
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly discovers that his surroundings gets extremely strange after he woke up this morning and he realizes that he has an amazing experience of time-and space travel. There is only a diary beside him and he thinks that maybe this diary would answer his current confusion. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that the contents of that diary are extremely crazy and it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read carefully and figure it out , the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Horror
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68 Chs

Chapter 38 No expect to call someone a psycho one day

Alex wants to drive away directly, but when he thinks that if this woman is caught, her fate would probably get terrible. After thinking about it, he decides not to leave, just to do good deeds for himself.

The woman moves very fast. After a while, she opens the car door and sits in. Without waiting for her to speak, Alex looks at the group of men who has totally lost their minds and drives away silently.

Looking at the group of men who are jumping up and down in anger, Alex curls his lips, it is really interesting.

The woman is sitting in the back seat, panting. Alex looks in the rearview mirror and sees that the woman is very beautiful, just in line with his aesthetic taste.

Then Alex moves his sight. He is in a big trouble now, and he is also a "murderer". It is truly not suitable for him to talk about love stuff and It is estimated that no woman would like a "murderer".

After the woman takes a breath, Alex asks, "Hello, lady, where are you going?"

The woman leans back in her seat, looking out the window, and does not answer.

Alex asks again, but the woman still doesn't answer. Does this mean that he can drive to wherever as he pleases? Isn't this a typical routine in TV dramas? But Alex is truly not in the mood to play with her now.

Alex now refuses anyone who tries to get close to his life, because he can't afford the cost of being exposed. Compared with love and other things, his life is more important.

He pulls over directly, and in the woman's puzzled eyes, he says lightly,

"Get out of the car right now."

The woman frowns, doesn't speak, and doesn't make any movements either.

Alex smiles coldly. If he had some good feelings for this woman before, now he immediately becomes disgusted. This kind of woman is spoiled by men totally. Relying on her youth and beauty, she naturally thinks that all men in the world should hold her and care about her.

What's the situation now? Not to mention that he just saved her, as for the current situation, she gets into his car, while she doesn't say a word when she is asked her destination . Now Alex asks her to get out of the car, but she still refuses to leave.

What's going on? Does she think he is her servant? Go to hell.

Alex doesn't indulge her. He opens the door and gets out of the car. Then he opens the back door and yells at her, "Get out!"

The woman remains unmoved, not even looking at Alex.

Alex sneers, grabs the woman's neck, and is about to pull her out. The woman is really not easy to deal with, and punches Alex's crotch. Alex knocks her hand away, and then pulls her out of the car with force.

Alex pinches the woman's neck, pulls her in front of him, looks into her eyes, and asks expressionlessly,

"Do you think I'm like that bunch of trash?"

He pushes the woman to the ground, says nothing, and turns away directly.

Who would have thought that the woman grabs his trouser leg and hugs his calf like a snake on a stick without waiting for him to react when Alex has just taken a step?

Alex pulls hard, but fails to pull it out, which makes him helpless. He looks down at the woman who is holding his calf tightly and asks,

"What do you mean? What are you going to do exactly?"

The woman still doesn't say anything, but looks up at him. Alex doesn't know if it is his illusion, he feels that the woman's eyes are full of little stars. He could clearly see the meaning in the woman's eyes, which is admiration.

"Psycho!" Alex curses in a low voice. He doesn't expect that one day he would call someone a psycho.

Alex squats down and tries to pry open the woman's hands, but it doesn't work. Since he pried one open and the other came over.

Finally, Alex gets helpless and gives it up, "What are you going to do, lady?"

The woman still doesn't say anything, but just looks at him obsessively, which makes Alex a little overwhelmed. Isn't this a dog-skin plaster? He threatens,

"Let me go, if you don't let me go, I'll call the police, do you really want it happen?"

Seeing that the woman is still the same as before, Alex is even more speechless, and almost begs,

"Can we go back to the car first? Let's talk about it in the car please."

The woman nods in agreement, which makes Alex sort of relieved, and then they returns to the car. This time, the woman does not sit in the back seat, but sits in the passenger seat.

Alex turns his head to look at her and asks her where she is going again. The woman just stares at him without saying anything. Alex has no choice but to drive first.

When Alex is shifting gears, the woman puts her hand on Alex's hand.

Alex is truly angry and slaps her hand away.

"Do you want to drive? Come on, give you, I'll give it to you!"

Seeing the woman put her hand back, Alex continues to shift gears. This time the woman does not make any extra movements.

The woman stares at Alex intently, which just makes him very uncomfortable, but more terrible, he has no choice. This woman is mentally ill and would not listen whatever she doesn't like to listen.

Alex decides to ignore her and treats her as air totally.

As Alex is driving, he notices a car far behind him. He narrows his eyes, but he is not sure if the car is following him. He pulls over without thinking and leans on the door, waiting for the car passing.

What Alex does not know is that the people in the car are Max's team. Yang, who is sitting in the passenger seat, sees Alex stop the car from a distance and asks,

"What should we do? He stops."

Max remains calm, "Drive normally. He is too cautious to be followed now. Go back and have a rest. We'll talk about it tomorrow."

Yang's expression gets solemn. When he is about to approach Alex, he turns back and pretends to talk to the person in the back seat.

Alex leans on the door, staring at that car which is passing and does not slow down. He sees the driver's appearance but Alex does not recognize him. Alex also notices the movements of the person in the passenger seat.

As the car drives away, Alex narrows his eyes. Coincidence? Or is there another group of people following him now? He is not sure.

While he is thinking, the woman in the passenger seat looks around in the car. She suddenly finds that the owner of the car is not Chen Xiao according to the profile photo in front. Seeing Alex suddenly gets out of the car, she smiles unconsciously.

She unbuckles her seat belt, stretches her body to look at him, and asks, "Is someone following you?"

Alex does not answer her question, and says sarcastically,

"Oh, now you can talk, I have thought you were a mute? Leave my car and I want to go home now."

Hearing this, the woman sits back and returns to her previous state, saying nothing, like a real mute.

Alex is helpless since he doesn't know why the woman is sticking to him. It was useless to call the police. At most, she would be locked up for a few days. The most important thing is that he doesn't want to deal with the police from the bottom of his heart. A "murderer" is hanging around in front of the police all day. Isn't this looking for death?

Alex ignores her. Whatever she wants, he drives directly back to the hotel. When he reaches the door of the hotel, the woman wants to follow him back to the room. How could Alex agree? He just locks the woman outside the door.

Fortunately, the woman doesn't knock on the door to disturb him. Lying on the bed, Alex couldn't help but think of the woman's appearance. What was going on? Helping others is good, but helping a mentally ill person just shows he is crazy.

At noon the next day, Alex gets up. He plans to go to Mr Lian's place to see the situation and gives a few instructions. Before leaving, he thinks of the woman from last night. Would she be squatting at the door now?

Alex tiptoes to open the door and looks around. He doesn't find any trace of the woman luckily. He guesses that she has left, which makes him breathed a sigh of relief. Then he finally leaves the hotels with a good mood.

Alex calls Mr Lian, informs him a visit, and then drives to Mr Lian's place.

Mr Lian puts down his phone and turns to look at Simon, "Did you hear that? He'll be here soon, are you really ready?"

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