
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly discovers that his surroundings gets extremely strange after he woke up this morning and he realizes that he has an amazing experience of time-and space travel. There is only a diary beside him and he thinks that maybe this diary would answer his current confusion. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that the contents of that diary are extremely crazy and it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read carefully and figure it out , the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Horror
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68 Chs

Chapter 20 "Devil's Tears"

Alex carefully flips through the videos Tang filmed before her death. After watching them all, he did not find any suspicious points. However, he did not give it up immediately because he feels that he is getting closer and closer to the real truth.

Alex thinks about it and clicks into Tang's fan group where he has been for a long time. The original owner did not quit yet after his confession was rejected.

People in the fan group already knew about Tang's murder. There were all some insignificant mourning messages.

Alex quickly flips forward until he turns to the chat record on June 28. The fan group has the habit of recording the screen, so he clicks on the video and begins to watch it carefully.

Everything was fine at first, but the style changed in the middle. It can be seen that there were obviously black fans leading the rhythm. Although Tang deliberately showed an attitude of indifference, a closer look still showed that she was very unhappy. After a while, she went off the air.

Alex narrows her eyes. Well, Tang was in a bad mood on the day of the murder, and she did not show it obviously, so the police may not have noticed this, because it is normal for anchors to be blacked.

This is not the first time that Tang has been blacked. Someone has exposed her terrible behaviors flirting with many fishes in her net before.

But what if this is a purposeful blacking?

Alex picks up his phone again and looks through her daily photos. He sorts out seven check-in locations that she has visited repeatedly, indicating that she likes these places more.

Then Alex enters the fan group again and begins to look through the earlier chat records.

The sky gradually gets dark, but hard work pays off. He sorts out where Tang has been when she was in a bad mood before.

Combining the above seven locations, there are only two locations left in the end. Among them, there is also a place with a lot of tourists that could be excluded certainly, so there is only one left,

"Devil's Tears."

Alex knows where it is. This was once a very famous attraction here and it was a red lake. From the sky, it looked like a teardrop shape, and it was blood red, so it was called the Devil's Tears.

But this place has been abandoned, and almost no one goes there recently, because tourists who have been there feel cheated. Not only can they not see the shape of tears when they look at it up close, but the lake water is not the blood red in the photo, but a turbid brown. Over time, no one will go there.

It's already late today, so Alex decides to go and see it tomorrow.

The next day, Alex rides his motorcycle directly to the place. After more than an hour, he arrives at the destination. Looking at the very desolate scenic spot, he has another question. Why did Tang come here? In his opinion, there was nothing to see here.

Shaking his head, Alex ignores it and goes straight to the place where Tang filmed the video. He sees two rows of footprints on the ground, one large and one small, and they were side by side. They were obviously from a man and a woman, which makes him a little confused. If these two footprints were from Li and Tang, it means that she voluntarily followed Li at that time. How could this be possible?

Alex continues to walk forward along the footprints. About five minutes later, he comes to the crime scene. Looking at the large bloodstains on the ground and the messy scene, the two had a conflict here, and then Tang was killed. Alex observed this place carefully, very soon, he finds a murder weapon, which is a boning knife with blood stains on it.

Thinking of the murder weapon in the villa of Alex's parents, it is obvious that this knife was used by Li. The one used by the original owner has been taken away. After confirming this, Alex carefully checks it. There were many footprints, but it could be seen that they were all from one person. Did the original owner clean up his own traces so cleanly? He thought the original owner was quite powerful.

After a long time, Alex gets up, cleans his traces too and leaves after finding nothing else. It is too depressing to stay here, and he couldn't help but think of the cruel scene at that time.

Alex comes to the lake, looking at the brown water, he couldn't help but think of Tang, why did she come here? Is there any special meaning? And why did she come here with Li together?

When Alex returns home, he still doesn't understand these questions. He doesn't know why he feels that this place is hiding some secrets, and he wouldn't feel at ease unless he finds out that secret.

Alex frowns and thinks carefully about every detail of his time with Tang, but he didn't find anything. He couldn't help scratching his head, and his eyes catch Tang's address information, which shows this city. His eyes lit up,


Although Tang spoke Mandarin most of the time, she would occasionally speak a few words in dialect, and her accent didn't sound like local city person, but rather that of a county in the city, which was a problem.

Alex takes out his phone and finds a close friend of Tang. When he was pursuing Tang, they had dinner together and added each other as friends, but they didn't contact each other later. He remembered that this close friend and she were college classmates with Tang.

Alex sends a message, and after getting a response, he immediately calls her. He learns from her close friend that Tang was from Zhu County, and later made money and bought a house in this city, and then settled in here, so she changed all her information to become local city person.

Alex knows that Zhu County was a small county of Beijing city, and it would take about eight hours to drive there. He decides to go there to check and asks for a day off from his leader right now. The leader also knows that a murder has occurred near his home, and understands his feelings, so he approves it directly.

After hanging up the phone, Alex shakes his head, "Well, it's really a hard life, I'm truly difficult..."

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