
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly discovers that his surroundings gets extremely strange after he woke up this morning and he realizes that he has an amazing experience of time-and space travel. There is only a diary beside him and he thinks that maybe this diary would answer his current confusion. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that the contents of that diary are extremely crazy and it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read carefully and figure it out , the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Horror
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68 Chs

Chapter 39 Would Alex really kill her?

Simon holds the machete in his hand and nods vigorously.

After a while, Alex arrives. He gets off the car and sees Mr Lian waiting for him outside. He walks forward and the two walk towards Simon together.

At first, Alex didn't find anything unusual, but after walking a few steps, he suddenly turns his head and looks at Mr Lian, saying in a ambiguous tone,

"You are very nervous, why?"

Mr Lian is a little flustered, because he is truly afraid of Alex from the bottom of his heart, not to mention that he is going to hurt Alex now, he already couldn't control himself.

"Awesome." Alex sneers, and then continues to walk towards Simon's place. Unbelievable, he doesn't look scared at all.

Mr Lian looks at the calm Alex, and thinks about Simon's performance. He is even more unsure because the gap between the two is too big, but now the arrow is on the string and has to be shot. He could only bite the bullet and continue. He is afraid that if he tells the truth to Alex, Alex would attack him now. Simon is not around now, so he doesn't dare to do it alone.

Alex pushes the door open and walks straight in. Then he sees that Simon is staring at him with a machete in his hand.

Alex turns back to look at Mr Lian and says calmly, "Have you planned it?"

Without waiting for Mr Lian to answer, Alex walks to the chair and sits down. Looking at the two people standing still, he asks calmly,

"Do you think that killing is easy? Cut with a knife? Stab with a knife? Or hit the head with a hammer?"

Alex throws the hammer on the ground as he says.

He looks at Simon and asks,

"Do you know how many times you have to cut someone with the machete in your hand to kill him totally? More than twenty cuts, about thirty cuts. People's vitality is very tenacious, more tenacious than you can imagine. Are you sure you want to continue using it now?"

As Alex says that, he walks up to Simon, looks into his eyes, and asks word by word,

"Do you know what it feels like to kill someone? Have you seen the look in someone's eyes before they die? Their eyes stare at you intently, their faces are hideous and terrifying, and there are too many emotions in their eyes, unwillingness, fear, hatred, disbelief, and so on, all of which are reflected in their eyes and deeply engraved in your heart.

You can't forget it. The more you want to forget it, the clearer you remember it. You will often wake up when you sleep, and you will become suspicious at ordinary times. You often wonder if they are coming to find you? Even if you believe in your heart that there are no ghosts in this world, you can't help but think that they are around you, staring at you with that complicated look.

Mentally, you begin to doubt everyone, and you begin to think that everyone around you is their incarnation, just to take revenge on you. In reality, you still have to avoid the police's pursuit, dare not see anyone, for fear of being exposed, and live cautiously.

Day after day, year after year, you live in fear every day until you completely collapse.

Do you know why many murderers choose to surrender themselves after a few years? Did the police find evidence? No, they can't stand the inner torment, they can't bear it anymore, so they can only do this.

Are you sure you can bear the consequences? "

Alex stares at Simon's eyes, who is trembling all over at this time and doesn't dare to look directly at him. Then he turns his head and looks at Mr Lian.

"What about you? Let's not talk about these stuffs. What about your wife and children? How do you face them? Will they be afraid of you after they know you have killed someone?"

Seeing that the two get silent and their eyes get erratic, Alex sits back on the chair. He is indeed not afraid when he first finds the abnormality. Since for a normal person, killing is a difficult step.

Most murderers kill people either by mistake or by accident, or because some of their own emotions reach a peak and they are overwhelmed by reason for a while, such as fear, anger, etc.

Only a few murderers really do it for the purpose of "I just want to kill you", just like Tom and the original owner.

Looking at the two, Alex explains,

"I won't hurt you two. If I really wanted to hurt you, you would have died long ago. Mr Lian, you would die in your own home, and Simon, you would die in that alley."

Then Alex stops talking and gives the two sufficient time to think about it carefully. When Simon puts down the knife in his hand, Alex continues,

"It's better to untie Simon indeed. I don't know if there is someone will come to find you later. If someone finds you and asks you about me, you guys are supposed to know what to say without my teaching, right?

There is another thing and I may call you two later. The content is probably that person's information and Simon knows who I am talking about. After I leave, Simon, talk to Mr Lian and don't let it slip."

After saying that, Alex picks up the hammer and leaves. As soon as he opens the door, he sees the woman from last night standing at the door. It seems that she has been listening for a while. Alex notices that she is different from last night. She changes her clothes and doesn't wear makeup, but she is still very beautiful.

Alex narrows his eyes, but didn't panic. He asks, "How did you follow me?"

The woman smiles and says, "I have been in your car."

As she says that, she makes a prone gesture. Alex knows that he was careless and didn't check the vehicle, which taught him a lesson this time.

The woman sees Alex staring at her and asks with a smile, "What? Are you going to kill me to silence me?"

Alex smiles and pretends to be puzzled, "Just kidding, I'm a really good person, why would I do something like killing people?"

The woman curls her lips and nods, "Then how are you going to deal with me? Stay here like them?"

Alex looks back at the two people and thinks it seems like a good choice.

The woman sees that Alex is a little moved, and hurriedly says,

"I just said that casually, don't even think about it please, if you lock me up here, I promise that I will absolutely yell every day and ruin your business totally."

Alex frowns, looks at her and asks, "Aren't you afraid?"

"What are you afraid of? Are you afraid of death? I'm not afraid."

Looking at the woman's fearless look, Alex smiles, turns around and says to the other two, "You go out for a walk first."

After the two leave, Alex drags the woman into the house, picks up the rope on the ground, and ties her up. During this period, the woman cooperates abnormally and does not resist at all.

Mr Lian looks at the closed door outside and asks Simon, "He wouldn't really kill her, would he?"

Simon frowns and shakes his head, covering his shoulder,

"Probably not. He attacked me that night and really didn't hold back. If I hadn't reacted quickly, I would have died long ago. This proves that he would really kill people, but I know he came to Hua City for his own purpose. Before the purpose is achieved, he probably wouldn't kill people because this would certainly cause trouble. So I guess he is just trying to scare her."

Simon pauses, then hesitates,

"But it's hard to say. Who knows what people like him think?"

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