
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly discovers that his surroundings gets extremely strange after he woke up this morning and he realizes that he has an amazing experience of time-and space travel. There is only a diary beside him and he thinks that maybe this diary would answer his current confusion. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that the contents of that diary are extremely crazy and it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read carefully and figure it out , the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Horror
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68 Chs

Chapter 44 We are just playing cosplay

On the other side, the three people sees that the phone is disconnected, and everyone smiles. Mr Lian covers his head and complains to the woman,

"You are really cruel."

Then he turns to look at Simon and asks, "Then what we should do?"

"Lie on the ground and pretend to be unconscious." Simon takes a breath, then looks at the woman and says, "You crawl towards the door now."

The woman nods. Seeing the woman crawling with difficulty, Simon whisper,

"Now all we have to do is wait, wait for him to come back, I desperately hope our guess is right."

Mr Lian hears his words and speaks loudly as if to cheer himself up, "It will definitely not be wrong."

Yang is observing outside when he suddenly hears a loud roar from inside the house. He doesn't hear what is being shouted, but something must have happened. He doesn't have time to care whether he will be exposed or not. Saving people is the most important thing now, so he quickly runs to the house.

When Yang comes to the door of the house, he pushes the door hard. The noise absolutely scares the three people inside. Simon says in disbelief,

"How could he be so fast?"

Then Simon turns around in panic and signals Mr Lian to pretend to faint.

He has a really bad feeling in his heart at this time. How could it be so fast? Unless someone is nearby, maybe Alex is keeping watching them. Thinking of this, Simon's heart gets in his throat and haves cold sweaty.

Does this mean that they are being observed by Alex in every move? Then would the three of them be killed next moment?

Simon is so depressed at this time that he murmurs, "It's over. Fuck..."

At this time, Yang suddenly yells outside of door, "Listen, people inside, I'm a policeman, stop committing crimes immediately!"

He kicks the door while speaking.

The three people in the house heard Yang's shouting and look at each other, their eyes reveal the same meaning, where does the police come from?

Simon feels that his brain is not enough to think and the CPU is almost burned at this time, and Mr Lian is also confused and asks in a low voice,

"What should we do then?"

Simon is speechless when he hears Mr Lian's words, and curses in a low voice,

"How the hell do I know what to do now? Where does this police come from?"

The woman stops crawling forward, and the three are stunned for a while.

Yang is still kicking the door outside, and the three listens to the big noise, and every kick seems to kick them in the heart.

After a while, the door is kicked open by Yang successfully. Yang observes the situation inside the house clearly and he couldn't help but feel happy.

"Alex, you let me catch the fox's tail."

Then he steps forward to help the woman up and comforts her.

"Don't worry, I'm a policeman."

Seeing that one man is unconscious, Yang recognized that this man is Li Mr Lian, the owner of the taxi. He is more certain that he has caught Alex's fox tail.

Yang steps forward to look at Mr Lian and finds that he is only slightly injured. While handcuffing Mr Lian, he turns around to comfort Simon and the woman.

"Don't be afraid."

Simon nod woodenly. He is indeed not afraid, but a little confused.

After handcuffing Mr Lian, Yang gets up and unties the two people, and then asks,

"Do you know Alex?"

The two shake their heads since they really didn't know Alex's name before.

Seeing the two shaking their heads, Yang takes out his mobile phone with Alex's photo on it, and shows it to the two. The two recognizes him at a glance, and then Simon asks cautiously,

"What's wrong with this guy?"

Yang doesn't think much about it. In his eyes, the two people in front of him are victims, and he would definitely help the police.

"Him, our police suspects that he is the murderer of a serial murder case."

Hearing this, the woman's eyes suddenly become bright, but she doesn't say anything.

And Simon's face turns pretty pale. It's over. It's really a serial killer. Isn't it over for him?

Mr Lian, who is lying on the ground, couldn't help but grit his teeth when he hears this information. He knows at this time that they have guessed totally wrong. He couldn't help but feel sad from the heart, and he doesn't pretend anymore. He stands up and asks,

"Officer, do you have any evidence?"

Although Yang temporarily handcuffs Mr Lian, Yang still thinks that Mr Lian might be forced, so he shakes his head honestly,

"Not yet, but with your help, I believe I will find evidence of his crime quickly."

Hearing this, Simon and Mr Lian are immediately disheartened. Without evidence, wouldn't Alex be released soon?

Yang sees the expressions of the two and is a little puzzled. Later, he thinks they probably are afraid of retaliation and says kindly,

"It's okay, don't worry, we will provide protection for you."

Simon and Mr Lian doesn't feel any better when they hear this. It sounds good to provide protection, but how long can it last protection?

At this time, Alex arrives. Seeing the wide open door, he frowns. Did they all run away?

Since they have already run away, Alex is no longer in a hurry and walks slowly towards the house. When he gets closer, he immediately recognizes Yang's voice, and then Alex's expression suddenly became playful. Wow, interesting...

Alex thinks of the car that night. It seems that Yang and the others were following him at that time. No wonder he cared so much and his intuition is really accurate.

Then Alex quietly walks to the door, looks at the four people in the house, and knocks on the door.

Yang sees him coming and says directly,

"Alex, you restricts their personal freedom and I will arrest you according to the law now."

Alex smiles and responses calmly, "Officer Yang, what did I do to make you stare at me from afar?"

Alex closes the door and Yang takes a fighting posture as soon as he sees Alex's actions. Because it is a secret investigation, they are not equipped with guns.

Yang looks back at Simon and the other two anxiously. He is a little worried and tells them quickly, "Find a chance to run, don't worry about me."

Alex glances at Yang, then walks a few steps to the right, making way for the gate, and says to Yang,

"Officer Yang, do you think they will run?"

Alex looks at the three people with a smile on his face.

Sure enough, none of the three move. The reason why they don't move, except the woman, is that Simon and Mr Lian are afraid of Alex's revenge, and secondly, it is related to the environment they live in now. They don't trust the police at all. Where is this place? This is Hua City, and the police in Hua City are not as effective as in other cities.

Yang turns his head and looks at the three people, puzzled, and he couldn't figure out the reason.

Alex looks at Yang, who is still full of doubts, and says,

"Officer Yang, you misunderstood. I didn't restrict their personal freedom definitely. If you don't believe me, ask them now."

When Simon hears what Alex said, he seems to have thought of something and hurriedly responses, "Yes, yes, officer, you misunderstood. He didn't kidnap us."

Yang turns around and looks at him in disbelief. It is obvious that the two were tied up when he came in. How could it not be kidnapping? He turns to look at the woman, who also shakes her head,

"We are just playing cosplay."

"...What? seriously guys?"

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