
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly discovers that his surroundings gets extremely strange after he woke up this morning and he realizes that he has an amazing experience of time-and space travel. There is only a diary beside him and he thinks that maybe this diary would answer his current confusion. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that the contents of that diary are extremely crazy and it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read carefully and figure it out , the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Horror
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68 Chs

Chapter 40 I like you!

Alex ties up the woman in the house, picks up the hammer and says slowly,

"I am from Beijing City and there is a particularly perverted serial killer. Do you know him?"

The woman shakes her head, "I don't know. Is that you?"

Alex neither admits nor denies it, and continues, "His method of killing is to beat the victim to death."

The woman nods, and then asks, "It seems that you know him well."

Alex doesn't say anything this time. He pushes the woman down, presses her hand to the ground, and without any hesitation, raises the hammer and smashes it down.

"Ding", that is the sound of the hammer hitting the ground. He looks at the woman, who is looking at him with burning eyes, without any fear. Alex throws the hammer away and frowns and asks,

"What do you want to do?"

The woman doesn't say anything, but just stares at him with a smug smile.

Alex sees this scene and laughs,

"Haha, do you think you won? If we regard our current situation as a game, then the winner will only be me, do you understand?

You may not be afraid of death, but there are things more terrible than death.

You have to listen carefully to what I say next, because that is what you are about to experience.

In the future, I will tie you up all the time, and you will eat, drink, defecate and urinate on this chair, and I will not give you anything to eat, only water.

Think about it carefully, can you still be proud?"

The woman's face really changes. Seeing this, Alex asks, "Can you tell me now what your real purpose is?"

"I like you!"

Alex gets stunned when he hears this, and looks down at the woman in disbelief,

"Do you take me for a idiot?"

It is inexplicable, and does he look silly?

The woman stares at him with burning eyes and says again, "I'm not lying to you, I really like you, and now I like you more and more."

Alex is a little furious, is she a pure idiot? He curses,

"Psycho! I've discovered that you have a problem with your brain a long time ago, why don't you go to the hospital to see a doctor?"

Alex turns around and leaves quickly since he really wants to stay away from this crazy woman. When he leaves the door, he says to the two unhappily,

"Don't let her go and don not talk with her much because this woman has a problem with her brain."

Back in the car, Alex knows that he has to hurry up and finish the job as soon as possible. When he returns to Beijing City, he wouldn't see this crazy woman anymore.

Alex slaps the steering wheel hard. What kind of physique did he have ? How many perverts has he met since he traveled through time?

The original owner is a pervert, Tang is a murderer, Li is a voyeur, Tom is also a murderer, and now he meets such a madman. Alex feels that if he continues like this, he would become as perverted as them sooner or later.

On the other side, Max and his team also follow Alex to this area, but because they couldn't follow too closely, they doesn't know where Alex goes.

Yang complains, "There are clues here, but we can't investigate. It's really frustrating."

They has long discovered the existence of Mr Lian, after all, the car is belong to him, but they couldn't ask him. If they asked, Mr Lian would tell Alex , and with Alex 's vigilance, he would definitely know they are here, so they could only wait like this.

Max doesn't have any impatient emotions, and says,

"Isn't this how investigations are done? Is this your first day?"

Yang explains,

"No, I just feel frustrated. I feel like we are stuck in a quagmire, and all things we do are not right."

Max is not very good at comforting people, so he could only say dryly,

"Be patient, believe in yourself, as long as he did it, he will be caught by us sooner or later."

Yang is speechless. What is the difference between saying it and not saying it? Then he turns to look at Alice. Yang has already noticed Alice's abnormality, but because they are not much familiar with each other, he did not ask before, but he is very curious.

Taking advantage of the relaxed atmosphere now, he askes,

"What's wrong with you? You rarely talk since you came to Hua City. Is there anything wrong?"

When Max hears what Yang said, he turns his head and looks at Alice. In fact, he also noticed it, but because Alice is a policewoman, he did not think much about it and thought it was because of physical discomfort.

Alice frowns and says, "Nothing, I just keep wondering why Alex came to Hua City."

"Then what do you find?"

Alice thinks for a while and says, "There is one thing, I don't know if it can be considered as a discovery."

"Tell me quickly." Yang urges.

"Look, Alex stayed at the door of that special bar last night. There were several people who wanted to take a taxi, but he didn't take any of them. This means he was waiting for someone special."

"We know this." Yang says.

Max pats his head a bit and blames him, "Don't interrupt, listen to her carefully."

Yang covers his head and nods, then Alice continues,

"It is obvious that he didn't wait successfully. As far as we know, that bar is the territory of the local gang. Does that mean that he is waiting for someone in this gang?

Why would Alex, a person who has no intersection with Hua City, look for people from the local gang? We don't know for the time being.

However, we can think about what these gang members will do. Grabbing territory, fighting, smuggling, drug trafficking, murder, etc. are all illegal activities.

What can Alex do with them? It must be these illegal activities. Alex has not been involved in smuggling and drug trafficking, so I guess he came here to find someone to kill others."

Yang feels that Alice's guess is very accurate, which could also explain why Alex was waiting for someone yesterday. He might be looking for a killer.

"Hiring someone to kill someone? Who is the person he wants to kill?" Yang frowns and asks.

"I don't know." Alice shakes her head and continues,

"But if it is really what I guessed, then it means that the person Alex wants to kill must know something. What this person knows threatens him and makes him uneasy, so he has to do it."

"Then why doesn't he do it by himself?" Yang asks.

Alice shrugs,

"Maybe it's easy to be exposed? Or maybe that person has become wary of him, and he can't get close to him. There are many reasons, and we can't know them for the time being.

But as long as we still execute according to the original plan, we will definitely find something."

Alex doesn't know that his purpose has been guessed by police, but even if he knew it, he wouldn't care, because there is a knot here, and it is very difficult to untie it.

That is, no one would admit that they are going to kill someone, unless they are caught on the spot during the crime, but this is too difficult.

As for the arrest of this person after Tom's death, Alex doesn't have to worry about it. The fact was that he did nothing, just came to Hua City for a trip and experienced the hard work of taxi drivers. What's wrong with that?

Not wrong at all!!!

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