
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly discovers that his surroundings gets extremely strange after he woke up this morning and he realizes that he has an amazing experience of time-and space travel. There is only a diary beside him and he thinks that maybe this diary would answer his current confusion. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that the contents of that diary are extremely crazy and it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read carefully and figure it out , the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Horror
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68 Chs

Chapter 4 Alex offers the motive


Thinking of the group of policemen outside, he knows that it is extremely unrealistic and there seems nothing he could do.

"what am I supposed to do?" At this moment, a very crazy idea comes to Alex's mind, which even makes him tremble a little. He doesn't know whether it is because of excitement or nervousness.

Just when Chen is about to open that closet door, Alex suddenly speaks in an inexplicable tone, "Is it possible because she has seen something?"

When Chen hears this, he immediately stops opening the cabinet door, staring at Alex, and askes, "Why do you say that?"

Yang also looks at Alex very warily at this time. Seeing that Chen will not open the closet, Alex is deadly relieved. Now that the situation has become like this, he is not as nervous as before.

Alex des not answer Chen's words immediately, while he goes to the refrigerator to take a bottle of water and then motions to the two of them, "Would you two like to drink?"

The two of them don't speak and they both just stares at him expressionlessly, waiting for his response.

Alex shrugs, takes a sip of water, and continues,

"Guess, people always have some specific motives for everything they do, and murder is same.

Before you came, I have noticed that there were no signs of prying on the door of her house, which means that she knew the murderer. There was no sign that the house had been disturbed, which means that the murder was not seeking for money, so it could be a murder of love or a vendetta.

And if it was a murder of love or a vendetta, you should first investigate the people who have close connections with her.

But you are the first to ask me, a neighbor who is not familiar with her. Of course, this is normal, since I am close and maybe have some clues. The only abnormal thing is you, Officer Chen. I notices it from the moment you came into my house.

You seem to be casual, but in fact you are very vigilant. But Officer Yang is obviously different and he simply asked, what does this mean?

This shows that you subconsciously think that I may be the murderer.

I have already answered that I am not familiar with the deceased. I don't think anyone would lie on this kind of issue because it is too easy to be exposed. Even so, you still doubt me. Why?

Two unfamiliar people, one of them has murderous intentions, and the only motive I can think of is to silence the other."

"Shut up?" Chen says it silently in his heart.

At this moment, he thought of Max's words. His eyes suddenly become sharp and he ignores Alex. He rans back to the scene of the crime as fast as as he could and comes to the window. He observes downstairs carefully, then quickly turns back to Yang and says, "Mobilize manpower and search the open space in front of building carefully. Don't let go off anything."

"yes, sir."

Chen's expression gets very serious, hoping it isn't like what he have thought.

Seeing Chen leaving out his house, Alex closes the door and feels an indescribable feeling in his heart. Excited? Or is it fun?

He couldn't care about it anymore anyway. Now that they have discovered a clue after his own reminder, Alex has to read the contents of the diary and tries to know more stuffs than the police so that he could better protect himself.

He takes out the diary and quickly turns to the penultimate article. After reading it, he feels nauseous, uncomfortable, and nauseous. All the negative emotions make him breathless.

After all, he is a normal person. This diary really goes beyond his tolerance and is too cruel.

He hides the diary and the murder weapon on the top of the wardrobe, then goes to wash his face in the bathroom. Looking at this clean and handsome face in the mirror, he is a little lost. He doesn't understand how such a good-looking man could do such a cruel thing ?

A siren sounds again outside the window. Alex comes to the window to check and looks at those busy policemen below, feeling mixed in his heart.

After watching for a while, Alex leaves the window and says silently in his heart, "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, but it's impossible for me to surrender, because I am indeed not that murderer."

Official Chen comes downstairs and suddenly feels something with his instinct. When he looks up, he doesn't see Alex who was standing by the window just now. He just vaguely feels that someone was watching him just now. This reminds him of one pair of eyes which have already become his nightmare and he could never forget.

He shook his head, mocking himself a little, "well, well, I just think too much..."


An exclamation interrupts his thoughts, and Chen hurried over. Only a touch of pink is revealed in the soil that was turned over just now.

Chen says quickly, "Be careful when you guys dig it up, please."

In about half an hour, he finally sees the whole picture. It is a pink gift box half a person's height with beautiful knots on it. There is also a greeting card on the gift box. He picked up the card and it reads,


Seeing this sentence, Chen's bad premonition becomes stronger. "Open it."

Even he himself doesn't notice that his voice is trembling a little at this time.

The two police officers opens that gift box very carefully. When they see what is inside, their faces suddenly turn extremely pale and they fell down on the ground. 

Even an old detective like Chen still couldn't help but trembling when he sees what is put inside of the gift box.

It is in the shape of a rose, with a woman's head placed in the center of the flower.

The placement is very particular, as the body has decomposed slightly over time.

This scene is extremely impactful. No wonder those two young police officers collapsed on the ground.

Then the staff of the Trace Inspection Department begin to work.

Max comes toward Chen and asks, "How did you find it out?"

Chen think about it and tells him about Alex.

"How do you think about it?" Max asks.


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