile awkwardly when they hear Alex's words. Who would believe it? If he didn't do anything, the police would stare at him?

Alex knows that they would think so, but it is not bad. Yang's arrival seems to cause trouble for him, but in fact, it indirectly helped him a lot.

Through the brief observation just now, Alex finds some problems and guesses that they might be testing him. If Yang didn't come and didn't help him prove that he is a "murderer", he should be in a dilemma at that time.

Alex certainly couldn't kill people, so he could only lock them up, but in this way, they would not listen to him anymore and become fearless.

Now, because of Yang, they have believed from the bottom of their hearts that he is a "murderer", which is the reason why they didn't help Yang before. No one will choose to offend a "perverted murderer".

If the police has evidence, they will take a risk to choose to cooperate with the police and have no much worries about being caught and shot. But without evidence, how can they dare to gamble?

Alex unties Simon and says,

"You know the situation. The police is watching me and you can leave now."

Simon looks at Alex and laughs dryly, "It's okay. Didn't you say before that the matter is almost done? We will wait for a few days here, which certainly won't be a problem."

Alex turns to look at Mr Lian, who nods hurriedly. Then Alex continues,

"Okay, in that case, you stay here first. I will be very busy these days and will not come here often. If there is anything, I will call you in advance."

Simon and the other nod to show that they understand well.

After speaking, Alex looked at the crazy woman. The woman sees Alex's eyesight and her expression gets very excited. Alex is indeed a little embarrassed to see this scene. This woman is not easy to deal with now and she is very different from normal people. To be honest, Alex doesn't know what she is thinking exactly.

Alex plans to ask, and if it doesn't work, he will continue to lock her up, but in this case, since Yang already knows the situation here, it is not safe to tie her up again.

Just now, she was very cooperative and didn't say that he tied her up, but who knows what will happen in the future? What if she gets sicker and doesn't cooperate again? This is why Alex thinks she is difficult to deal with.

He unties the woman, takes her into the car, and asks,

"What's your name?"


"What do you want to do?" Alex looks at her with a puzzled look. At this time, her face is a little dirty, but it still couldn't cover up her beauty. Seeing that she is about to answer, Alex interrupts, "Don't say anything like you like me. If you say that, I will think I am stupid."

Sofia curls her lips, "Then there is nothing to say."

Seeing that she really doesn't mean to continue, Alex is helpless, "Okay, okay, even if I believe what you said about you liking me, why do you like me?"

"Because you are a perverted murderer." Sofia says as a matter of course.

Hearing this, Alex narrows his eyes. This sentence is not difficult to understand, but the meaning in the words is very funny. It is because he is a perverted murderer that she has a crush on him.

In his opinion, this kind of thinking only occurs in minors in junior school and high school. They have not yet developed the correct values, and will be interested in those idle people in society and the "poor students" in their grades, because these people live completely different lives from theirs in their eyes, and they are curious and then have interest about them.

But if an adult still thinks this way, he or she is simply mentally ill.

Alex knows that because of Yang, she would not believe him if he denies that he is a "murderer" now.

He looks at Sofia and asks, "So, do you like killing people?"

Sofia nods quickly. Seeing her nod, Alex's heart sank. He asks calmly, "Have you ever killed anyone?"

"No, but I will try. When you kill someone in the future, call me and I will learn from you. I promise that I will learn it soon, and then the two of us will be..."


Alex feels even more depressed when he hears her talking. If he does't listen to the content, she looks like she is looking forward to the future with the person she likes, happy and charming.

But after hearing the content, it would make people feel cold.

This is a potential perverted murderer. She is only one chance away from becoming a criminal.

Looking at her, Alex couldn't help but think of the original owner. From the content of the diary, the original owner and Sofia are so similar. The only difference is that the original owner has already started killing people, but she hasn't.

Alex thinks this is a disease, a mental illness. Thinking of this, he suddenly has an idea that he plans to take her to see a psychologist. Since she is so similar to the original owner, Alex couldn't see a psychologist because he has too many secrets, but she could certainly.

If she could be cured, Alex could also treat himself according to the doctor's method when the doctor treats her. Then he wouldn't have to worry about the original owner continuing to kill people.

And more important, his father is a well-known psychologist.

Alex suddenly gets a little confused at this time. Why has he never thought about this before? Obviously his father is a well-known psychologist, why did he subconsciously want to find another psychologist?

He shakes his head. Maybe it is because the original owner's father knew that his son had killed someone, and then Alex didn't want to face it and deliberately avoided it? Maybe this is the reason.

Without thinking too much, he looks at Sofia who is still chattering in excitement, and interrupts, "Do you know that you have a disease?"

Sofia shakes her head, "I don't think I'm sick, on the contrary, I think I'm fine like this."

Alex doesn't comment on this, but states his purpose.

Sofia frowns and looks at Alex in confusion, "You want me to see a psychiatrist? Why?"

Alex knows that he couldn't say that she is mentally sick. In her eyes, she is not sick at all. Going to the doctor when she is not sick is totally a disease. He lies,

"Do you think your current behavior is the same as that of ordinary people?"

Sofia thinks about it and shakes her head, then Alex continues,

"Right, I believe you have discovered it by yourself, but do you think I'm the same as ordinary people or not?"

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