
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly discovers that his surroundings gets extremely strange after he woke up this morning and he realizes that he has an amazing experience of time-and space travel. There is only a diary beside him and he thinks that maybe this diary would answer his current confusion. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that the contents of that diary are extremely crazy and it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read carefully and figure it out , the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Horror
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68 Chs

Chapter 41 The best way to hunt is to let the prey come to you

At the door of that special bar in the early morning, Alex sits in the car a little tired. It is really uncomfortable to break his biological clock.

Still the same as yesterday, several people come to take a taxi, but Alex doesn't leave because he hasn't found the right person yet. The person he wants to contact would never get in a taxi like his, and he, a stranger, couldn't contact the person.

But it doesn't matter since Alex doesn't need to contact the person either. He just needs to let the person know, so he is waiting, waiting for an ambitious "servitor".

There are many such people. Every "servitor" in the gang has ambitions, but not everyone can succeed. They also need to have abilities and fantastic ideas. Such people are not easy to find and Alex knows that this is a time-consuming job.

Alex thinks that tonight would be the same as yesterday, and he is going to go back, but maybe it is the benefit of the time-and-space traveler? When he wants to leave, he finds such a person, which makes Alex a little excited. It seems that God is helping him.

This man is not very old, about the same age as Alex, with a crew cut, and wearing a black patterned shirt. He is dressed similarly to the person next to him. The only difference is that his eyes are very lively, which shows that he has a lot of thoughts in his mind normally. This kind of person is exactly what Alex is looking for.

Normal people, whether walking alone or with friends, have dull eyes. The dullness here does not mean stupidity, but attention. Normal people's attention is mostly focused on one place, either the mobile phone or the road ahead. Few people will look left and right.

Even if they look at other places, they just glance at them and don't remember what they saw.

But people with many thoughts in their hearts will unconsciously patrol back and forth. This is instinct, the instinct to collect information, and such people are born with ambition.

Alex looks at him supporting a drunk man, probably that man is his leader or something, Alex honks the horn to attract his attention immediately.

The man looks at Alex's car and then walks over directly.

After getting in the car, the man arranges the drunk man in the back seat and sits in the co-pilot seat.

Alex asks, "Where are you going?"

"New residence."

Alex nods. The "new residence" is actually in an old neighborhood, which shows it seems that this man is not doing well now. That is even better for Alex.

On the way, Alex notices that the man looks at him from time to time with a wary look. There is not surprised at all because Alex truly doesn't look like a taxi driver.

Alex wears a baseball cap and a mask on his face, wrapping himself tightly. As a taxi driver, who would dress like it?

Alex ignores him and drives on his own since all this is within his expectations. Don't underestimate people's curiosity.

Sure enough, after a while, the man couldn't sit still. He reaches out to open the storage space on the co-pilot. At this time, Alex gently presses his hand, looks into his eyes, and speaks in an inexplicable tone,

"Curiosity kills the cat, so I suggest you don't open it."

The man's expression changes slightly, and he nods, indicating that he would not open it. Then he leans back in his seat, looking very relaxed, but Alex could still see that he is actually a little nervous.

Is there anything there? In fact, there is nothing. Alex said this deliberately to make him misunderstand.

Not long after, they arrive at the destination, and the man gets off the car. Alex collects the money and leaves without looking back. Alex believes that he must have left a deep impression on this man, and this is his purpose.

Again, don't underestimate people's curiosity.

A weirdo who appears in his gang's gathering place, what is the purpose of this weirdo? How could he resist not to find the truth? Moreover, if he really found something, he would make a contribution. Alex concludes that he couldn't resist at the end.

The best way to hunt is to let the prey come to you. If the hunter goes all over the mountains to find it, how long will it take you to find it?

Since the person has been found, Alex can go back and rest well tonight.

The man stares at Alex's car for a long time, remembers the license plate of Alex's taxi, looks down at his leader, and then his eyes become erratic. He doesn't know who the taxi driver is, but he is definitely suspicious. It depends on whether the driver will appear at the door of their bar again.

If that driver appears again, the driver must be targeting the gang. In this way, if he finds something, he will definitely be able to make a contribution. This is an opportunity for himself, and of course it is also an opportunity for his leader.

He looks down at the drunken leader and says silently,

"How much virtue did you accumulate in your previous life to have someone like me as your servitor?"

Because in the gang, the hierarchy is very strict, and the things done by the servitor will naturally be counted on the direct leader, whether good or bad. In this way, the direct leader basically makes meritorious deeds without doing anything, and meritorious deeds represent status and money, which is why so many people want to get promoted.

The next day, Alex first goes to Mr Lian's place to check the situation. He was not worried about this side before, but the sudden appearance of the crazy woman made him feel uneasy. Who knows what she will do?

When Alex comes to Mr Lian, he sees that the woman and Simon are tied up and their mouths are blocked. He breathes a sigh of relief. It looks okay and nothing happens.

The woman is very excited to see Alex coming, who twists her body hard and makes a humming sound in her mouth. It seems that she wants to say something, but Alex ignores her. There is nothing to say to such a mentally abnormal person.

Alex looks at Mr Lian,

"It will be over soon, and you can return to your normal life then."

Alex says this to reassure Mr Lian, so that he would not have any wrong thoughts anymore.

People are like this, they will not fight desperately when they have a way out.

On the other side, Yang and his team also saw Alex leaving with someone. They took photos of the people who Alex carried in the car, and then took the photos back to the local police station and asked them who the two people were. The police station retrieved the information of the two soon.

The three people frowns more and more. The local police officer looks at the three people and asks, "Do you want to catch them and ask them?"

Max waves his hand hurriedly, "No, no."

Wouldn't it be a warning for Alex if the police catches them now?

Yang frowns and says, "According to the information the local police provides, these two people are just peripheral, small-time characters. Why did Alex look for them?"

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