
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly discovers that his surroundings gets extremely strange after he woke up this morning and he realizes that he has an amazing experience of time-and space travel. There is only a diary beside him and he thinks that maybe this diary would answer his current confusion. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that the contents of that diary are extremely crazy and it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read carefully and figure it out , the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Horror
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68 Chs

Chapter 2 Did the original owner really kill his neighbor?

Alex takes a real deep breath, opens the door, and sees that the cordon has been set up next door.

Evidently, nearly the doors of every house in this hall are open. Fortunately, he opened the door as well, otherwise everyone would open the door and only his house would be closed, which just makes it clear that there is something wrong with him.

"holy shit." Alex did something right and he feels sort of relieved now.

There are already many people outside the cordon, which took his thousands of efforts to squeeze in. He only remembered that the girl lived in next door was called Jasmin, but what a pity, there's no more memories left.

Alex notices that there are no signs of prying on the door lock. And there is a long bloodstain at the entrance and on the wall. He follows the bloodstain and looks into the house, there are many police officers in the house at this moment. Then he sees a pair of bloody feet.

His ears are filled with the buzzing chatter of his neighbors, and he suddenly has a very bad feeling arising in his heart.

Was it the original owner who did this case? Is it possible?

Alex desperately wants to go back and read the diary, but it's too abrupt to leave now. In order not to make people suspicious and put the concentration on him, he has to pretend to stay here like everyone else. He tries his best to look curious instead of being nervous.

"I saw this girl yesterday afternoon. However I didn't expect that something like this would happen on her today..."

Alex doesn't hear what that neighbor says behind clearly. His mind is totally buzzing now.

Jasmin was still alive yesterday afternoon, which means that the time of her death is last night or this early morning.

If it was really the original owner who did it, did the original one deal with the weapon well or would Alex still have time to dispose the murder weapon later? ?

A drop of sweat slips from his forehead, making him even more nervous.

Fortunately, after a while, a middle-aged policeman comes over with another young policeman.

"Go back home! Don't be stuck here please! Hurry up!"

After hearing what that policeman said, Alex is kind of relieved and returns to the house obediently.

After entering the house, he immediately takes out that horrible diary. Since the girl Jasmin next door died not long ago, if it was really the original owner who killed her, it is supposed to be recorded at the end of the diary.

Alex doesn't want to waste any time and turns directly to the last article.

July 2, 2022, which is today, and his heart sank.


"Please don't! please..." Alex prays inwardly.

Continuing to Look down, the words "Jasmin" suddenly appeared in front of him. "

"Son of bitch..." What he is really afraid of truly happened, and his last hope is finally shattered.

He took a deep breath and started reading the details carefully. The diary is not too long and he finishes it very soon.

Jasmin's death is just an accident, or her bad luck.

Around two o'clock in the morning last night, the original owner was burying a body in the community downstairs. At this time, the light of her room suddenly turned on. The original owner thought she had discovered it, so he came directly to her house and killed her.

In Alex's opinion, Jasmin should not know anything at all. The original owner's home is on the 16th floor, and it would take a while to enter her home from the outside. If Jasmin really discovered something, she would have enough time to call the police, and she would definitely not open the door in case.

There is no more time to think about it because the police is getting closing.

Since the original owner killed Jasmin, Alex wants to see if there is a murder weapon left in the house. He seeks for it in many places and finally finds a black plastic bag in the closet. He opens it carefully and finds a rolled-up piece of clothing inside. He slowly opens it and there is a sharp knife stained with blood.


How could the original owner just leaves the murder weapon like this?

So ridiculous, so dangerous.

Alex looks every corner in the house, looking for a safer place to hide that murder weapon...

The middle-aged policeman puts on his shoe covers and walks into the crime scene, followed by the young one whose face looks pretty pale. The middle-aged policeman notices this scene and says, "I didn't get used to it at the first time either. It's not a big deal. Just be patient and you will do it well soon."

The young policeman nods quietly.

Then the middle-aged one stops paying his attention to the young one and begins to observe scene carefully. He sees the blood sprayed on the wall, and then he knows that this was where the murderer took first action.

He walks along the blood trail which is very very long. It should have been caused by the victim moving backwards. She must have been very frightened and desperate at that time.

When he continues to walk into the living room, he sees the victim, who is pretty young and beautiful, covered in blood, and holding her neck tightly with one hand. It looked like she died from excessive blood loss due to a cut artery.

Her another hand is weakly hammered to the ground, and there is a mobile phone just near it.

Those all show that the victim had a very strong will to survive. It seemed that she was about to succeed, but he knew that she actually had no chance at all.

What a big pity...

The victim's eyes are widely open, showing extreme fear.

Then the middle-aged policeman walks to the deceased and squats down, looking at her slightly open mouth and mumbling. "Are you going to tell me something?"

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