
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly discovers that his surroundings gets extremely strange after he woke up this morning and he realizes that he has an amazing experience of time-and space travel. There is only a diary beside him and he thinks that maybe this diary would answer his current confusion. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that the contents of that diary are extremely crazy and it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read carefully and figure it out , the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Horror
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68 Chs

Chapter 3 Almost own all the memories except crimes

The middle-aged policeman turns to look at his colleague next to him and asks, "Max, tell me, have you discovered anything?"

Max stands up and frowns.

After a while, Max says, "There is no financial loss at the scene, and there are no signs of prying on the door lock. In addition, the victim was killed at the door, which shows that she knew the murderer. The initial judgment is that it is a murder of love or a vendetta, but there is a problem here that I am unable to figure it out."

Hearing what Max says, the middle-aged policeman gets so stunned. Max is about the same age as him, and can be considered as a person who has fully experience in cop lifetime. What crime scene has he not seen before? What else does he have doubts about? The middle-aged policeman is absolutely curious, "where?"

"The murderer had a very clear purpose and didn't hesitate at all. He took action directly when the victim opened the door. He didn't even enter the house and just stood at the entrance." Max frowns.

The middle-aged policeman makes a knocking motion on the spot, then stretches out his hand and gestures, and says,

"The murderer knocked on the door, and the victim saw him through the peephole, and then opened the door without any doubt. At this time, the murderer suddenly burst out and stabbed the victim's neck with a knife. The victim was unable to react and fell to the ground injured.

It can be seen from the blood stains that the murderer stood motionless at the door instead of moving forward after entering the house, looking at the victim silently.

The victim was extremely frightened at this time. She covered the wound tightly with one hand and wanted to scream. The knife in her neck made no sound out, so the only thing she could do is to move backward desperately to stay away from the murderer until she lost too much blood and died completely. After the victim died, the killer turned around and left.

I know what you are wondering, the behavior pattern is wrong. "

Max suddenly realizes and agrees, "Yes, yes, that's it, that's why I feel it weird. From the murderer's behavior standing at the door, this proves that he is a truly pervert. If such a person decides to take revenge because of love or vendetta, how could it possible to directly kill the victim with a knife in one time? This is very strange. "

The middle-aged policeman has the same doubts.

"You guys go ahead, I'll go and ask around." He says, turning to look at the pale young policeman beside him and motioning to follow him out.

After leaving the crime scene, this middle-aged policeman walks straight to Alex's room next door, reaches out and knocks on the door.

Alex inside the house is terrifically frightened when he hears the knock on the door.

He almost had all the memories of the original owner now except killing others. Alex does not know what happened exactly. Thousands of thoughts have come into his mind while there's no more time to figure it now. He puts the diary in the cupboard and closes its door in a panic.

"Fuck, How could they come here so fast?"

When he opens the door, there are two policemen standing at the door, the same two men who have driven them away just now.

The middle-aged policeman says, "My name is Chen, and this is Yang. We have something to ask you, are you available right now? "

"Okay, sure, you can definitely ask me now. " Alex's mouth is extremely dry.

"Can we enter in the house?" Chen asks with a kind smile.

"Well, come in, please come in," he responds hurriedly.

Alex knows that he couldn't go on like this anymore. He is too nervous and then everyone could tell that there is something wrong with him. He secretly takes a deep breath to relax himself.

After entering the house, Chen looks around casually. Alex keeps paying the attention to him, fearing that he would feel or find something .

"What's your name?" Yang asks.


"what for?"


"Wow, this job is not common." Yang looks up at him.

"Yeah, I just have some interests into it."

"Well, place of origin?"

"Local person."

"Where were you last night?"

"at home."

"Can anyone prove it?"

"No, I'm single." Alex then adds, "There should be records on the phone."

Yang smiles and says, "Don't be nervous, we just come here to do an investigation and try to know something around the situation."

"I'm not nervous." Alex retorts subconsciously.

Yang nods and continues to ask, "Did you have any contact with the deceased yesterday?"


Alex notices that when he is being questioned by Yang, the middle-aged policeman named Chen always glances at him with a vague look. The scrutiny in his eyes makes him even freak out.

After asking a few more basic questions, Yang stops and looks at Chen. Chen thinks for a while and says, "I have taken a look around just now. Surprisingly, your whole room is pretty clean and tidy. Very few people's rooms could keep clean nowadays."

After hearing this, Yang immediately raises his head and looks at him carefully.

Alex's face looks a little solemn because he already understands his meaning.

Most of the thoughtful murderers suffer from mysophobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder and other mental illnesses. He might have aroused their suspicion now.

He thinks about it quickly and explains, "Well, because of work, my job is a little bit special, which made me develop this sort of habit."

Chen nods without judging and walks slowly toward the closet. This action makes Alex's heart picked up into his throat. Chen continues to ask as he walks, "What kind of person do you think the deceased was?"

Alex becomes more and more nervous.

He forces himself to calm down, looks at Chen 's movements, and answers expressionlessly, "I'm not familiar with her at all, but she's very polite and she seems like an easy person to get along with."

At this time, Chen has already arrived at the door of the closet and almost puts his hand on the closet door.

Alex glances at Yang who stands very close to him, and then looks at Chen who is about to open the closet door where that crazy diary locates.


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