
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly discovers that his surroundings gets extremely strange after he woke up this morning and he realizes that he has an amazing experience of time-and space travel. There is only a diary beside him and he thinks that maybe this diary would answer his current confusion. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that the contents of that diary are extremely crazy and it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read carefully and figure it out , the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Horror
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68 Chs

Chapter 46 What if I am the murderer, what you will do?

Sofia looks at Alex and still shakes her head.

Alex smiles and explains,

"The reason why you think I'm different from ordinary people is because you think I'm a perverted murderer from the bottom of your heart, but think about the scene when we first met. Do you think I'm the same as ordinary people at that time?"

Sofia thinks for a while and says, "At that time, you really looked like an ordinary person."

"Yes, do you know why it's like this? Because I think I'm an ordinary person from the bottom of my heart. Can you do it?"

Alex looks at Sofia, and he actually wants to hear the thoughts of this potential murderer.

Sofia frowns and says nothing. After a long time, she admits, "I can't do it."

Alex asks curiously, "Why can't I do it?"

"Why? I just can't do it. I'm me. How can I become someone else?"

Alex knows that he probably couldn't get anything out of it. If his father is here, he should be able to find it out. Alex feels helpless, because his father is such a good psychologist, but the original owner didn't learn it. Instead, he became a specimen maker. He really couldn't understand the original owner's brain circuit.

Alex asks Sofia to wait in the car, and he goes out to make a phone call. He really wants to call his father to ask about the situation.

After dialing, Alex gets straight to the point,

"Dad, there is a question I have always wanted to ask, but I have never had the time. I want to ask if this disease can be cured?"

The other end of the phone falls into silence, but Alex is not in a hurry, so he waits quietly. After a long time, his father says.

"I'm not sure, but you probably can't be cured."


"You have killed so many people. The habit of killing has been engraved in your bones, which is too difficult to change."

Alex has expected this answer. If his father could cure, the original owner would have been cured long ago. How could the original owner become like this now?

But now the situation is different. Alex has traveled through time. He is him, and the original owner is the original owner. After all, they are totally different. He believes that he can return to normal sooner or later, so he continues to ask,

"If I have never killed anyone, can this disease be cured?"

"I am still not sure, but the hope of being cured should be great. Why do you ask that?"

Alex glances at Sofia who is sitting quietly in the car and says,

"I met someone who is similar to me. She hasn't killed anyone yet, but she has signs of wanting to kill someone. Can you take a look?"


After hearing his father's answer, Alex says a few more words and then hangs up the phone.

Back in the car, Alex looks at Sofia and asks,

"Can I assume now that you are going to follow me?"

Sofia nods, "Of course, I will definitely follow you."

"Then, when I return to Beijing City, you will come with me, and then go with me to see someone."


"My father."

"Are we going to meet the parents?"

Seeing that Sofia has misunderstood, Alex explains, "No, my father is a well-known psychologist, and I want him to see you."

"I don't want to see a psychologist, I'm not sick, but who makes him your father? alright."

Seeing that she agrees, Alex continues, "You stay here for the next few days, just help me watch them."

Sofia thinks about it and agrees.

On the other side, when Yang leaves, he calls Max and tells him that he has been exposed.

After listening to Yang's explain, Max does not blame him at all. Because they are policemen and saving people is always the most important thing. In that situation, there was really no other choice. What if they were a few steps late and caused casualties?

Max paces back and forth, and then asks,

"Then according to your observation, did Alex show any signs of giving up?"

Yang carefully recalls the scene at that time and responses,

"I think he should continue, because he gave me the same feeling as when we first met, that is, he was very confident in himself. Since he was so confident, he should not give up."

Max breaths a sigh of relief. Alex's arrogance is a really good thing because he is truly afraid that Alex is cautious and would shrink at the slightest sign of trouble, which would be more troublesome.

"Okay, you come back first, and then we will discuss it in the long run."

Yang looks a little frustrated when he sees Max, and Max comforts him patiently,

"Don't take it to heart, it's not your fault at all."

Yang says angrily, "I just don't understand why they don't believe me?"

Max looks at him and his expression becomes serious.

"Yang, you are wrong. How can you make them believe you with few words? You said you would provide protection. How do you provide it? How long can you provide it?

Have you ever thought about their safety if Alex is really a murderer? Do you want to use their personal safety as bait?

If Alex is determined to retaliate, can you guarantee that you can stop him?

It is indeed our duty as a police officer to arrest criminals, but our most important duty is to ensure the safety of the people, and then to arrest criminals."

Yang nods, and he also realizes that his current thoughts are a bit extreme.

"I was wrong. Meeting Alex makes me a little impulsive for a while, but I won't do it again in the future."

Max sees that Yang realizes his mistake quickly and doesn't dwell on this topic. He turns to look at Alice and says,

"Since we have been exposed, we can only play the famous brand. Let's put Mr Lian aside for now. Since they didn't call the police, it means they think they are relatively safe now. We should not disturb them, otherwise Alex will be forced to do something bad.

We will follow Alex openly now. Isn't he very confident in himself? I want to see how confident he is.

Let's go to the hotel where Alex is staying now, and we will get a room opposite him."

When Alex returns to the hotel, he sees Yang, who is talking and laughing with Alice at his door. It seems that he is not affected by the previous incident.

Yang also discovers Alex. Then he pretends to be very surprised and says, "See you again."

Alex smiles at him, then looks at Alice, "You are here too?"

Alice nods as a response.

After saying hello, Alex takes out the room card. When he opens the door, he seems to have thought of something. He turns to look at Alice and asks,

"I remember that your mother died at the hands of that serial killer. Do you hate him?"

When Yang hears what Alex said, his expression changes. He is about to step forward to stop Alex, but he is stopped by Alex immediately. She looks directly into Alex's eyes and says word by word,

"I hate him! I have no reason not to hate him, and I firmly believe that I will catch him!"

Alex nods, and then asks again,

"Do you also think that I killed your mother?"

Alice hears this question and neither admits nor denies it. Alex stars at her and suddenly says,

"What if? I mean what if, certainly it's not true, but what if I am the murderer, what are you going to do?"

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